The Beauty of Fractals

Recently, I requested and received feedback for a project I’ve been working on. My project was reviewed, and in due time, I was told it is “middling.”

Mediocre, so-so, and average are synonyms for this word. Perhaps the feedback was meant as constructive criticism, but at the time, it really hurt.

It’s not that I disagreed. I intentionally try to keep things simple! I purposely try to ‘make plain’ difficult concepts and help people understand so they can take effective action.

So, to help me deal with my initial reaction, I prayed about it. Thankfully, I realized one person doesn’t have the final say on my project. There are several other factors to consider. 

I shouldn’t disregard the feedback entirely, and I do need to make some changes. But regardless of what happens, I shouldn’t stress about other people’s expectations.

I will do my best, but I don’t need to impress people by ‘glamorizing’ my project. It’s just not who I am. In fact, I often get lost in the details and suspect many others do, too.

I have decided if my project brings me joy, that is a good indicator I am on the right track. I believe God is pleased with my project, and my joy is just as important as my effort.

Around the same time, I learned more about another topic, called “fractal geometry.” This is the real-world application of mathematic principles.

For instance, there are formulas to calculate how much space comprises a cone or pyramid. Traditional geometry works great in theory, but a mountain is not a true cone or pyramid. It has crags and is otherwise ‘misshapen.’ 

Thus, fractal geometry allows us to adjust and use the information to meet our needs. There is much beauty in the asymmetry and imperfection of fractals.

Every coastline has nonlinear jags and is constantly changing thanks to erosion. Also, tree bark is not an exact sphere, and neither branches nor leaves are spaced evenly. In fact, each tree species has its own special pattern that defies theoretical calculations.

Snowflakes, rivers, and blood vessels have fractal qualities, too. So do we!

God has designed us each uniquely. Thus, we really can’t compare one of us to another.

Each of us was designed by God to live for Him and bring Him praise. But each of us does that differently. Even if we sing the same song, our voices are different. And, the gratitude with which we sing is also unique to the challenges we have faced.

Together, my small group ladies read the YouVersion devotional called, “Double Blessing.” It is based on the new book by Mark Batterson. The author mentioned the complexity of fractals and something called a Mandelbrot set.

Mr. Batterson also explained how in Lamentations 3:22-23, it says God’s mercies are new every morning, but that word “new” also implies “different” mercies. There are no repeats. God always matches His mercies to our individual circumstances and obstacles.

Even if we do similar things every day, the pattern is always slightly different. God meets us there and provides His mercy and grace in just the right amount. No two days or experiences are exactly alike. Isn’t that amazing?!

I don’t know what your circumstances are today. I hope everything is going well for you, but even if it’s not, I pray you will trust in God’s mercies.

Perhaps, like me, you have been told you aren’t good at something. But that doesn’t mean you are good at nothing. If God has called you to do something for Him, He will provide the ideas, skills, resources, and perfect timing. Trust Him!

That doesn’t mean everything will come easy to you. If it’s worth doing, it will likely take hard work, diligence, and perseverance. But, God will help you and give you the ability!

God has a good, specially-designed purpose for you! Of course, Life is full of random expectations and hoops to jump through, but you don’t have to live for other people’s feedback. Sift through what is necessary and adjust your own expectations. Then, walk in your God-given strengths and trust Him to cover Your weaknesses. He is faithful!

As long as you are doing your best, don’t worry about proving yourself. Just follow Jesus, and He will take care of the rest. He will empower you to walk in His plan.

Remember, God’s mercies are both new and different every day. There is always enough time and grace to live for Him. His love never fails!


Heavenly Father, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Please help me live for your approval only. Help me wisely discern the feedback I receive. Help me walk the unique path You have designed for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How can you praise God in a way no one else can? Does the concept of fractals change anything for you?

Tasks: Start looking for ‘fractals’ in everyday life! They are all around us! Praise God for all the ways He works in your life. Write down how He has been faithful to you!