Finding Grace #367

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Rapids River photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a busy week, but it all worked out in God’s timing! I covered the first part of the week in my Wednesday blog.

All my early prep work on Tuesday afternoon paid off because my Wednesday morning tax appointment was the fastest one yet. I had everything laid out, and we were done in about twenty-five minutes! Years ago, when life was simpler, I did my own taxes. But now, there are just too many factors, and I appreciate the professionals making sure I don’t miss something important. Hiring help is a gift to myself!

Wednesday night, I stayed up late organizing for a couple hours. I bought some shelving for the laundry room and containers to help me corral items in my kitchen cupboards. It felt good to put things in place, which also gave me peace of mind!

On Thursday morning, Lydia had an appointment, and then we went to get a Caribou drink. We don’t do that often, but it was close and we had the time! Woohoo! I love not having to rush. Then, we ran some extra cardboard to the recycling center and went home to do a little cleaning.

Thursday afternoon, my electrician neighbor came over again. This time, he installed two new lights in our upstairs bathroom. I bought them online to replace the old bathroom lights, which were thirteen years and rusty from all the humidity. He worked for an hour and saved me several hours of trying to figure it out! He did not charge me; he said he was just being neighborly, and they are easy for him. Maybe I can do something nice for his family later!

On Friday, I had a morning meeting and an afternoon car maintenance appointment. My car has 90,000+ miles and is still going strong! It’s hard to believe I’ve had it for ten years now. Lydia hung out with a friend and ended up having a sleepover at her house.

With all the busyness and excitement of this week, we just rested today. I had a good workout, then caught up with an audiobook and a movie. Later, Lydia and I both did a little reading. This week was the most relaxed I have been in months! Thank You, Jesus!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Rest Among Busyness

Well, it’s another full week and I can already see God’s grace at play. It happens to be Spring Break (Wed-Fri). That said, I took the time off to spend with Lydia, but also scheduled five, maybe six, routine appointments for the week!

I could have spread out the appointments over the next several weeks, but I thought it was best to take advantage of the timing. For example, I am getting my taxes done and getting my oil changed (plus some car maintenance). Also, Lydia has a quick appointment where I won’t have to take her out of school. I will try to work on some organizing projects around the house, too.

I worked Monday and Tuesday, though I left early yesterday because Lydia wasn’t feeling well at school. We did meet the very helpful school nurse, so that was a bonus! Lydia is fine overall, but her POTS got the best of her. It was good for her to rest.

Free Time Work photo and picture

I left her at home for a few minutes while I went to her parent-teacher conference alone. It hit me as I walked through the book fair: it was our last conference and book fair in that school. Next fall will be completely different!

As I waited for my turn, I talked with my neighbor boys in the hallway (waiting for their parents). It was so good to catch up with them, as I heard all they are interested in. I offered condolences on the recent death of their cat, and one of them offered to help clear my snow sometime. It was refreshing as I have known them for all these years, and they are still as friendly as ever!

Lydia’s conference went well, as I expected. I can’t help but get a little emotional, though, and yesterday was no different. I tend to become rather reflective.

It’s good to hear how well Lydia is doing, but I also see how much she has grown and learned. Time is going so fast! I am grateful God has entrusted me with her, and I think of how Dave would be so proud. I also think about how much he is missing, though I am confident God will make it up to all of us in Heaven.

Lydia has been missing Dave a lot lately, even wearing some of his clothes around the house. She is so much like him, and we talk about him often. In fact, two months from today, we will be celebrating his life and us making it ten years without him.

That’s hard to believe, but God has carried us all this time. I appreciate the friends who have reached out to offer support, most often unaware of how we have been feeling. Isn’t God good like that?!

Free Lists To Do illustration and picture

In addition to the appointments coming up this week, I told a friend how I had four specific things to accomplish last night after the school conference, including my tax prep work and blog. The most time-consuming was probably the tax prep because I wanted to review an entire year’s worth of data (which I had to find and download first!).

While I wasn’t happy Lydia was sick, God graciously gave me a few extra hours to work on my taxes yesterday before the appointment this morning. I didn’t want to show up completely unprepared, but I hadn’t been able to get to it until then. Whew!

And, that made it so I had a little more flexibility with the other items on my to-do list. Lydia and I even enjoyed watching the movie, “Annie,” which was the perfect way to start off our break together! It was fun hearing a lot of the famous songs and one-liners. The song, “Tomorrow,” is always encouraging on its own!

While all of this may just seem like a lot of busyness (even with important appointments), I have spaced them out, so we are not rushing. Instead, I will stay focused on God and let Him redeem our time. He helps me prioritize.

May we all stay close to the Lord and rest in Him, even when life gets a little hectic.


Gracious Father, thanks for all Your love and care. You are so good to us! Thanks for taking such good care of us and guiding our steps. Help us to rest in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How do you see God at work in your life this week?

Task: Despite your busyness, stay close to God. He’s our Shepherd and Guide! He will make sure you get the most important things done in due time.

Finding Grace #366

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Sunlight Tree photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun week all around!

Monday and Tuesday were slower at work, so I was able to stay on top of my charting. Then, on Wednesday, we celebrated RDN day with soup, salad, and breadsticks from Olive Garden. We also had fruit pizzas for dessert and played a fun game. We tried to guess which facts matched each coworker. We were laughing so much and learned quite a bit about each other. It was so refreshing and made me love my job even more.

On Thursday, we had a TPN training, which reminded me of when Dave needed this source of feeding through the veins. I wasn’t sad, just reflective. We also had a teambuilding game with Oreos and sampled various flavors. Just for fun. Afterall, you don’t want to end up with a bag you don’t like! I think I will stick with either plain or just Mint Oreos, on occasion. 😉

That evening, one of my neighbors came over to help with a GFCI outlet in the kitchen. It was affecting four other outlets. We first noticed two Sundays ago, but it had taken me awhile to decide what to do. I can fix small things around the house, but this one made me nervous. Turns out there were five wires to connect! I hadn’t met this neighbor, but I do see his wife and kids at the bus stop several days a week. It’s funny because he is very friendly and I had no clue he was an electrician until lately! And, he is going to come back again soon and help me update/replace two bathroom lights that are getting rusty. God provided someone right when I needed it!

On Friday, I had a busy morning at work and needed to stay a couple of extra hours to get things done. But, that meant I got to stay for a birthday celebration (cake and ice cream). This was definitely an unusual week – we don’t have treats that often, let alone three days in a row! We were joking that it was a really good week to be at work!

Yesterday after work, I ran some errands knowing today was going to be another blizzardy day. I picked up a lot of fresh veggies (gotta balance out the treats!). Lydia asked if she could help me cut them up. We had fun chopping, cooking, and listening to Oldies music. By my estimate, she saved me a couple hours in the kitchen which was much appreciated! I’m grateful for my helpful girl!

Today, we stayed home and mostly relaxed since Lydia saved me so much time last night. I did a little housework but mostly we just enjoyed the snowy day!

Don’t forget to turn back your clocks for Daylight Savings Time tonight!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

In Search of Good News

It may be March 1st, but we have another snowstorm in Fargo! It’s not the end of the world, and I know Spring is right around the corner. At least on the calendar – practically speaking, it’s still a couple of months away at this latitude. It takes a while to warm up and for all the snow to melt!

I was thinking about what to write for today’s blog post and was stuck between two half-processed ideas. I just wasn’t feeling them. They still need time to marinate, I guess!

So, I went online to catch up with some articles. I usually have a lot of tabs open but never seem to find time to finish reading! In the process, I clicked open my browser, which shows the latest news. So, I had to check that out first!

Honestly, most of the ‘news’ these days isn’t all that enticing. Some of it is just click-bait, gimmicky stuff. Soooo much unnecessary drama… I also didn’t feel like reading something heavy, such as war or politics (although they are important). And, I wasn’t really interested in shopping for deals. Been there, done that.

No, I was in search of flat-out good news. Life is pretty busy right now, and March usually picks up even more. So, my mind is on overload. I needed something lighthearted to make me smile. Not necessarily an escape, just motivation to keep moving forward.

Free Coffee Magazine photo and picture

Success! I found a video of the Princess of Wales accepting some flowers from a toddler. Her genuine response and accent brightened my mood. I also read about a family welcoming home a soldier. I read through some healthy plant-based recipes (which helped me feel creative!). And, then I took a cue from Lydia and watched… cute puppy videos. 🙂

During the short time I spent writing this, I remembered a friend’s mom needed prayer. And, I reached out to some loved ones who live near an accident to make sure they are okay (sad news I read online). My heart was filled with concern.

Then, I thought about Jesus and the Good News He brings. Indeed, God is the Source of all good things, and He is the very definition of Good. Our perspective changes when we focus on Jesus!

God covers us with His grace even when we are completely unaware. Like, we literally cannot fathom all the good things He does for us and the crazy things He shields us from.

Grace upon grace. Mercy and forgiveness. Good news upon good news. His free gift.

If you could use a little encouragement in your life today, here is the best news possible: God loves you and is with you right now. He has a special plan for your life. You matter. God has not forgotten about you. He is for you and has good things in store for You. You can trust Him completely. He’s got you covered!

There are no gimmicks with God. Life is good because God is good. There will be some challenging days, sure, but we can get through them with His help!


God, thanks for showing us Your perfect Grace and Truth. Thanks for being the standard we live by, not the world’s drama or our emotions. Help us share Your light with those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your favorite topics to read about or watch? What brings you joy online? Does it uplift you and turn your heart toward Jesus?

Tasks: Check out this website, full of good news! Thank God for all the ways He loves you!

Finding Grace #326

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Spring

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week overall!

On Sunday, we went to the Fargo National Cemetary to see the graves of our local heroes. The veteran cemetery has been open since late 2019. It was a cool experience and Lydia had several good questions.

 Work was busy as usual, yet was even wilder because a few people were gone unexpectedly! So, it was a shorter week (due to Memorial Day on Monday), but we had a lot of coverage needs, which kept us hopping. It was funny because we need to switch things around sometimes last minute. It all went fine, though, and we even pulled it all together to celebrate a coworker’s amazing 30 years of federal service!

I got my car mirror fixed yesterday, and it looks great. They offered me a ride home since I live a little over two miles away. But, I decided to walk both ways since it was a pretty day. I saw some cute dogs and listened to some audiobooks along the way! It was a fun experience and worth the long walk!

Today, I was on-call for work and did get called in for a couple of consults. They were pretty straightforward, so I was grateful. Then, I went home and spent most of the afternoon outside. I put a fresh coat of paint on some benches and did a little work on the deck.

While I was outside, I saw a juvenile robin in the grass who still had some of its downy feathers and speckled breast (similar to the pic above). At first, it scared me since I thought it was a mouse! But, over the course of two hours, I watched it move around the yard as it cheeped. Sometimes, it sat with its mouth wide open and waited alone. Occasionally, I would see its parents close by. I took some pictures but stayed a safe distance away. It was so cool to see the little fledgling! 


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Go With the Flow

Last weekend, Lydia and I took a little road trip a few hours into Minnesota! On Saturday, we visited Safari North Wildlife Park, near Brainerd. We fed the giraffes carrots and the parakeets millet. We enjoyed seeing cheetahs, lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!); several types of monkeys and birds (some I had never seen before); kangaroos and wallabies; plus, gazelles, zebras, and ostriches, just to name a few.

We had been wanting to go for a while. In fact, we were going to go a couple of weeks ago to commemorate the anniversary of Dave’s death, but the weather seemed iffy, so we didn’t. Emotionally, I was on the fence because I wasn’t sure what to expect. So, I gave Lydia a fun Yes Day instead.

Even this past weekend, I wasn’t sure if we were going to go. I don’t know the area very well, and I wasn’t sure if there was anything else to do. Plus, there was another chance of rain the entire holiday weekend.

Nonetheless, a conversation with my coworker stirred my imagination and helped me lean toward going. She was telling me of a quick trip to Florida she was taking over the holiday weekend, a babymoon of sorts. They didn’t have much planned but were going to make the most of their time, go with the flow, and lounge on the beach.

On a personal note, I was inspired to just have fun since life is so short. On Friday after work, I ran some errands and was going to just relax. Then, I remembered my coworker’s enthusiasm and suggestions for things to do near Brainerd.

On a whim, I decided we should go that very day! It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day, and while I couldn’t predict the rain, my weather app showed about a forty percent chance later on Saturday afternoon. So, we had a decent amount of time to travel and still accomplish our goal!

I picked up Lydia from daycare and made my proposal. She quickly agreed to throw whatever she could into her backpack and hop in the car. I am so proud of us… we didn’t overpack! We each took one change of clothes, a swimsuit, our toothbrushes, and plus a few other small necessities, but that was it! I knew if we really forgot something major, we could just buy it or do without.

We made a hotel reservation before leaving home. Then, we drove about 2.5 hours to Baxter, MN (next door to Brainerd). I soon realized it was good to break up the drive between two days instead of one long day. On the way, Lydia and I surveyed the scenery and some Amish horses and carts driving along the highway! We also enjoyed some music, laughter, and conversation.

At one point, we heard the song “Jireh” by Maverick City Music on the radio. Lydia asked me what Jireh means. It was a name given to God by Abraham. Jehovah Jireh means ‘The Lord will Provide’ and I reminded Lydia of the story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was stopped just before sacrificing his son, Isaac, only to have God provide a ram in the thicket that day… I told her, “It was as if God said, I don’t need you to sacrifice your son for Me, but instead, ‘I will sacrifice my son, Jesus, for you.'”

We also discussed how we had no real plan, but that it was the perfect opportunity for us to trust God. We didn’t know where we would eat dinner, but we knew He would provide. We didn’t have all the details about the zoo, but we would figure it out as we went. We weren’t sure if it would rain, but we were doing our best (by coming early) and trusting God with the rest.

Well, we ended up having pizza for dinner and went on a brief mission to see a couple of local lakes before swimming and watching cable tv at the hotel. On Saturday, we slept in, bought Lydia a Caterpillar hat to combat the sun (a quick stop at Fleet Farm), and then headed to the zoo. I’m glad we came the night before and decided to go with the flow!

Turns out, that day was perfect to be outside with the animals. It was a little cooler and cloudy having rained overnight. So, the animals were wide awake and active! I’m glad we didn’t wait a couple more weeks when it surely will be hot!

We really enjoyed seeing so many animals! We were there for about four hours and could have stayed longer! However, we decided to head back and continue enjoying our long weekend at home. We had the best time together, and it was sweet that God blessed us with an impromptu adventure!


God, thanks for leading us on an adventure with You. Thanks for being our Provider. We do not need to worry or be afraid because You have us covered. Help us trust Your plans are greater than ours! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How has God provided for you lately? What is your favorite zoo animal?

Tasks: Listen to the song, Jireh, and trust God for your next adventure!

Finding Grace #325

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Crab apple

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week, but a little bittersweet!

 First, Lydia finished up fourth grade! She had an absolutely amazing year academically and socially. Her teacher was so encouraging and really focused on forming cohesiveness among classmates. It was fun to see Lydia learn and grow. 

Nonetheless, the Texas school shooting really hit home because Lydia is in the same age group and grade as many of the victims, and her class had a similar amount of kids. I was fairly emotional for a couple of days, and I tried to pull myself together when picking up Lydia from school. It was good just to hold her close. She had already heard about the shooting from one of her friends, and we had a good conversation about it. Ultimately, we belong to Jesus and we rely on Him to keep us safe. But, we also know He can call us Home anytime, so we need to be prepared.

Yesterday, Lydia and I took a little road trip a few hours into Minnesota! Today, we visited Safari North Wildlife Park, near Brainerd. We fed the giraffes carrots and parakeets some millet. We saw so many animals and could have stayed longer than we did! We have been wanting to go for a while, but it was still a rather an impromptu decision. After this bittersweet week, I am so glad we went!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #324

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Nature

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week, full of interesting surprises!

Work went well overall. It was busy, but I had some time to finally catch up! We helped collect food items for homeless and food insecure Veterans. Then, we put items in bags, trying to provide balance for two to three days worth of meals. Not enough to solve all their problems but enough to get them through a crisis where they can get more support.

 Lydia wasn’t feeling well this week, but was quite the trooper anyway. She stubbed her toe pretty badly and was limping all week. It was purple and swollen but I don’t think it was broken. Even if it was, there’s not much to do for a toe!

Early in the week, I hired someone to dethatch my yard. Then, I put down some grass seed. There are several other things that need to be done, including some mulch I need to put down and hiring a crew to stain my deck. Being a homeowner is expensive at times, but worth it!

Friday was good. After work, I went to see the new Downton Abbey movie! It was so good and I recommend it. It would be great to have another movie, but if this is it, they tied up everything really nicely. It might be my favorite thus far!

Then, I went to get some estimates to fix my car! My driver’s side mirror got hit yesterday on my way to work. The other driver took full responsibility and even paid me directly to repair it. (The quote was for $473; he rounded up and apologized for the inconvenience he caused me.) I was amazed because I wanted to trust him to keep his word and make it right, but I also know that doesn’t always happen! I could tell he was a hard worker and perceived the prompt payment was a point of pride for this man (plus more convenient than going through insurance). Ultimately, I am safe and the minor repairs will be done in the next week or so. A good lesson about believing the best in other people.

This week, I mowed for the first time this season. I also noticed my pretty pink tulips are starting to bloom and my trees are full of tiny leaves! The grass is beautiful and green…. besides the bare spots…. and I am going to put more effort into keeping it nice this year!

Today, Lydia is resting after a long week. I ran a couple errands and am getting caught up around the house. I made a lasagna which turned out really good! Perfect for a cooler, overcast day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Yes Day!!

Last Saturday, Lydia and I had a Yes day as we honored Dave’s ninth anniversary of being in Heaven (Sunday). She was so excited to call the shots! While we certainly miss him, we chose to celebrate instead of being sad.

To start, Lydia woke up at 6:50 a.m. which is pretty early for her on a Saturday! She asked if she could have a small cookie for breakfast. “Well… YES!!” I said. We never do that, so I wasn’t too worried about it.

While she ate her cookie, and I ate peanut butter toast, we finished a movie we started the night before. Then, we made a plan for the day. Lydia had a long list of things she wanted to accomplish!

Free vector graphics of Yes

Our first stop was PetSmart, just to look around. We saw some fish and some kittens for adoption. Next door, Lydia wanted to have a shopping spree at Michael’s. Thankfully, she had a gift card and was able to buy a couple of art organizers and some Washi tape.

Then, we went to Ulta because I had a gift card. (She cheerfully agreed to let me hijack her day.) As I looked around, Lydia found some blue fake stick-on nails. Not my fancy, but of course, I said yes!

After that, we ate lunch at Panera. We each had a You-Pick-Two salad and flat-bread pizza. I offered to share, but Lydia wanted her own. She laughed when I pointed out that we both took home leftovers!

The mall was next on her list. She wanted to go to a candy-and-toy store and Bath and Body Works. We also walked to one end to see the fountain and the other end to see some puppies. I asked if we could stop at the kitchen store for some chili-infused garlic oil and jalapeno lime vinegar. A patient told me about the combination, and I was not disappointed!

We made a few purchases at the mall before heading off for boba tea. I really didn’t want to try it, but I asked questions to help Lydia decide what to order. In the end, it sounded interesting after all! Lydia ordered a fruity tea with fruit bobas. I tried a tea with milk and ‘brown sugar boba’… a little hard to describe, but tasty! We each brought home our drinks to enjoy later.

We went home to regroup and put our leftovers away. We put on Lydia’s nails; the process was a little confusing at first but ended up being easy. We also attached some little charms to her Crocs. She was sooo happy and grateful!

We then headed out to a cookie dough and ice cream place. We decided to eat dinner at home first (leftovers) and saved our treats for later. Lydia ended up forgetting about hers in the freezer, which is fine by me. 😉 We ended the night by watching the new cartoon movie, “Bad Guys.” We liked it!

I loved spending time with my girl! The idea of a Yes day was based on a book and movie, where the parents say yes to every request (within certain parameters). I enjoyed seeing Lydia’s idea of fun and automatically agreeing to her plan. She already has ideas for whenever her next Yes day comes around!

As a parent, I spend a lot of time saying no, so it was different saying yes for a day. I was able to relax because I wasn’t automatically thinking of all the other things that needed to get done or why something wasn’t possible in the moment. “No, we have to get the laundry done first… No, you can’t do that right now… No, you don’t need another one of those…”

Bedtime ended up being where all of the day’s excitement hit the fan, so to speak. Lydia grew quiet and sad, missing Dave. This happens sometimes and I just roll with it as best I can, praying for wisdom along the way. We shared tears and her final request for a ten-minute massage seemed to help.

At some point in the day, I was reminded of the verse in 2 Corinthians 1:20, which says, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him, the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.”

No matter how tough Life gets, God never lets us down. While He doesn’t always say YES to all of our requests, He is always working out the ultimate yes in Christ. We can trust Him to do what is best for us!


God, You are so good. Thanks for always doing what is right for us. Even Your no is a yes in the end! Help us to trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: When was the last time you set aside your to-do list or other expectations to have a yes day or a free day?!

Task: Here is the trailer to the movie, “Yes Day,” in case you want to check it out!

Finding Grace #323

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Flowers

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week!

Mother’s Day on Sunday was nice and relaxing. We enjoyed church and some rainy weather. Later in the afternoon some friends came to visit, and then we saw family over Zoom.

On Wednesday, we finished up our ladies group with a meal. The host brought most of the food, and I was blessed by her generosity. I hope to join up with the same ladies for another book study sometime!

Friday was quite busy after work. I bought some new shoes, returned some clothes for Lydia that didn’t fit, and bought some stain for my deck. I also did some grocery shopping and dropped off a small gift for a friend whose mom died that day. Then, I dropped Lydia off at another birthday party and ran some more errands!

Today, Lydia and I had a YES day as we honor Dave’s ninth anniversary of being in Heaven (tomorrow). She was so excited to call the shots! While we certainly miss him, we are choosing to celebrate instead of be sad. Thanks for your support!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!