Light of the World

Today is the winter solstice, or the shortest, darkest day of the year (so to speak). I don’t see a lot of daylight at work, but I like to take short walks to the nearest windows when I can!

We are getting more snow today, but this week has otherwise been below zero, beautiful and sunny! I love watching the snow fall, but I always pray before driving!

With all the snow and darkness lately, it’s easy to come home and stay cozy, not to go out and do anything or see anyone! (Or, maybe that’s just me as an introvert!)

Lydia and I have had several deep and heavy conversations in the last month or so. Perhaps that’s because of all the memories we celebrate in this season. From her birthday in November to my wedding anniversary in early January, we have a lot on our hearts and minds.

Free photos of Candle

One thing I love is our ongoing discussion about being empty or full. It has given Lydia words to describe her feelings, and then we have been applying God’s word to her situation. This book is a helpful tool to get to the heart of the matter.

Well, I hope you are eager with anticipation for Christmas! We have hope in Jesus, and He is truly the best gift. However, if you are feeling a little sad with grief, or a bit nervous about Christmas celebrations (for any number of reasons!), or… If you aren’t sure how you are feeling, that’s okay!

This week, it has taken me longer to get home after work. Monday night, I was on the road for an hour, at least 15 minutes at one stop light! There was a minor accident and snowy weather. The streetlights were helpful, but so was the Christmas music! I made the best of it, knowing the Lord was keeping me safe. It seemed like a God-given opportunity to stage a worship session in my car! God was glorified in my wait.

Sometimes, the dark nights seem to last forever. But you know what?! Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)!

When we face darkness (real or metaphorical), we can always call out to Jesus, the Light of the World. He steps down in our darkness and brightens up our world. He shows us the path to take and also walks with us on it. He is my go-to when making decisions!

Sometimes, Jesus sits with us until things feel better. Sometimes, He shares the Truth with us or shows us an area where we need to grow. Both are illuminated with His love and grace. I’m grateful He understands.


Lord Jesus, we praise You for being the Light of the World! Thanks for clarifying what is on our hearts and minds, bringing peace. Thanks for brightening our world and walking with us every day. Help us spread Your light and love to others. In Your name, Amen

Questions: Are you ready for Christmas? What are you looking forward to? What are you a little nervous about?

Tasks: Turn your car into a worship booth! Crank up the Christmas music… you can start with this song by Lauren Daigle!