Finding Grace #211

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

What a wild week this has been! I definitely felt some anxiety this week but also felt God’s grace surround me. We are doing well, overall, and the stress mostly came from plans changing every five minutes with new coronavirus information. Lydia’s daycare sent out several emails with important updates, and it was difficult to keep up. They did their best, and I am thankful. The guidelines they also received kept changing, hence all the emails.

It is a little difficult to know if I should keep working right now, but while we still have daycare, I feel it is God’s provision. As a healthcare provider, I want to do my part, and trust God to take care of us. But if (when?) daycare is no longer available, I will take that as His guidance to stay home. I’m just rolling with it! Lydia and I do still follow all the CDC guidelines for washing hands, maintaining social distance as best we can, and not running unnecessary errands.

This pandemic has caused many disruptions to everyone’s plans, mine included. I had hoped to travel to Illinois to see family next weekend. However, after some discussion, we all decided it wasn’t worth the risk of getting each other sick. While it is certainly sad to miss out, canceling our plans became an act of love. Plus, I would have probably been in quarantine for two weeks when I returned so as not to bring the illness to work. It is wisest to stay put and help “flatten the curve.”

This week, on the days we stayed home, we watched “Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems.”It was quite moving to watch this author/illustrator take time to connect with his young audience. He shared old files and drawings, answered fan mail, and taught the kids how to draw some of his beloved characters. He also addressed certain emotions, such as being nervous, anxious, and stressed and how we can rely on each other. It was therapeutic for me, too, and he reminded me a little of Mr. Rogers.

On Friday, we picked up Lydia’s school supplies in case they don’t return. Our state is going to start online classwork in the near future. It made me a little sad that the kids will miss out on time together, but I also understand why this is important. I overheard Lydia telling herself she can’t wait to see her friends again. This has been an adjustment for everyone.

Still, Lydia has been such a trooper this week. Her daycare met in two different locations, with another one next week (to maximize resources). Also, being a strong reader, she unknowingly picked up a children’s book on grief. I was unaware until I came upstairs and found her crying. We talked about Dave, Heaven, Jesus, and why bad things happen.

Among many positive other things, I noticed that Lydia got her teeth cleaned, her braces off, and received her retainer before her orthodontist and dentist shut down for the next three weeks. I’m grateful that all the hard work was not “undone” during this time.

I LOVED connecting with friends and family via phone and various video chatting platforms today. I even did a few online meetings (not for work). I am grateful for technology this week! We will get through this together!

That said, this week, I “unplugged” from the news and social media at times. Nonetheless, I read heartwarming stories online, of how people are helping and encouraging each other. I pray that instead of panic, God’s overwhelming peace will reign in our hearts. He’s got this!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!