Red Sea Rescue

Reading through God’s word again this year means I am now in Exodus! This is always a great read, though it can be intense reading about Pharaoh’s evil heart and how he put his whole nation against God and led them into judgment.

Still, the story is more about God’s power and love for His people. The nation of Israel waited hundreds of years for God to rescue them, and I’m sure it must’ve felt like He was never going to come through for them. But, He always keeps His promises!

God rescued His people at just the right time (Exodus 2:24-25). Then, He led them through the desert as an alternating pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Despite their almost immediate grumbling, complaining, and greediness (manna and quail), He still showed them grace.

Sand, Beach, Ocean, Water, Footprints, Beach Sand

And, when they faced certain death from the Egyptians at the Red Sea, God made a way for them. Not only did He part the waters and kill the Egyptians, He already had the plan in place before He moved on their behalf. (He created the Red Sea and led them to it, after all!)

Exodus 14:14 (NLT) says, “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Some other versions say to be silent or to be still. But, while God did the heavy work, Israel still had to choose to obey Him and pick up their feet. They couldn’t remain ‘statues’ of fear. They had to move forward and do what He said. Notice they were told to walk; they were not told to swim across.

It’s sometimes easy to roll our eyes at the Israelites and question how they could possibly doubt God’s love and provision for them. But, we do the same thing!

Red Sea, Coast, Egypt, Water, Travel, Beach, Landscape

On Monday, I heard the song, “Egypt,” by Cory Asbury. It felt like perfect timing, as it coincided with my reading and reminded me how much God has done for me.

He steps in to protect me daily, even when I don’t perceive Him or thank Him. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Psalm 23) and prepares me for what lies ahead. 

God will move Heaven and Earth to do whatever it takes to rescue me, not so I can do whatever I want, but so I can worship Him and do what He created me to do.

Like Joyce Meyer writes in her book, Battlefield of the Mind, we have to take control of our emotions and take our thoughts captive. Otherwise, we will stay stuck in the wilderness like the Israelites did and never reach the Promised Land. Yes, eventually, even God was tired of their complaining!!

Jesus is our Rescuer, and every Victory is His! No matter what happens, He is trustworthy and always on time… So, stay calm. God’s got this, and He is leading you to freedom!


God, thank You for rescuing us and for doing all the work for us.

Questions: What is your “Red Sea Rescue” story? Can you see all the ways God has brought you through?

Tasks: Listen to the song linked above and check out the book, too! Then, listen to this message (Q &A) by Joyce Meyer!