Finding Grace #186

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was an exciting week!

Work was very busy at times, but also very fulfilling. I am having fun and still learning so much. I feel like I am growing and right where I need to be. Thank You, Jesus!

On Tuesday, a friend volunteered to mow for me. I really have appreciated the help lately, especially because of my current work schedule. It has taken some of the pressure off me to get everything done as Lydia and I ease into this new season! Thank you!

I had several well-timed conversations with people this week. I often have big decisions, deadlines, and questions along the way.  God directed my path and I literally ran into some key people who helped provide valuable input for my current tasks.

God has continually answered big prayers in the last year or so. I saw Him move in more ways this week and am so grateful. He is soooo good to me!

Today, I caught up around the house and prepared for the next week. I paid some bills, cleaned a little, and finished seasonal tasks outside. I put away the deck furniture, organized the garage, and even put up the outdoor Christmas lights. It was good to take advantage of the beautiful weather while it lasts!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!