Protect, Provide, and Prepare

Once again, I have been thinking of all the ways God protects us. Sometimes we are aware of His mercy and grace but often we have no clue.

For instance, a while back, I was backing out of my parking space after work and was thinking about the upcoming errands for my evening. I braked and then saw the car parked directly behind me… in my rearview mirror. I did not get out to see just how close I was, but I could have easily hit the car if I had kept going in reverse.

I had no idea it was that close… obviously, I wasn’t paying attention because my mind was elsewhere. I do have a good backup camera, but since I park in a less busy lot, I didn’t put it all together that there would be a car “so close.” (All the other vehicles were nowhere near me.)

But I immediately thanked God and praised Him for watching out for me. He protected me and the other person’s car, too!

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Of course, God’s protection doesn’t always mean no trouble or lack of challenges. As you may recall, in May, I had someone my driver’s side mirror. But even then, God protected me and my car.

Thankfully, the damage was contained to only a small area. It could have been so much worse. Like if you’re going to have your car hit by someone, that’s the best possible scenario!

And, the other person paid for the damage that very day. It took about ten days to get it fixed, but I was able to drive it in the meantime. I could see God’s hand at work, even though I was unaware of how it all would play out. He is a good Provider!

That made me consider how many times God prepares us in advance for certain challenges. Only He could then uses those victories to build us up for the next challenge!

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How does God protect, provide for, and/or prepare you? Three things come to my mind, but there are so many more! I’d love to know your thoughts, too!

1) God protects us from and prepares us for unknown circumstances. This might include getting a medical test for one reason and catching another illness early while it is still treatable. Note: It may not work that way for someone you know, but God is no less good. He is still in control and has a plan and purpose for the pain!

2) Sometimes, God steps in and stops or promotes a decision outside of your control. (Case in point: A few months ago, I faced a tough decision that was already made in my favor by the time I showed up.)

3) God protects us and prepares us by using the people in our lives, too. Some people rotate in and out, while some stick around. And some circle back at a different time! But, ultimately, He works these relationships out for our good, which often means growth and refining.

One final example: Last weekend, I needed to change a light bulb in the garage. It was a 48″ fluorescent one, and my arms don’t extend that far! I was three rungs up on a ladder and kept getting down to try another angle. Not my favorite thing! I had a hunch that Lydia would come find me and scare me by accident. Sure enough, I soon heard her on the other side of the door getting her shoes. Thank You, God, for the heads up!

So, I paused and called to her. She came outside and I reminded her to stay back. We then prayed that I could get the light in both sockets without falling. Praise God, I did it!

At the end of the day, there are countless ways God protects, provides for, and/or prepares us. Regardless of what happens in our lives, if we are on God’s side, we can trust He will work everything out for our good and His glory. That’s a promise in Romans 8:28!


God, thanks for all Your goodness to us! Lord, we only see a small part of what You do every day. Lord, help us become aware as we learn to trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is one example of how God worked things out for you recently? Did He protect you outright or prepare you to walk through the challenge?

Tasks: Make a list of how God is working in your life lately! Listen to “For the Good,” by Riley Clemmons.