I Will Call Upon the Lord!

We all face many distractions every day. That’s nothing new! But if we’re not careful, one distraction leads to another and another. Before long, we are completely off track.

Recently I noticed a little trail of personal distractions. I was getting ready for my day but answered a text on my phone. From there, a social media article led to a funny meme, and then a short video. Thankfully, I took control of myself before I was late for a meeting!

Here is how I switched gears so quickly: I started singing a random worship song! First, just the same phrase over and over because I didn’t have a song in mind ready to go. The lyrics just burst out!

But, then lyrics from other songs came to me, too. I noticed it was effective, and so I just kept singing God’s praises. It was refreshing!

I sang parts of several songs as they came to me. It was a fun experiment as I tried to remember each song. Some were phrases or choruses from old Sunday school songs I learned as a child, and some were newer songs we currently sing at church. Camp songs, hymns, songs from the radio–anything was game! 

Soon, I noticed an improvement in both my focus and my mood!

If you’re feeling creative, you can even add a melody to prayers and Scripture. In fact, many of the Psalms started off that way. Music helps us connect with God’s heart!

**If you have time, check out this website, Every Psalm. A husband and wife duo are arranging music for and singing (you guessed it) every Psalm!**

You don’t have to have an instrument or a ‘good’ voice in order to sing and worship. Actually, God made you unique on purpose. No one can praise Him like you!

Really, just about anything can be turned into a song! (Case in point: Here is a Carpool Karaoke episode of Jennifer Hudson singing James Corden’s fast-food order!)

There are several good ways to deal with distractions. That may include reframing our expectations, adjusting our schedule, and setting boundaries. Social media, for example, can actually be a good thing if it is used wisely. Right time, right place, right content.

However you handle distractions, we can always call upon the Lord! Jesus never leaves us, but if we’re not paying attention, we can lose track of Him in our lives. Indeed, it blesses the Lord when we invite Him into our day. And, each time we ask Him for help, we receive His power and perspective. We can soak up His love, joy, and peace, too!


God, be praised! Thanks for putting a new song in my heart! Thanks that I can call upon You in every single circumstance. You are always with me. Help me stay focused on You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you noticed any patterns that cause you to become distracted? Comparison to others? Fatigue? Time of day? Stress? Too many projects?

Tasks: Plan regular breaks during your day to check social media or whatever is taking your attention; then put it away and get back to work! 🙂 To help eliminate distractions, review the apps on your phone and delete those you are not using. Keep your phone on silent as much as possible. It really helps!