Be Bold, Be Brave

I have a friend who recently took a step back from what she was doing to go in a new direction. Society sometimes tells us what to do or not do, but I am proud of my friend for listening to her heart and following her dream.

God can do far more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

But still, it takes guts to go against the grain!

Lake, Mountains, Banff National Park, Islet, Bank

A blessing for her and for anyone who dares to trust God for greater things:

Be bold, be brave! Remember, God is with you and for you!

He is more than able to provide for you with the riches of His grace.

All good gifts come from God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Breakthrough is coming.

Following God’s plan is sometimes difficult… but it is always worth it.

Work as if it depends on You, and pray as if it depends on Him.

Then, receive what He has for you. He is faithful.

Breakthrough is coming.

Whatever happens, it has passed through God’s hands first.

No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

What is for you… is for you. He will give you everything you need. Trust in Him.

Breakthrough is coming.

Don’t be afraid. Do the difficult thing.

God will help you through it and redeem any pain along the way.

Have courage and be willing to try something new.

Breakthrough is coming.

Lay aside your expectations and stand in faith, knowing God’s plan is best.

It may turn out different than you thought, but He will never let you down.

Rest in Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. He’s got this.

Breakthrough is here.


God, You are King of our hearts and the God of breakthroughs. Nothing is impossible for You! Help us trust You for greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you ever done something so big and life-changing that the only option was to trust God? Looking back, can you see His faithfulness?

Tasks: Print out this blessing and tape it to your mirror, or make your own!