Never Stop Learning

Sometimes there are those moments where you realize, “God’s not done with me yet.” Perhaps you survived a life-threatening event, or perhaps it’s just that you have more to learn. I’m sure there are many instances in between these two examples!!

In my case, lately, I have been learning more about all sorts of topics. These include health, nutrition, cooking, and also God’s Word, the Bible. I have even been playing around with calligraphy, painting and photography, too… nothing to show, just learning more about them!

I have also seen little reminders that I need to be vigilant against fear. If you have read my book, you’ll know I handle this much better now. Nonetheless, fear is subtle and I have to constantly be on guard and ready to defeat lies with the Truth.

No worries! Choosing faith over fear is just part of the life to which God is calling us.

Math, Blackboard, Education, Classroom, Chalkboard

Case in point: Have you ever felt like a challenge you are facing is a “perfect storm” situation? Like the situation evolved so “only you” can make a difference, or the battle is yours to lose? Like the situation was designed according to your fears or the problems you face?

I understand, and I am thankful that God Himself helps us carry the burden. But maybe you could think about it this way: Perhaps the problem is tailored to your strengths, to show what you know, so you can become more of who God made you to be.

And, if God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? Failure isn’t really final if we acquire knowledge and skill. So hang in there!

It seems God lets us walk through trials so He can test us. He sees our gut reactions and if we are relying on Him or ourselves. He “proves” our heart to see if it is still tender and obedient, malleable to His will.

Yes, God uses these challenges to stretch us and prepare us for greater things. And, you know what? He walks through them with us.

I believe we can learn from anyone in any circumstance, what to do or not to do. I often learn from Lydia! One day, she came to me and said, “Mom, did you know the word ‘realize’ is like ‘real eyes’? I loved that she came up with that fitting way of explaining it!

My interpretation of Lydia’s insight is this: When we see our circumstances through our real eyes, that is God’s perspective and Truth, we will realize just how much He loves us and cares for us. He’s not done with us yet!

Our Heavenly Father is our Teacher, Protector, and Provider. He is infinite so there is always something to learn! Every day, we have new opportunities to go deeper with Jesus!


God, thanks for Your patience in teaching me. Help me rely on You in every circumstance. Help me grow and learn so I am not found lacking. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is God teaching you right now? What are you doing about that?

Task: Listen to the song, “God’s Not Done with You,” by Tauren Wells. Everyone learns at different paces, so what seems basic to you might seem life-changing for someone else. Maybe that you are struggling with someone else sailed through. Let’s bring encouragement and support!