Finding Grace #309

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Travel, Tourism, Park, Spa, Relax, Source, Gazebo

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week started off a little shaky but ended well! Praise God! Early on, I was having technical difficulties with my internet. I had to manage my emotions and calm down. I was still able to post my blog for Wednesday, but I had to jump through a few extra hoops. Thankfully, on Friday, the internet company came and updated a few wires and such. It was very out of sync but now it is working very fast and very well!

This week, I was pleased to receive more compliments about my book. In one case, I called to make a routine appointment and the person on the other end was reading it! She said it was good to understand the challenges we faced, but she also appreciated how I regularly turned the story back to God. It is fun to hear from a variety of people and see how God is using my pain for His glory!

Today, Lydia and I relaxed at home. We made a breakfast casserole, and later, some cookies. We told jokes, read books, and made a music playlist with Oldies favorites with family input. We also played a game and watched a movie, which seems to be our winter-weather go to these days! 🙂 We really don’t mind!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #307

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

The Road, Path, Winter, The Snow, The Sun, Snow

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week left with some unknowns! Nothing too important for now, just I didn’t get some answers when I hoped to get them. Maybe next week, lol!

We enjoyed snow and cold, but also warm sweaters and boots! The snow is falling like a snow globe right now! I haven’t been out to clear snow, but might do it later!

This week, I felt like I was running in several directions at times, but I also enjoyed quality time with Lydia. We had food delivered and made buckwheat pancakes. We watched movies and played some games, too!

Work went well, and it was a good mix of being busy and catching up. My office, and the one next to mine, were really chilly, so we wore our coats for a little while. It was funny, and we made jokes that heat must not be in the budget. A work order was put in eventually and a couple of space heaters helped make it more bearable.

This week, I hosted two Zoom calls about writing and publishing. It was fun to “give back” and encourage these friends who are at various points in the creative process. Everyone has a story to tell! We discussed how they can get started or keep going, and I shared some lessons learned and what worked best for me and my book.

Today, we stayed home relaxed. Lydia cleaned her room while listening to an audiobook. I changed a light switch, repotted two plants, and did some reading. I prepared for some upcoming events, too.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Reflecting on Ruth

Recently I started another Journible! I went through the Gospel of John in 2018 and finished the book of Jude last month (a quick win because it’s only twenty-five verses)!

Next, I am going through Ruth! I just started this week, but already it has impacted me. If you have read my book, then you’ll know I pay extra attention to widows in the Bible. Ruth is not a new story to me, but I am learning new things as I write God’s word line by line!

In short, Ruth was an outsider and a foreigner. She left all she knew in the country of Moab to follow her mother-in-law back to Israel. She gleaned barley in a field to make ends meet. In time, Ruth met Boaz, and he became her kinsman-redeemer, marrying her.

Then, they had a baby, and eventually, Ruth became the great-grandmother of King David. All in all, the book of Ruth is a beautiful love story showing God’s faithfulness.

But, that’s not what caught my attention.

Jesus, God, Christ, Holy, Spirit, Ruth, Bible, Gospel

Instead, I quickly noticed how Ruth went against the grain. She moved toward God when most people at that time were doing their own thing and worshiping other gods (Judges 17:6). Yes, Israel was a mess!

Ruth wasn’t the only one, of course. Boaz and Naomi, among others, also followed Godly principles. Though, because Ruth was a foreigner (not a Jew), technically, God’s promises didn’t apply to her. She would have been considered a nobody by the rest of society.

Additionally, Ruth was grieving and suffered major losses. I can understand how she must’ve felt as she lost her husband, her status as a wife, her local support system, her home, and even her culture. She didn’t have much left.

Nonetheless, she bravely sought God above all else.

I appreciate her example!

When everyone was running away from what they knew was right, Ruth ran toward God. She trusted Him to provide for her and protect her. She was willing to work hard and make a fool of herself. Because of that, God honored her decisions.

We have similar choices to consider today.

Has God asked you to do something that seems like a stretch for you? He may be calling you to move forward in a new direction when everyone else is standing still. It may be scary, but don’t be afraid to stand out and take a chance. He’s got you covered.

I love how God used Ruth’s character to change the course of history. (Ruth is in the bloodline of Jesus (Matthew 1:5!!) She could have stayed down and out, disqualifying herself or discounting her skills and purpose. Instead, she chased after the only One who could make it right. 

Let’s be like Ruth and pursue God, not for what He can do for us, but for Who He is. Soak up His grace, mercy, and love. Then, out of that abundance, let’s watch Him move on our behalf!

Today, remember God sees you and knows the challenges you face. Your situation is not a surprise to Him. He has not left you all alone or without help. Trust Him and do the difficult thing!


God, You are so kind and generous! Thanks for Your grace, mercy, and love. Help us shake off all our doubts and come to You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you know Boaz’s mother was Rahab, the former prostitute from Jericho? They also were ancestors of Jesus… so don’t you think He can use you, too?

Tasks: Check out the Journible website and join me! Remember, no one is too far gone to be used by God. He can use anyone who is willing to follow after Him!

Finding Grace #300

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Red, Berries, Chokeberry, Fruit, Ripe, Berry, Food

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an exciting week! We brought up our Christmas tree on Sunday, but we haven’t decorated it yet. I’m not sure when we will decorate it, but for now, we are just enjoying the lights!

Work went well, though I came in early one day and left early another day. That’s because Lydia had an orthodontist appointment on Tuesday morning and got her second COVID vaccine on Thursday afternoon! All went well, and I am grateful!

On Tuesday, I sent off two copies of my book to the US Copyright Office (aka The Library of Congress!! Lydia and I celebrated with sushi, and it feels great to finally be done! I got the certificate in the mail today, so it’s official. 🙂

Yesterday, I met a friend for coffee after work. We live in the same neighborhood (different streets) and don’t see each other often. It was so fun to catch up, and I am glad we each made the effort.

Lydia and I ran a few errands after my coffee date. We went shopping and used up a couple of Lydia’s birthday gift cards. She put money toward new shoes, a Rubik’s cube, and a pop-it toy. I bought a couple of games, a magnet for the fridge, and some greenery for the house.

Today, I was on-call for a few hours for work. I had asked a family if Lydia could go to their house, but thankfully, I did not get called in for any consults. Instead, I did a little organizing and reading. Later, Lydia and I ran a few more quick errands and talked with my parents and sister on the phone!

Today, I sent books to New Mexico and Wisconsin. That makes 19 states where I have sent books personally! (This is in addition to books people have ordered from online retailers.) I also noticed my ebook is ready! It’s fun seeing it all up and running. Thanks for your support!

I hope you enjoyed my three-hundredth “Finding Grace” blog post! Where have you found God’s grace this week? Leave a comment below!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Come What May

The last couple of weeks have been busy with my book, Thanksgiving, and… signing up for health insurance benefits! The deadline to sign up again will soon be upon us, and each year, I weigh the pros and cons of various plans. Even though we are healthy, there are still preventative things we do. And, the costs keep going up!

It is difficult to know how to plan for what we don’t know we will need. There are so many decisions to make! These choices include health insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance, plus FSA and HSA options. Not to mention planning for vacations and appointments and other days off. 

I am grateful to have a job that provides all these benefits, but it can be a little overwhelming and time-consuming to figure it all out. Dave certainly enjoyed this much more than me!

Lantern, Sea, Sky, Beach, Water, Clouds, Tree, Shore

Thankfully, we can trust God! He knows all things, and yet He cares for us deeply as individuals. We can make our plans with Him in mind, and He will protect, and occasionally correct, us as He leads us along.

While we cannot control our future, what will happen to us, there are some factors we can control. We can control our attitudes and make good plans. We can predetermine that we will trust God and keep coming to Him in times of distress.

We can choose joy in the midst of trials. We can choose to cling to Jesus.

Come what may.

I don’t know all you are facing today, but God does, and He loves you so much. He never sleeps nor slumbers! He has you covered with His grace.

The holidays are tough for so many people as the season reminds us of the absence of loved ones, but it also reminds us of other struggles and how we try to fix the pain.

Lantern, Sea, Sky, Beach, Water, Rocks

Just this week, I have had several people contact me to request prayer. A son-in-law died suddenly, leaving a wife and four children. Upcoming surgeries for cancer. Struggles with addiction. Relationship difficulties.

If you are facing unimaginable loss and your first holidays alone, I understand. Or, perhaps you are barely making it financially. Or, maybe you are dealing with a chronic illness or other stressors. It’s gonna be okay.

Come what may, don’t give up. Bring all your emotions and pain to Jesus. He is the Light of the World and will make something bright and beautiful out of your situation.

God has been faithful in the past, and He is here with you now. You can trust Him with your future, and He will never let you down. Thank you, Lord!


Heavenly Father, thanks for being so faithful. We can trust You no matter what. Carry us through the uncertainty of this season, Lord. Be our strength and peace. Fill us with your grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you ready for the holidays? How can I pray for you this season?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Come What May,” by We Are Messengers. Reflect on all the ways God has come through for you in the past, and then trust Him with your future!

Finding Grace #298

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an amazing week! On Monday night, I had some friends over for a monthly gathering. It’s always good to hear what God is doing in their lives.

As many of you know, on Wednesday, I went live with my book! Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward is now available for purchase! It was fun to see encouraging comments and feel all the love! I have sent out three batches of books so far!

For the last few weeks, we have been planning a Peanuts-themed birthday party for Lydia. Her party was today and it was a blast! The nine girls played balloon volleyball and did a relay race with marshmallows. We did Peanuts trivia, mad libs, and BINGO, as well! The girls loved the peanuts stickers we used for prizes. We had fruit, chips, and ice cream cupcakes from Dairy Queen. Lydia received many cool gifts and enjoyed the photo booth at the end. I am grateful all these girls could celebrate with us!

Tonight, we are watching the Peanuts movie, and Lydia’s birthday is tomorrow!

This was a full week, and I stayed up late every night. I didn’t get much sleep but saw God’s grace all around me. He kept me focused and going strong. Thanks again for all your support and prayers. It really makes all the difference!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward Book!!

Surprise!! It’s finally time for my big announcement, and I am so excited!

My book, Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward, is available for purchase! The book captures a two-year period of dealing with (my late husband) Dave’s cancer and my subsequent grief. At times, I didn’t know how I would make it.

During a time filled with chemo and chaos, I nearly walked away from my faith. But, God proved Himself over and over again. Despite my doubts, He came through for us!

Yes, it is a sad story at times, but I wanted to chronicle what happened for Lydia and inspire others. We all go through rough times on this side of Heaven, and it helps knowing someone understands. All hope is not lost!

Currently, your best way to buy Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward is to order through Barnes and Noble. I spent countless hours at our local B&N bookstore writing and editing with my laptop and a cup of coffee. So, it feels incredible to see my book online!

Announcing my book TODAY is significant for several reasons.

First, Lydia’s tenth birthday is coming up, and I wanted to beat that milestone. So much happened in the first two-and-a-half years of her life, and it just seems right to keep this project contained to her first decade. That way, we can officially close that chapter and keep moving forward.

Second, we are in the beginning stages of the holidays, and I want my book to be available before all the craziness starts. For some, it may be just what they need. That said, if a friend of yours is dealing with cancer, grief, or some other trauma, perhaps get your copy first and then consider how it may affect them. The book could certainly be helpful for your friend, but I would never want to add to their emotional turmoil. In that case, maybe filter out a few nuggets of truth for them until the timing is better.

My third reason is a little more personal. Today marks twenty-five years since my dear friend, Seth, died in an accident. (Part of me feels like it was just yesterday; it doesn’t seem I should be old enough to account for twenty-five years!) So, when I saw November 17th is today, a Wednesday, it felt like God’s timing. The book does not entail Seth’s tragedy, yet in my story, I mention how that loss helped me process Dave’s death. So, in my mind, they are somewhat connected.

The fourth reason is simply that there’s no time like the present. This project was complex and took me a while to finish. I had much to learn about writing and publishing a book. Grief and being a single mom were factors, not to mention work, household duties, and various levels of motivation. But, in the end, perfect conditions don’t exist. Something always comes up, and I am just going for it!

Finally, my fifth reason is that I need to continually challenge myself! It’s risky to put myself out there, but I don’t have to be afraid. I am covered with God’s grace. He goes ahead of me and He’s right beside me simultaneously. By faith, I need to release my book and step out of the way, so He can do what He does best.

In honor of my book launch, I created a new blog PAGE! I loaded it with some key details you might want to know before ordering.

Well, that’s it. I appreciate all your ongoing support, encouragement, and prayers!


God, thanks for all the ways You have brought me through. You are so good and faithful. Would You please use my story to help others see You at work in theirs? May this book bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Any guesses on when I started writing my book?! Will you order the black and white version or the deluxe color version?

Tasks: Grab your copy of Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward today! Read more details here. I’d love for you to tag me on Facebook @GraceandLemonade or on Instagram @natalator with a picture of you and my book. Also, please share this post on social media. Goal: Tell at least 15 of your friends! 😉

Finding Grace #292

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Tree, Deciduous Tree, Sunbeams, Sunrays, Linden, Autumn

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week! Over several evenings, I raked up as much of the dead grass as I could. My neighbor boy and Lydia helped a bit, too!

It was another busy work week. But, it all went well. I picked up some extra patients, but I also had some cancellations. As usual, I always leave it all in God’s hands. That helps me feel good about what I accomplish (and not to take it too hard when I don’t get it all done).

I had some great phone conversations this week, as well as some fun texts with friends and family. I talked with a woman whose boyfriend of many years died a few months ago. I also talked with my parents in Florida, and it was great to hear their voices. I also talked with my sister and her family in Illinois. My little nephew is in a really fun stage of toddlerhood!

Today, I woke up early and well-rested because I actually went to bed early! Imagine that! 🙂 I took advantage of the opportunity to finish the last round of raking before the rain came. While raking near the bike path, I talked with a lady and petted her two dogs, an Australian shepherd named Rudy and a Yorkshire terrier named Walter. So fun!

Then, I walked a few miles on my treadmill and did some chores before spending the rest of the day resting. I did some cooking and caught up on some reading. I am reading a book called, The Other Half of Church. It was a little therapeutic to relax on a rainy day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Book Review: The Hiding Place

Yesterday, I finished an audiobook reading of The Hiding Place, recounting the horrific story Corrie ten Boom and her family endured during World War II. She and her father were watchmakers and used their home and resources to hide or relocate Jews and lead the Dutch Resistance. In all, they saved around 800 people.

After a few years of success, a fellow Dutchmen turned them in. Betrayal was bad enough, but Corrie’s entire family was arrested. The hidden Jews were not found, thankfully, but Corrie and her sister, Betsie, ended up in prison, and later Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany.

Corrie and Betsie smuggled a Bible in with them, and by God’s grace and plan, never were caught with it. They preached Jesus’ love and goodness to the masses. The message of Christ spread from one bunk bed to the next during nightly prayer meetings, and their words were soon translated from Dutch into German, English, Russian, Croatian, etc. Many times, the atmosphere changed to one of hopefulness around them. Wow!

Corrie, in particular, struggled with her emotions and purpose during captivity. She found it difficult to forgive at times, but Betsie saw Jesus all around her. She even thanked God for the fleas in their living and working quarters because it kept their cruel captors away. Basically, they lived Romans 8:31-39, with emphasis on verse 35, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” And, they persevered as more than conquerors!

Even in their suffering, the ten Boom sisters learned to give thanks in all circumstances… from moldy bread and lice covered sheets, to grueling marches and daily roll calls that lasted hours. They were on the threshold of Heaven and Hell, Life and Death, but they wisely grew past self-pity and used their time and talents to serve others. They shared what minimal resources they had with those who were in worse need.

I loved how close the sisters were, and each of them had their strengths. Betsie helped Corrie remember to let Jesus carry their pain, and Corrie lent Betsie her physical strength. While Betsie died shortly before Corrie was miraculously released, Corrie carried her vision of having a special place of respite and recovery for those who were imprisoned or otherwise affected by the war.

God provided the resources for the recovery home, and Corrie began speaking of His love and forgiveness. She said, “Joy runs deeper than depair.” Corrie eventually worked with people on both sides of the war. She forgave the man who betrayed her family, and Corrie even met one of her captors who attended one of her talks on forgiveness.

Understandably, Corrie found it hard to forgive him, until she prayed for Jesus’ forgiveness to flow through her instead. Then, relying on Jesus’ strength, she was able to converse with this man who had jeered at the women’s nakedness in Ravensbruck.

I had read parts of this story before, but listening to it on my morning and afternoon commute was quite compelling. I was reminded of Corrie’s many famous stories and quotes. She kept a short list with God and others, moment by moment coming to the Lord in prayer. I enjoyed how close she was to her parents, aunts, siblings, and nieces and nephews. Doing God’s work was a family affair.

The ten Boom family story helped me put our present times in perspective. Yes, we have our issues domestically and in the world. But, we also have the opportunity to live our lives with forgiveness and generosity. We can learn from the past and let go of grudges.

Life is so short. We can (and should) keep our government accountable, but we can also choose to see past the differing opinions of those around us. We can (and should) seek Truth and Peace and Purpose, yes, but we can also choose joy in the daily grind and respond in kindness.

With Jesus as our Hiding Place, we can stand firm with joy and not give in to the pit of despair.


Heavenly Father, thanks for being our hiding place. Thank you for being our refuge and strength. Help us run to You regardless of whether our days are tough or easy. Help us show Your love to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you read, The Hiding Place, or seen the movie? What have you learned from the ten Boom family or other Heroes of the Faith?

Tasks: Don’t wait for circumstances to get better. Practice forgiveness and generosity today. Don’t wait for circumstances to worsen. Ask Jesus for His grace, joy, and help today. Take this virtual tour of ‘the Beje’, the ten Boom residence and watch shop turned museum!

Finding Grace #258

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full but good! The temperature stayed below zero for most of the week, but really, it wasn’t too bad. I just dressed in layers and went about my day. Thankfully, I ran most all of my errands when it was (relatively) warmer last week!

Otherwise, I enjoyed being productive at work and home! I definitely felt God leading me and keeping me safe. The roads were a little slippery one morning and a car cut across three lanes of traffic. Another person hit their brakes and started to slide. I don’t think their were any collisions but it was very close!

I worked on my book a little more this week. It is very close to being done! Thanks for your patience. I can’t wait to share it with you!

Yesterday, Lydia was so excited for her Valentine’s party at school. She offered to share some of her candy with me, which was cute. After I picked her up, she noticed a bald eagle soaring in circles above us. She said it was the best day ever!

Then, today, we cleaned up a bit, worked on some projects, talked with family on the phone, and put together a puzzle. It should be a great, relaxing three day weekend!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!