Shine Bright

Yesterday was an interesting day at work! It started off fairly busy without much downtime. My morning flew by with charting and three hour-long patients. Then, two people canceled in the afternoon, giving me time to eat lunch and catch up on more charting before my final afternoon patient.

That’s all pretty standard. But then the power went out in my office and the one next door, where two of my coworkers sit. It was a utility failure! We could not get anything done in the pitch black… so we decided to take a quick walk outside and enjoy the bright sun. We decided to make the best of it!

By the time we came back, everything was up and running again. I thought I lost two of my notes, which were in progress, but thankfully, the computer saved them. I was glad I didn’t have to redo all my work!

An hour or so later, one of the managers walked by, warning us to save our work just in case. There was another (planned) power outage. Sure enough, a few minutes later, my screens went black again. I went to warm up my coffee, and by the time I returned, everything was back to normal.

I’m glad this didn’t happen when my patient was there. We had full power when she walked in a few minutes later!

Later, as I drank my coffee and charted on notes, I thought about ways to handle the unexpected things that pop up, such as challenges, failures, or inconveniences. God doesn’t expect us just to sit alone in the dark with a negative attitude. He wants to shine through us!

There are many ways to destress, such as talking with friends, taking a walk, making a warm drink, taking a nap, or journaling. Instead of being upset about all that’s wrong, we can be thankful for what’s going right.

But most of all, I am grateful for God’s presence and understanding. It’s good to pause and reconnect with God because He always meets us where we are! He graciously provides for all our needs.  

Regardless of the day’s adventures, we always have the opportunity to shine bright for Jesus!


God, thanks for all the ways You help us! Thanks for helping us make the best of daily stresses. May we shine bright and bring honor to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How has God shown up for you this week? Can you see His grace and provision?

Task: Reframe your next unexpected problem and see it through God’s lens.