Finding Grace #406

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Tree Winter photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun week full of God’s grace!

Perhaps the biggest “excitement” of the week included a little rock hitting my car on the highway. A few minutes later, I was at a stop light near work and heard a pop as a crack developed across the lower part of my windshield. I called a car repair place and was able to swing by on my lunch break to get a quote. Hopefully, it will be fixed next week!

Later that day, I drove an hour to Pelican Rapids and back again, thankful God protected me and my windshield held up! I went to see a Veteran in a medical foster home, which means he lives with a local family and we go see him there. It was a gorgeous day, and I drove along a scenic byway full of rolling hills covered with a light dusting of snow.

This week, I had a lot of routine health appointments! I celebrated my five-year Lasik anniversary, and my eye doctor said I am doing great! My chiropractor was happy with my back, too. It only needed a few minor adjustments! Lydia and I also had dentist appointments, and everything looks great! I’m grateful for good health!

Today, Lydia and I went to the movie theater for “Christmas with The Chosen: Holy Night.” We enjoyed the new presentation and songs. Who doesn’t love Andrea Bocelli?! I was a little tearful at various points, just so grateful for Jesus coming to rescue us from the darkness of sin!

Later, we each got haircuts. I got a trim, but Lydia took of three inches! But, before that, we went to the mall and walked around to kill some time. We loved the bright lights and didn’t even mind the crowd. It felt like a party!

Tonight, we are finally decorating our Christmas tree and doing other holiday activities. It is good to be home after a busy week!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Jaw Dropping Truth

For this Advent season, Lydia and I have been preparing our hearts in a few ways. In the morning, we are reading from Max Lucado’s book, In the Manger. It contains excerpts from his other books and many deep points spelled out simply.

In the evening, we read a Chapter of Luke’s gospel and then discuss anything that comes to mind. We also have a couple of Advent calendars. One is Peanuts-themed, and one has chocolate.

One morning, we started reading the Max Lucado book during breakfast. I paused to make sure Lydia understood. I asked her if she knew that Mary was a young teenager, and to my surprise, Lydia’s jaw dropped! She was flabbergasted! So much so that I had to ask her to shut her mouth so the oatmeal wouldn’t fall out.

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Lydia mentioned that Mary could have been a student at her school (age-wise). “I’ve babysat for little kids, but I can’t imagine if it was my baby!” I think she has a newfound respect for the story of Baby Jesus!

Then, this became a funny conversation about puberty and how Mary might have felt. We agreed she must have been open-minded, trustworthy, and kindhearted to sacrifice her body and desires without knowing all the details.

Soon, the discussion moved to how Mary’s life differed from ours. She would not have had access to television, the internet, or social media. She couldn’t let toddler Jesus watch PBS Kids when she needed a break. She didn’t have a cell phone, Facetime, or texting. So, perhaps that helped shield her from some comments, but in a small town, people talk.

Mary was likely shunned with little support at first. Maybe that’s one reason she visited her Cousin Elizabeth. Thankfully, God protected her when He prompted Joseph to stand by Mary. They must have been a special pair!

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God must’ve known what He was doing when He created Mary and Joseph. Whatever their personalities and strengths, He entrusted them with Jesus. It was up to them to accept it, but God knew what He was doing!

You, know God has each of our lives planned out, too. Our personalities, strengths, passions, and even weaknesses are no surprise to Him. They are part of our special purpose. God has envisioned each of our days before even one of them comes to pass. He even knows all the words I will write well before I even have a blog topic in mind! #mindblown

So, we can trust God will prepare our path and make sure we are on it. What joy it must bring Him when we walk where He leads! May we keep an open mind and heart when God shows up in exciting ways and sets an opportunity before us.

Even today, we can invite Jesus into our day. Ask Him to reign in your heart and see what He does! But, maybe close your mouth before your food falls out. 🙂


God, You are so wise and patient with us! You always have good plans in store. May we trust You enough to say YES to the life You have designed for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is God asking you to do for Him? It could be big and exciting, or small and mundane. Each situation can be a gift to Him when we have a good attitude.

Task: If you feel unqualified for something God calls you to do, take a deep breath before getting started. Chances are, that’s a sign you are on the right track! If you knew all the answers, you wouldn’t need to trust God! He designed us to depend on Him!

All About The Box

Oh, the fun and joy of a big box! We received two big boxes last week with some basic household supplies. Immediately, Lydia wanted to get into one of the boxes and pop out of it! Her laughter was contagious!

Then, at dinner, we discussed the day, that is, work and middle school. Lydia questioned why God lets some people “get away with” something and how He prompts others to apologize or forgive. We had a good conversation about God’s plan and expectations for His children vs. those who don’t follow Him yet (their choice). We also discussed the differences between the Old and New Testaments, and how Jesus’ death and blood set up a new system for dealing with sin. It’s a free gift, but not to be taken lightly!

Then, I decided to use the boxes to help me show Lydia a concept about God. I used one big box and a smaller one from the garage to create a visual.

I told Lydia, “Pretend I am God, and this big box is the universe I created. Then, this little box is Earth. See the LEGO people and animals! While God is outside our understanding of time and space, He’s also here with us. So, no one really gets away with anything. His judgments are right and just because He can see everything and knows our hearts.”

I went on, “Someday, every person will have to give an account for their words and actions. Sure, He could just reach down and deal with everything instantly, and someday He will. But right now, He is so patient with us (2 Peter 3:9)!”

(We can fool others and ourselves, but we can’t fool God!)

God can interact with each of us personally. Like a LEGO set, He can move people, mountains, and circumstances any way He wants. But He also responds to prayer and requests for help.

I imagine God leaning in to look for those who try to please Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). There’s probably a lot of joy mixed with sorrow. May we be found faithful!

Being human, we often lose sight of what is happening in the world. Our little corner of the box has its own issues! But, it helps me to remember this visual because I can more easily see my problems in light of Who God is and how big and powerful He is.

God is all-in and ‘all about the box’ because it contains His most precious creation(s). Us!

This box visual also helps me trust God when there are things I don’t understand. Like when Dave got cancer and died. (Check out my book for more details.) But, God knows what we don’t and sees what we cannot. I don’t have to have all the answers to walk by faith.

Moreover, Jesus humbled Himself and got in the tiny little box so He could truly understand what we go through and rescue us. He is Emmanuel – God with us. Therefore, we are not alone and without hope.


God, You are greater than anything we can imagine. Your mercy and grace have no limits. Thank You for being so kind and compassionate toward us. Thank You for Jesus! In His Name, Amen

Questions: Are there any household objects or tools that make you think of God and who He is? How would you explain God’s love to a child?

Tasks: Put together your own visual for how you perceive God. Then, share it here or with someone in your own life (corner of the box).

Not So Average

Recently, I had the chance to learn a little about one of my Veterans. I have met with him before, but we had a little more time to chat this time. He was seriously the most average-looking man. That’s not a diss; there was just nothing remarkable about his appearance to distinguish him from anyone else. I would never have imagined he had a fantastic story about his experience in the service!

He was an engineering student who ended up in the Navy. He spent time on submarines fixing some of the electrical panels and went all over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans! He was on the USS Yorktown (CV-10). This ship was named after the one that sank in Pearl Harbor.

This man was in charge of temperature-controlled areas on the ship, including the refrigeration deck and the part where they held nuclear weapons with several layers of security and codes. He said he was sometimes afraid, but he learned to stay calm!

Yes, he had nuclear clearance (!!) during the height of the Cold War, and he finds it a little perplexing (or irritating) when people treat him like an old man…

“Excuse me, Sir, do you know where you’re going? or “Sir, can I see your driver’s license?”

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In 1968, this Veteran met the astronauts from Apollo 8 and was the one who lifted the space capsule out of the ocean with a crane and put it on the ship. He said they practiced for weeks to get it just right. Then, he showed me a picture of him in his uniform with the Apollo 8 command module, and so I had to research it!

After leaving the Navy, he returned home and finished his degree. He had a long career and is grateful to have raised a family. He took advantage of the opportunities that came his way and trusted God. In short, he was far from average!

The conversation I had with this Veteran was eye-opening. He really did look so average, yet he had so many adventures! I’m sure many of my Veterans are similar. And, I wonder how many times we do that to others. We assume we know all we need and overlook their gifts or what makes them special.

I was encouraged because sometimes it is easy to swirl in a cycle of being too busy, not busy enough, or feeling anonymous. I was challenged to keep moving forward and keep trusting God’s plan! He knows who we are and where we are. He has not forgotten us!

Free Space Travel Apollo photo and picture

On the surface, Jesus would have looked relatively average. He was born in a filthy stable to a poor family. His humble beginning certainly would not have set him apart in any way. He would have appeared basic at best. 

Sure, Jesus had some important highlights, but he was often misunderstood. His family, followers, and even his enemies did not fully grasp what He was all about.  For instance, he was both praised and chided for healing people and doing other miracles.

He was betrayed by two of his followers (Judas and Peter) and abandoned by the rest. He died a criminal’s death, which would have made him an outcast. Yet, He offered love and forgiveness until His very last breath.

I am so grateful Jesus had grace and grit. He dug deep and obeyed His Father. He did not give up when circumstances got tough. He did not back down or give in to the pressure. He was crushed with the weight of our sin, but He rose three days later in Victory!

So, don’t overlook the mundane if you feel blah, meh, or average today. With God, you are anything but! As we see in Hebrews 11, He can use the most random event or the most unlikely person to accomplish His purposes! So, trust God and step out in faith!


God, thanks for not doing anything halfway or average. You are subtle sometimes, but You are never dull or status-quo! Help me be diligent in the daily grind, but also expect You to show up and do something amazing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you ever discount yourself or others? How might you turn that around, to see yourself or others from God’s perspective?

Tasks: Think back on some of your greatest adventures. Praise God for the work He continues to do in your life! You never know what’s around the corner. Be on the lookout for God-given opportunities and be quick to obey so you don’t miss out on something great!

Out Of Darkness

Earlier in the week, I listened to an amazing interview that I keep reviewing in my mind. The person interviewed was Kat Von D, of Miami Ink and LA Ink fame. Back then, she was a mouthy drug addict and alcoholic. She reports she was miserable and hopeless, living in darkness. Yet, she still showed compassion toward her tattoo clients when they shared their purposes for getting inked (usually memorials related to grief and loss).

Recently, she received publicity for being baptized… in a small Baptist Church in Indiana. I saw the video and was glad for her. I viewed it as a testament to God’s grace and mercy. Sadly, many people questioned her authenticity – though she has been followed by cameras for over twenty years. She wanted to record it for herself and as a public statement of her new life in Jesus.

To me, Kat Von D came across as well-thought-out and sincere. Coming to Christ was not on a whim or only based on emotion. She looked at all the evidence of Christianity and made her decision. She even explained why she chose to attend a Baptist church. Basically, they accepted her immediately. Her pastor is a great teacher, and she is growing so much in her Tuesday Bible study with the older ladies. (I LOVE THAT.) The old hymns are simple yet profound, unlike going to what feels like a Sunday worship ‘concert’ where she is distracted as a songwriter. That makes sense to me!

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It is to be expected that some of her old crowd would be upset, but even more awful has been the comments she has received from Christians telling her she’s not doing it right (of all people!). Let this be a lesson to all of us… it is damaging to turn people off before they ever meet Jesus!

Ms. Von D talked about how she was raised in a Christian missionary home but rebelled when her parents didn’t answer her doubts adequately. By age 14, she was on the streets and making poor choices. Still, she did not blame her parents and later said she was grateful to have that background because she remembered the Bible stories she learned as a child when she was at her lowest point in life. Praise God!

Eventually, she started to question if her life choices were on the path she wanted to be. She got sober and clean, and tossed her books about the occult. She sought Truth and found Jesus during the COVID-19 pandemic. She wanted to set a good example for her child, but she also wanted peace and found hope and new life in Jesus.

Later, Kat Von D shared how Jesus makes her a much better wife and mother. She said people would not believe how much she has changed, but it has been dramatic. She also explained how famous friends like Alice Cooper have helped her understand how to balance her personal faith and public persona. (Can you even imagine?!)

Each person who becomes a Christian undergoes a sanctification process, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Kat Von D is now a beloved sister in Christ, and it will be interesting to see how she changes over time. I may not agree with everything she does, but I would love to meet her for coffee! Either way, she has a big platform, and balancing everything in the public eye cannot be easy. She needs our prayers, not our criticism.

No one is perfect or gets it right all the time. We all struggle, but God created each of us to be unique according to His purposes. Who am I to say Kat Von D has to look like me or listen to the same music as me? I doubt she will change her mostly black goth look anytime soon. And, if God ever prompts her to change, that will be between Him and her. We are each accountable to Him first and foremost. (But, for now, I think she is beautiful!)

I was tearing up at various points in the interview. It was refreshing to get a snapshot of many topics, each one pertinent and practical for today. The interview was about Kat Von D being transferred out of darkness, but she and the host kept their focus on Jesus.

I’m grateful to serve a good and gracious God. No one is beyond His mercy and love. Thank You, Lord!

The kindness of God leads us to repentance (see Romans 2:4). Today, do not harden your heart towards Jesus, but come to Him with all your questions. He is so patient with you (2 Peter 3:9), but He will not wait forever. All Truth is His, and He will never lead you into confusion. Instead, He has the power and desire to set you free indeed!


God, You are so wonderful! I’m in awe of how much You love us and how much You pursue us. Thanks for not giving up on me. Please guide us and make us more like Jesus. In His Name, Amen

Questions: What do you think about Kat Von D’s faith journey? Do you have any tattoos or plan to get any? What does/would it look like? (I don’t have any!)

Tasks: Listen to the interview here. I also posted it on my Grace and Lemonade Facebook site earlier this week!

Finding Grace #398

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Autumn Leaves Ilse photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was wonderful and relaxing, though I got a lot done! We Zoomed with family on Sunday, which happened to be my mom’s birthday. I always appreciate time with family… and mine is pretty cool!

Monday was the only day I worked, but it went well. I took the rest of the week off to spend time with my parents! They came to visit on Tuesday and headed back to Florida today. We had an amazing time!

My dad helped me with quite a few house projects, some that I have been trying to figure out for years. We went shopping and enjoyed eating out at some new restaurants. We watched several episodes of ‘The Chosen,’ too! It was the best week with them.

Tonight, Lydia was invited to hang out with a friend, so I had some free time! First, I did a little cleaning and exercising. Now, I am watching a movie!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Keeping A Quiet Heart

There are a lot of heartbreaking news flashes lately showing videos or commentary on war, genocide, diseases, and more. Israel, in particular, is important for Biblical reasons. Conflict in Israel indicates Jesus is coming again soon and that we need to keep praying. No one knows the day or the hour He will return, so don’t delay your decision to accept His sacrifice and atonement for our sins. Today is the day of salvation!

While I can “change the channel,” those directly affected cannot. I don’t take any of that lightly, but focusing on the news can prime me to expect more negative things to happen. But all is not lost. God still reigns, so I can keep a quiet heart and remain at peace.

Keeping a quiet heart is not about self-preservation. Instead, it helps me pray and listen to the Lord, so I know how He wants me to help.

On a personal level, my prayer list grows longer every week. For instance, I recently met a couple battling colon cancer, and I can understand how overwhelmed they are with surgeries and setbacks. I know how it feels and have been reaching out to encourage them in practical ways. 

It is a privilege to be relatively safe in America, and it’s an honor to pray and help those around me. We are right to be concerned. But I find myself sometimes waiting for the other shoe to drop. The perceived stress of expecting something to go wrong can sidetrack us if we don’t stop ourselves from worrying.

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When things go well for me personally, it feels boastful to enjoy them amid so much pain in the world. I should celebrate meaningful work, worthwhile conversations, and even good hair days, but sometimes, I neglect to appreciate the peaceful moments.

I was a little convicted of this yesterday on my drive home. Life can change in an instant, as many of us have experienced. There are already so many ways things can go bad; we really should honor the moments when things go well because they don’t last.

Yesterday afternoon was beautiful with a bright blue sky, little wind, crisp air, and bright yellows mixed in with green and brown hues. I had a good lunch, awesome patients, and arrived home before traffic got too bad. Lydia and I had a fun evening together. A wonderful day with minimal stress.

Soon, I realized God wants me to enjoy the life He’s given me and all of its goodness. It’s not that I shouldn’t pray for conflict resolution or lend a hand. Peacemaking is so important, and God values it! But peace in the world looks different than peace in my heart.

I can’t afford to focus on the negative because that will drag me back toward fear. Instead, I can turn my eyes in faith toward Jesus and the abundant life He died to give me. That is what attracts people and points them to God’s lovingkindness. 

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In fact, there are many ways we can live a godly life. Sometimes, we need to speak up and advocate for change. We may need to donate time, money, or effort. But, we can also smile, praise God, and be kind. We can relish all He has done for us with gratitude. A good attitude shows God’s faithfulness and grace to a world in need.

Conversely, a negative spirit or sharp tongue can hinder God’s work. I know a number of Christians who often complain and are bitter toward others. They are stingy and always look for things going wrong (which is why I want to catch myself and look for the good!). Surely, that’s not what God intended for His people!

Anyway, God has done many good things for me/in me/through me, and I know He can do so much more in the lives of those around me. In fact, that’s why Jesus came! He rescued me from deeply rooted fear, so imagine what He can do for you.

I’m not saying to avoid involvement in politics or the causes that matter to you. I am simply saying don’t overlook the impact living a full and joyful life can have. God can use both fiery resolve and a peaceful, quiet heart to accomplish His purposes (see 1 Peter 3:3-4). Both have great value amid the world’s pain, darkness, and destruction. Nothing is impossible for Him!


God, thanks for all You have done for me. Thanks for helping me see the beauty of a life well-lived. Help me to celebrate and enjoy all of the goodness around me. May I advocate for those in need and glorify You in all I do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you jump right into conflict, or do you watch and pray? Do you find yourself living life with joy or with hesitation?

Tasks: Celebrate when things are easy and fun, but also praise God when challenges come. There is joy and growth in both situations! Finally, put your trust in Jesus today. He is the soon returning King!

Putting On God’s Armor

As you may recall, last week I mentioned Lydia was reading through her Bible chapter by chapter. Last week, she read the Apostle Paul’s letter to Christian believers in the city of Ephesus during the Roman Empire. And, together we discussed it to make sure she really connected with God’s truth.

Ephesians Chapter 6 is all about spiritual warfare. Paul writes about putting on God’s armor daily; for me, a Roman soldier comes to mind. I’m sure there are many books, sermons, and articles discussing them in depth!

But, for our purposes, I wanted to do something hands-on. That way, Lydia would remember the lesson, be able to apply it, and “stand firm” in her faith!

As we reviewed Ephesians 6:10-18, I told Lydia to stand up and put on God’s armor. Yes, she had fun acting it out! The belt of truth is first (v. 14), and perhaps it is first because it went over a tunic before the heavy armor was added. But, we decided to save it for last… keep reading!

Next up… the breastplate of righteousness. Lydia acted like she was putting on a shirt, and then crossed her heart with her arms. I asked her what a breastplate would be used for. “Protection” was her response, and that is true. But, I also think of Proverbs 4:23, which says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” We talked about our emotions, distractions, and holding offense. Also, I mentioned how Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” Emotions give us clues, but don’t run the show.

Then, Lydia put on shoes representing the “readiness given by the gospel of peace” (v. 15). What does that mean, we wondered? I had some ideas, but Lydia started walking about with her imaginary shoes. She focused on bringing peace to those she sees every day; I also was thinking about the gospel which means “good news.” So, we are holy ambassadors, spreading the Good News of peace (see Isaiah 52:7 and 2 Corinthians 5:20). Ultimately, Jesus brings us peace with God, peace with others, and peace with ourselves.

“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one” (v. 16). This verse was a lot of fun. Lydia held up her arm imagining a shield attached. She thought about it for a moment and then relaxed her arm. As soon as I saw my opportunity, I threw a small toy at her. She jumped and defensively raised her arm in shock. “Why did you do that?!” she asked. I explained that I was trying to prove a point and catch her off guard. We then discussed what a flaming dart (or arrow) might mean. She quickly realized that the fire comes from the pit of Hell, and we must always be prepared for Satan’s attacks.

We moved on to the helmet of salvation next (v. 17). This seems easier to understand than others, as a soldier would have a warrior mentality. Romans 12:2 came to mind, which says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” We must be alert to Satan’s lies and constantly remind ourselves of God’s love, grace, truth, peace, joy, etc. We cannot afford to forget all He has done for us!

The Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (v. 17), is the only weapon listed that is both our defense and offense. Lydia and I have previously discussed noticing lies or myths that would discredit Jesus or make us doubt Him. We then can attack the lies and replace them with Scripture verses. This book is particularly helpful because it matches God’s word with our emotions.

Now, let’s go back to the belt of truth. I asked Lydia why we saved this for last. She got it right away. “Because God’s truth holds everything else together!” John 14:6 mentions that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and Colossians 1:17 records how all things are held together in Him. We cannot be spiritually strong without Jesus!

Finally, Paul writes to keep alert and keep praying. We can’t be lazy or sleepy. We must do all we can to stand strong and stand firm in Christ. On guard!


Heavenly Father, thanks for giving us all the tools we need for a successful life, including spiritual armor. Help us use it effectively as we live for You and obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever thought much about our spiritual armor? What components are familiar or easy to use, and which ones do you need to dust off?

Tasks: To read more, click here for the search results related to Ephesians 6 on my blog. 🙂

Sounds of Freedom

When you think about the sounds of freedom, what comes to mind? Gunshots? Bombs? Running? Soldiers yelling orders? Crying? The Star Spangled Banner? Fireworks?

All of those do represent the long fight for freedom. Where would we be without those brave souls who fought and died for those of us several generations down the road? I am glad they aren’t a part of the typical daily American life, but they do still occur around the world. I am grateful for those who continue to fight for freedom and justice.

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Here are some sounds I associate with freedom.

The weather. That is, being able to hear just the wind or the rain clearly without focusing our attention on survival. I love hearing my windchimes make up their own songs.

To me, freedom sounds like birds chirping. They would not feel so inclined to sing if danger was imminent. Other nature sounds include leaves and grass rustling, crickets chirping, and frogs singing.

Peace around the house, heard in the mundane sounds of the refrigerator, dishwasher, or laundry machine. Being able to enjoy conveniences like indoor plumbing and electricity! Having peace and quiet is a privilege.

“Thank you.” Gratitude for our independence. Thankful for our military and soldiers’ sacrifices. Being a good friend and neighbor. Standing up for injustice. Accepting help, not giving in to fear. Receiving God’s provision and protection.

Laughter. Is there any better sound than the laughter of a child? Lately, Lydia’s joy has been contagious. Her sense of humor is spot on, and I am grateful for these lighthearted moments. So many kids around the world are not always able to be so carefree.

Explaining our American traditions to those who are experiencing them for the first time. I invited our African neighbors to join us for last night’s fireworks. We sat in the driveway eating watermelon and smores. It was fun to see their faces light up in wonder!

Worship. I’m grateful for the right and ability to go to church, praise God at home, and talk about all He is doing in my life… openly and in public, knowing that some believers have to meet secretly and at the cost of their lives. May I never take that for granted!

As I think about freedom, I think of Jesus’ ultimate gift and sacrifice for us. In Him, we have every right and freedom. Freedom from fear, freedom from sin, freedom from tyranny, freedom from eternal death. May we walk wisely and with gratitude.


God, thank you for the gift of freedom and the ability to enjoy it. May we never forget the great cost of freedom. As we celebrate American independence, help us remember that we are dependent upon You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What does freedom mean to you, and how does your life reflect those values? Do you have any special 4th of July traditions?

Tasks: Consider what sounds you associate with freedom. Make sure to pause and thank God for them! And, remember to bring Jesus along with you as you celebrate.

A Moment to Reconnect

As you may recall, recently, our pastor gave a couple of sermons on baptism. There are two kinds, one with water and one with the Holy Spirit. I won’t explain all the details now, but you can listen here.

After the first sermon, Lydia was inspired to be water baptized. The second sermon was preached on her baptism day, so we caught up later by listening online during our lunch this past Sunday at home (yes, a week later!). It was about having God’s power in us through the Holy Spirit.

While these are not new concepts for me, I am excited to see them through Lydia’s young eyes. She has a good level of understanding but also has interesting questions! It also helps me to think through and reconnect with the message of Christ when I am explaining it all to her. Thank You, Jesus!

Then, last night, I was going to ask Lydia about my blog post, knowing she sometimes has good insights to share. Sure enough! I didn’t realize it then, but I interrupted her time with God!

She kindly gave me the phrase, “Stay in the moment,” and went back to her quiet time. I searched my blog and found a couple of other posts in a similar vein, so decided to take her idea but add a twist based on what she was actually doing at that moment.

A few minutes later, Lydia reminded me that Pastor Dave said if we “only have ten minutes to pray, we should spend eight minutes worshiping God, and two minutes asking for what you need. And if you don’t get around to asking Him, don’t worry about it. He already knows!” Worship is vital.

It thrilled me that Lydia set herself a little timer as she reconnected with God! 🙂 I know He is even more pleased than me, but seeing her doing this on her own with Him is so cool!!

In addition, we have begun sharing personal insights from our daily time with God with each other. Each of us reads a passage (same or different), and then we discuss what we learned about God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit; what we learned about ourselves; and what we will do to apply the information. Pretty basic, but it works for kids and adults alike!

I’m sure our routine will evolve over time, but it is fun to help Lydia discern God’s Truth and see her grow! As her mom, I am her first example of what it means to follow Jesus, and I take that seriously.

Free Praise Worship illustration and picture

To be clear, there is no particular amount of time we should worship God or pray. Some may only have ten minutes here and there, while others can set aside a bigger chunk of time. Either way, we can spend every moment of every day walking and talking with our Father God and Savior Jesus through the Holy Spirit in us! What a privilege!

The point is to simply come… as you are. Lay aside all pretense or need to be perfect. Be still and know that He is God. Open your heart and mind to Jesus.

Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you. Transformation only comes from spending time in the presence of God!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your grace and love! Thanks for the privilege of spending time with You. Please change us from the inside out as we reconnect with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you like to connect or reconnect with God? Do you like reading the Bible, praying, singing, walking, drawing pictures, etc.?

Tasks: Come and sit in God’s presence today. How that looks for you will be unique. But remember, you don’t have to feel anything to be loved! You already are!