As Close As You Want To Be

Three separate, somewhat random sayings came to me yesterday morning while I was getting ready for work.

You are only as close to God as you want to be.

If you want what they have, are you willing to do what they did to get it?

Comparison is the thief of joy.

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Here’s the short backstory: I was thinking about a picture I saw recently filled with some great people I don’t know very well… Well, this is off to a good start, right?!

Even though I have tried to get to know them better at various times, we just run in different social circles. I’m sure it’s nothing personal, and they are kind when we happen to run into each other. They are just busy serving God and going about their days, as am I. 

Still, for a split second, I started to compare my walk with God with how I perceived theirs must be. Perhaps they pray more or read their Bible more… If I were more spiritual, maybe I could… 

STOP. Thankfully, I nixed that game before it got out of hand!

While each of the three phrases is noteworthy on its own, yesterday, they somehow all seemed to converge together. For me, they felt like a personal reminder, or perhaps a timely challenge. So here goes!

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You are only as close to God as you want to be. God is never far from us, though sometimes we feel like He is nowhere to be found. The good news is that’s simply not true. Our emotions can change quickly, but the Lord is always faithful, steady. Nonetheless, connecting with God takes time, effort, and intention. Thankfully, He is infinitely patient and wise. Yes, God makes Himself known to those who seek Him and want to know Him.

Gut check: Are you just skimping by on quick, little prayers and random online Bible quotes, or are you really digging deep into God’s Word? Do you come to Jesus several times a day, or just on Sunday mornings? Do you run to Him first, or as a last resort?

If you want what they have, are you willing to do what they did to get it? This one could be a bit convicting, though it doesn’t have to be. Perhaps those people are praying more than me or reading their Bibles more than me. That’s wonderful… if it’s true. I really can’t know for sure, and I am not responsible for them. Besides, I don’t know all the sacrifices they have had to make!

I am only in charge of what God has put on my plate, and I can rest in that freedom. When I consider all that is, well, He must think I am pretty capable. I don’t have it all together, but neither do the people in that photo. The little I know them, I’m pretty sure they would agree.

Gut check: I can only do my best, but am I actually doing my best? Or could I do better? Spiritually, how does this look? Am I willing to sacrifice more, or do I need to be content with my resources and limitations?

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And finally… Comparison is the thief of joy. This adage is so true. Thankfully, I caught those thoughts and bent them toward making me better, not bitter.

Of course, life isn’t automatically easy for anyone. Perhaps the grass is greener on the other side because they are watering the grass. Or, perhaps God decided to bless them with rain, so they could focus on other things He has asked them to do. Both situations require a decent amount of God’s grace, plus a good deal of faith and a whole lotta elbow grease. 

Gut check: Am I spending adequate time with Jesus, letting Him be my all in all? Am I being obedient and walking in peace? Or am I getting sidetracked with sin and/or envy? 

Ultimately, I don’t have to compare my life or walk with Jesus to anyone else’s. I just need to stay close to Jesus and walk humbly with Him, grateful for where I am at this moment. He is so good and has good things in store for me!!


God, thanks for all the wonderful ways You have blessed me. Help me not take You for granted, but put You above all else. Help me have a good attitude, think the best of others, and do what you have called me to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Which of those phrases stood out to you today? How can you apply them in your life?

Task: If you are feeling far away from the Lord, reconnect with Him this very moment! He draws close to those who draw close to Him (James 4:8). Don’t delay; just come as you are!