Sensing God’s Presence

The heat is already setting in here in Fargo, so it seems Summer will soon be upon us! At the same time, that means Construction season is also here, so all the orange cones, neon clothing, and flashing lights are in view.

Really, I don’t mind, except when I have a detour that gets me lost or makes me late! But, sometimes, I just find a new way to get somewhere or enjoy a scenic route I would have otherwise missed. Either way, Spring and Summer help me be in tune with all my senses, which in turn, point me to God.

On my walks in to work from the parking lot, I hear motorcycles and other traffic, lawnmowers, birds chirping, etc. I am grateful for my hearing because I serve many Veterans who have lost some or all of their hearing.

I love seeing all the beautiful trees: red/pink crab apple, dogwood, and who knows the rest! I have also enjoyed the multicolored tulips,  green grass, blue sky, and yellow sun!

Free Flowers Petals photo and picture

We have also enjoyed tasting fresh veggies, salads, and fruit. Especially blueberries, watermelon, pineapple, or maybe even a fruit popsicle. Oh, I do love s’mores as well!

That reminds me of the smells associated with campfires and grilling. Also, I have had people give me fresh flowers two weeks in a row. Thanks to my family and the friend who gave them to me!

We mowed the lawn last week and felt some of the grass tickling the back of our legs (yes, it grew faster than I expected!). And, on Sunday, I spent time on the deck barefoot!

There are two other senses that often get overlooked. These are vestibular and proprioception. These are related to the sense of touch and involve movement and balance. For this example, Lydia and I have had fun playing outdoor games, riding bikes, and going for walks.

That makes me curious… how do you experience God in your day-to-day life? Where do you sense Him at work? Do you hear His voice… and listen? Do you see His hand moving in your circumstances, working everything for your good? Do you feel His love personally or through others? Do you taste the goodness and joy around you? Do you catch a whiff of His grace? You can use your imagination a little here, but it’s worth some serious thought!

Each of us may sense God differently, as He made us all unique, but His Truth stands firm. While seasons come and go, God never changes! He is our solid Rock, and according to Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” He is with us and for us always. May we find joy in the beauty around us, and may it lead us to Jesus!


God, thanks for designing me to yearn for You. Draw me near and speak to me in ways I can understand. Don’t let me miss what You are doing in my life. Let me join you and help serve others! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your responses to the questions above? How can you seek the Lord today?

Tasks: Watch this 3-minute video about the colors of creation. It goes through how our eyes perceive colors and how that changes throughout the day. God is an amazing Creator!!