Like Ants or Amoebas

This past week, Lydia and I flew to Chicago and stayed overnight with my sister’s family. Then, we all drove together to northwestern Ohio to see family for my aunt’s birthday. The party was fabulous, and we loved the dueling pianos!

It was extra special since it was the first time my parents and all my siblings have been together in close to three years! We are now spread out over several time zones, plus we have work and family responsibilities, which can be a challenge to show up all at the same time and place. I’m grateful for calls, texts, and Zoom, but meeting in person is best!

On our way back to Fargo, I let Lydia have the window seat on both flights. She loves looking out the window, and in a small way, I am shielding her from potential trouble by keeping her tucked out of the way. She really enjoys watching earth fade away and then grow close again. The picture above shows Lake Michigan and beyond!

Monday was a beautiful, sunny day, and we watched the lush green Ohio countryside grow into a patchwork quilt of trees and farmland. It was so pretty. We watched river and lakes shine back their reflection to the sky. Stunning!

We saw whole communities spread out before us. We even saw tiny little cars driving along the road. Lydia and I both agreed they looked about the size of ants! 

Then, we had a cool conversation about God. We talked about how people are even smaller than cars, and we wondered just how tiny we must look to God. If you watch this video (below) from the airplane, you’ll see a couple tiny cars! 

Isn’t it cool to think about? God is SO much greater than us, and as our Holy Creator, He so far above us. Heaven is far beyond our flight pattern! Yet, at the same time, God is right here with us. Before us, after us, within us, all around us. Mindblowing!

Our problems really must seem insignificant to God, yet He still cares about every little detail of our lives. Perhaps my problems appear like ants… or microscopic amoebas to God! No worries, He’s got this!

Indeed, a good vacation can remind me that my problems aren’t that important. Time away doesn’t make problems disappear, but when I return, I see they carried on just fine without me! Still, I am grateful for the break!

Jesus ascended in the clouds, and that’s how He will return, too. Whatever problems are on your mind today, trust God. He rides upon the wind and speaks peace to the waves. He calms the storm and controls the weather. He sustains us and takes good care of us, too!


God, be praised, forever and always! Thanks for the reminder that I don’t have to handle all my burden on my own. God, thanks that You are with me and for me. Help me keep my problems in the right perspective. Help me trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When going on vacation, do you prefer to drive or fly? Where is your favorite place to visit?

Tasks: Consider how great our magnificent God is and how small we are. Watch this video by Louie Giglio about our awesome Creator and Father and Sustainer.