Mirror, Mirror

This week, I am celebrating another birthday! While I usually am a little contemplative beforehand, I have been so busy lately that my birthday kind of snuck up on me!

Not to worry… I still have time to reflect on the past year and decide what, if anything, I want to change for the coming year. Also, we have some company coming, so I am sure it will be a fun day! At the very least, there is a restaurant I have been wanting to try!

This year, I would like keep chipping away at small goals and tasks, such as organizing my house better. Also, I’d like to prioritize self-care (more than I do now) and finally get adequate sleep (more than just a few days of 7+ hours). Oh, and I’d like to have more unstructured free time with Lydia (not using it to focus on housework and such).

Ok, that sounds like a lot! One thing I have realized is that I can’t do all that without God’s help and leading. And really, none of those goals amount to much if He’s not a part of it.

Indeed, I came across the word inertia lately. It was being used to describe someone’s personality, as in it takes a lot to move the person to action. I thought it was an interesting connection, and I can see a little bit of that in me. It can be a good thing, but not always.

When God tells me to stay, I can handle that alright (though there can be challenges). But when God tells me to move, and I am slow to do so, I have to move past the inertia. So, you can imagine my own frustration when I also have a lot of personal goals! 😉

It has been said, “The more things change the more they stay the same.” Recently, I have been thinking back a few years to times when I met similar goals with more success. And, I noticed that I had the same struggle with inertia back then!

The difference was I had more energy (and desire) to make the changes required. Now, I have grown past the insecurities I had back then and don’t care as much! Haha!

In some ways, it has been like looking in a proverbial mirror. I am surprised, but also comforted to see more evidence of how God designed me just so. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I can trust He has a good plan for all my quirks! I don’t have to change everything… I am already loved perfectly.

While we have to take action and keep moving forward, we also need God’s direction and wisdom. Yes, growth requires stretching and a fair amount of grace and mercy.

Ultimately, I am so grateful for all God has done in my life this past year. As long as I am listening and going where He wants me, I will be fine. 😉

I know He has more good things in store for me!


God, thanks for bringing me through another year.  Please continue to refine me and make me more like Jesus. Help me be a good reflection of Who You are. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: As we move closer to a new season, how have your goals changed? How have you seen God’s grace in your life lately?

Tasks: Meditate on James 1:22-24. Make changes accordingly.

Finding Grace #282

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a full week! On Sunday, Lydia enjoyed telling everyone on Zoom about her adventures at camp.

Work went well, too. A lady in our department is retired after 20+ years, so we had a surprise celebration for her. It was so funny because we chose Wednesday for the actual party, but I suggested Friday as a “fake” celebration to throw her off a bit. My other coworkers  and I had a fun time covertly planning the party. We will miss having her around, but we also have a good plan in place for the transition as she leaves.

On Tuesday I felt so loved at work. A friend, who arrives earlier than me, saved me some coffee from the old batch, specifically knowing I am not a fan of the fresh, flavored kind that she made afterward. It was sweet of her to think of me! Also, a couple of the managers went out of their way to help me transition to my “new” office space. It was kind of them to take the time to help when they are usually so busy!

Lydia and I had a great time visiting family in person this week!! We celebrated my aunt’s birthday, and it was the first time my parents and all my siblings had been together in at least a couple years. We saw my nephew, now a year old, and met my new baby niece. Lydia enjoyed playing with both of her little cousins and seeing much of our extended family. Many of us meet weekly over Zoom, but visiting and hugging in person was wonderful!

Otherwise, Lydia and I did some deep cleaning as we prepare for a busy August full of visitors. She reorganized some of her play areas, desk, and backseat of the car. I worked on the kitchen table and my bedroom, since things seem to pile up there! It felt good to cross these tasks off our list! Now, we just have to keep these spaces looking nice!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #249

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a fun week, and I was reminded many times of God’s grace, presence and provision. On Sunday, we sang Happy Birthday to my sister over Zoom. We couldn’t all be together, but we did make a list of all the things we love about her!

Work went well all around, at the VA and Concordia. I realized an old coworker also is now at the VA, so I hope to run into her soon! I also held my last class of the semester, which happened to be over Zoom. I also finished grading some papers and made a final exam for next week!

This week, I nearly wrapped up final details on my forthcoming book! It is really an exciting feeling to be…. sooo close. It has turned out so well. I will keep you posted with the details, but I hope to make it official very soon! 😉

Today, Lydia and I went with a friend to look for an apartment. We enjoyed seeing various options, though I am thankful I am not the one moving! It made me appreciate my house all the more!

Today, we also stopped by our church for a drive thru Christmas gift of hot cocoa and ingredients to make sugar cookies. It will be fun to bake the cookies, hopefully tomorrow. I’m grateful for my church family!

Tonight, I am making a vegetable soup, helping Lydia with some math homework, and planning for the next semester of teaching! It’s been a wonderful week!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Special Days Are Still Difficult

As I previously mentioned, Lydia’s 9th birthday was last weekend! We had a fun day together, as you might expect. But, as the evening wore on and bedtime grew close, Lydia started feeling sad.

Perhaps she was already feeling sad, but she didn’t say anything earlier in the day. We were watching “Jingle Jangle” on Netflix, and I thought everything was going well. But toward the end of the show, Lydia started softly crying.

She said the show was sad, although I hadn’t noticed anything overly sad about it. It could have been the fact that it was growing late, or maybe it was just coming down after a high point (celebrating her birthday). Either way, I still needed to help her understand and deal with her emotions.

I silently prayed for help and asked Lydia to share what was on her mind. She couldn’t quite express her thoughts, so I asked a few questions to get her talking. She missed her dad, my late husband, Dave.

Soon, I remembered I had some of Dave’s clothes, saved for this very reason. Around seven years ago, I had packaged up a medium-sized box of his favorite shirts and a pair of jeans, so Lydia could one day understand more about how tall he was and his interests.

I asked Lydia if she wanted to see the clothes, and naturally, she said yes. Going through the box was bittersweet… and, I had to explain what that word means. Each piece of clothing brought back specific memories with Dave or reminded me who he was.

To me, the saddest part of all is that Lydia doesn’t have memories of Dave. She just has his clothes, his pictures, and other people’s memories. Nonetheless, I validated Lydia’s emotions and acknowledged that it was normal to feel sad, angry, or even a sense of unfairness. As she grows, so does her grief.

I offered to wash her Daddy’s clothes so she could hold them close. Just about every week, she wears her Caterpillar sweatshirt and a couple of t-shirts honoring Dave. She quickly asked if she could wear them around the house or to sleep in some of them. Sure!

I started a load of laundry, never thinking I would wash those items again… Then, I coached Lydia how to handle those difficult emotions.

I explained that some people want to run away from their emotions or numb the pain in various ways. But that doesn’t really take care of the problem, it just prolongs it.

I encouraged Lydia to do the following. We can:

  1. Draw near to God, asking Him to help us through the pain. We can tell Jesus all about it. He understands and knows exactly what we need.
  2. Share our pain with someone trustworthy. Our feelings are not the only thing, but they still are valid. Not everyone will understand, but find someone who will let you cry it out, if needed, and who won’t just tell you to get over it.
  3. Sit with the pain, as long as needed. Just let it be. Try to get to the root of the problem to understand how to deal with it appropriately.
  4. Then, find someone else you can help with the lessons you learned. Be gentle and don’t assume that everyone wants to be helped. Trust God to use your pain to bring comfort and peace where it is needed most.

Lydia and I sat on the couch for quite awhile, maybe an hour. My legs were falling asleep, as she was snuggled on my lap. It was well past bedtime when I finally turned out her light. Parents want to shield their children from pain, but there are still some situations where that’s not possible.

The next day, I gave Dave’s clean clothes to Lydia. She embraced them and took them straight to her room. She picked out the largest sweatshirt she could find and wore it the rest of the day. She even slept in it and said she had the best sleep ever. Thank You, Jesus!

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and that will look dramatically different for many of us. For me and Lydia, it’s par for the course. We’ve had seven years to adjust, but then again, we’ve been adjusting for seven years! Special days are still difficult at times.

This year, people around the world are missing their loved ones who either passed from COVID or who are socially distancing to protect themselves or others. I’m so sorry.

In the struggle, remember it’s normal to feel how you feel. Let it out and deal with it in healthy ways. Pray, journal, call your loved ones, take a nap, go for a walk, etc.

Also please remember you are loved. You are not alone. We are in this together, and God is here with us. Despite all we have lost, we still have so much to be thankful for.


God, thanks for always being there for us, in the good times and bad. Thank you we can draw near to You at any time of day, no matter how we are feeling. Please be with each of us, and wrap us in Your love and grace. Help us keep our eyes on You, not our circumstances. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you altering your plans this holiday season? What is your favorite tradition, and can you put a new spin on it? What are you most thankful for this year?

Tasks: Make a gratitude list, or write down what is going well. Be on the lookout for ways you can encourage others. You might be surprised how God uses your pain to help someone else!

Finding Grace #246

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was went really well. We had a good Zoom meeting with family on Sunday, and we also made some Asian-style dumplings with a friend. We made some extras and enjoyed them for leftovers later in the week!

Work at the VA went well, and I got to fill in and work some additional hours. I appreciated the opportunity and am glad to help my team! I also received high marks on my performance evaluation, which makes me really grateful for God’s grace!

On Friday, my college students and I enjoyed a Zoom class event with other health disciplines. Then, I spent the rest of the day (before picking up Lydia) crossing off several items on my to-do list! It felt good to catch up around the house, make several calls, and drop off items in the mail.

Today is Lydia’s birthday. I am so thankful for my girl! She has been looking forward to this day for months!! Besides opening gifts from me, she received a number of cards and gifts in the mail. I really appreciate everyone’s generosity toward her! Thank you!

Today, we went shopping (errands), saw a good friend, ate some yummy food, and talked with family on the phone and via Zoom. Tonight, we are watching the Netflix movie, “Jingle Jangle.” It’s been a good day celebrating!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #245

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was went by quickly, yet it was full of God’s goodness. We had cooler weather this week, but that’s not unusual for November!

The VA was busy as usual, but I am thankful for the work we are doing. Lydia and I both were off for Veterans day on Wednesday, so we enjoyed a relaxing day at home. I met with my students virtually and graded papers, while she played games and cleaned her room.

COVID cases continue to rise all around us, so we continue to pray for those affected and play it safe. Of course, we are wearing masks, washing our hands, and social distancing. We have shopped online, minimized our social calendar, and met people online when possible. For instance, this week, Lydia’s teacher and I met virtually for a routine conference, and I am grateful Lydia is doing well.

Tonight, I am meeting a friend on Zoom to catch up. And, Lydia is having a friend sleepover for her birthday (which is next week). We see this little girl often, though of course, there are no guarantees. We are doing our best to live in this strange time!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #232

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a fun week full of God’s grace! On Sunday, we enjoyed seeing friends at church, and family over Zoom. Lydia also got her hair cut. It is just above her shoulders now, which makes her curls really pop! She’s so cute and confident!

On Wednesday, I celebrated my birthday! I took the day off work, got a massage, started a book, watched a movie, talked with family and friends, and enjoyed time with Lydia. We got ice cream and took a scenic walk with great conversation! It was just right. I’m grateful for a chance to reflect on all God has done for me this last year. He is so good to me!

This week had some wild weather extremes! Most of the days were very enjoyable. Mostly sunny with perfect temperatures. At work, I took some brief walks with my coworkers. Friday had crazy storms and with flooding potential most of the day. I had an errand to run and waited to go in between storms. I didn’t get too wet, thankfully!

Today, has also been fun and productive! First, I got my oil changed. Then, Lydia and I went to the bookstore for a little while. We got fancy drinks and read some books. Then, we went to Costco before returning home. She played with a neighbor friend while I made some calls, paid some bills, made some stuffed peppers, and worked on a project!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Reflecting on God’s Goodness

Last week, Lydia and I traveled to Illinois for a fun road trip! We saw some family and a few friends. We even met my new baby nephew; he is so sweet and little!

While I don’t always enjoy sitting still for hours of driving, I do love how a road trip brings the opportunity to reflect. In my usual state of busyness, I often forget how important this is. But, when I take time away from my normal routine, I gain perspective on what is really important. I’m grateful for the reminder.

As I drove through Minnesota and Wisconsin, I thought about the current pandemic, mask requirements, and the upcoming school season. The entire situation is a little odd (and sad), but instead of fear or worry, I praised God for keeping us safe and providing so well for us during all the uncertainty. It felt good to see the big picture, and it was interesting to see how other states are dealing with it, too.

I also thought ahead for how I will spend my birthday, which happens to be today!

In Illinois, my family surprised me with a delicious chocolate cake (decorated to represent the healthy ‘plate method’ of a balanced diet). It was so funny, and I brought some of it home with me. I put it in the freezer so I can have it whenever I want!

From week to week, I probably don’t take as much time to rest as I should, so I took today off from work and planned a massage. While Lydia is at daycare, I will run a few errands and probably work on a project (deadline ahead!). I may read or take a short bike ride, too. I appreciate having a little quality time to myself, because that is rare!

Yes, I will enjoy some pampering and continue to reflect on God’s goodness. Then, we will do some other fun activities later in the day!

Today, three things come to mind as I celebrate the life God has given me and look forward to the year ahead. Joy, peace, and gratitude.

I feel joy as I think of how much God has blessed me. I am excited for what is ahead, even though there will be some difficult moments and some tough days. But, I also can enjoy myself, trusting that God will help us and take care of us. He is faithful!

I have peace because I have seen God come through for me in the past, and I see how He is working out all the details for my good and His glory. Even with challenging circumstances, He is with me and for me. He never lets me down!

I am so grateful for all God is doing in my life and don’t want to take any of it for granted. He has given me so many gifts, including Lydia, family and friends.

It is only by His grace we have come so far! Thank You, Jesus!


Heavenly Father, thanks for all the ways You bless me and take care of me. Thanks for Your love and grace. Help me to reflect You with joy, peace, and gratitude. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you see God moving in your life? Have you praised Him for His goodness today?

Tasks: Take some time to reflect on all the goodness in your life today. Give God praise!

Finding Grace #199

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week we enjoyed celebrating Jesus’ birthday! He really is the perfect gift! We enjoyed the Christmas Eve service at church and also joined another family for dinner on Tuesday. Then, we spent Christmas day at home. We talked with family and received so many wonderful gifts! Thank you!!

I worked on Monday but have had the rest of the week off. Lydia and I ran some errands this week and have enjoyed spending lots of time together! We have baked treats and played a ton of new games.

Lydia has really ‘grown up’ this week before my eyes. First, Lydia opted to put the Christmas money she received in her savings account. Then, we had some intense discussions about all sorts of topics, including body image, accepting our perceived flaws, and being who God made us to be. I was hoping these topics wouldn’t come up so soon, but I felt God directing our conversations. Lydia calmed herself down and considered what I was saying as I helped reframe her concerns. Thanks, Lord!

This week, Lydia decided she actually does like to eat bell peppers. She also made herself breakfast (toast, etc.) and lunch (which included salad). Then, she read an abridged children’s version of Moby Dick and was happy to discover a new-to-her genre of classic literature. It was fun to watch her engage with the story. Thankfully, I bought her a handful of these books over the summer and she has several more days off school!

On Thursday, Lydia also volunteered to help me shovel snow and did a fabulous job. Then, we had fun sledding in the lot behind our house! We stayed outside for over an hour and then came in and enjoyed some hot chocolate. Later, we upgraded Lydia’s closet to bigger hangers and donated some clothes that were too small for her.

Today Lydia and I enjoyed the snowy weather! She started a new book (Journey to the Center of the Earth, abridged) while I “hiked” in Austria on my treadmill! Then, this afternoon, a friend came to visit and we introduced them to several of our new games. The extra player made everything a lot more fun and competitive! We will be laughing about that for quite a while. Tonight, we are watching another movie or two. It’s been a full week!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The Perfect Gift

Merry Christmas!! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating Jesus!

Recently, I read an awesome statement that the Christmas story really started back in Genesis. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God cursed the serpent (Satan) and first mentioned His plan of salvation.

Genesis 3:15 says, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel.”

There are many prophecies in the Old Testament that speak of Jesus. Then, in the New Testament, our Savior comes and we learn His Name! In Luke Chapter 2, the Christmas story is simple yet profound.

There was a census; people traveled to their hometowns; it was crowded; a baby was born. Those are somewhat ordinary details. Yet, in Galatians 4:4, the Bible uses a phrase, “in the fullness of time,” that shows us Jesus came on purpose and at just the right point in history. God’s perfect gift!

I love how the basic setting and seemingly mundane details in the Bible make Jesus accessible to each of us regardless of our own circumstances. For example, like Jesus, most of us were not born into wealth. We can relate (at least a little bit–Jesus was born dirt poor).

Of course, the other details are vastly different: Angels, shepherds, barn animals and a manger, and later, a bright star and wise men from afar.

Back then, Mary and Joseph would have traveled in difficult circumstances. They did not have modern conveniences we take for granted, such as a car, heat, air conditioning, electricity, and running water. Indeed, if Jesus was born in our modern times, it would be a completely different story!

What if we read about Mary and Joseph driving to Bethlehem in a Prius or Suburban instead of walking and/or riding for days on a donkey? They could have booked reservations months ahead of time. OR, they could’ve skipped the chaotic trip altogether by filling out the Census data online, over the phone, through the mail, or by answering their front door and talking to someone in person.

If Jesus were born in this day and age, Mary and Joseph could have paid for a midwife or doula to assist them and ensure sweet little Jesus was born under sanitary conditions.

Today, Mary would have a well-stocked nursery and a sound machine to help Baby Jesus acclimate to this world. Yet God perfectly ordained His Son’s birth from the beginning of time.

Perhaps, if the Christmas story were more modern or glamorous, we wouldn’t appreciate the story in the same way. We might lose respect for the unique and humble birth of our Lord and Savior.

God could’ve picked a different time period, place, family, and race. But He didn’t. Instead, God chose the complex intricacies of the Christmas story on purpose.

God chose, in His wisdom, for Jesus to be born when political tensions were running high and when darkness ruled. Yet, the Christmas story is timeless and still relevant. There are certainly parallels that we can understand today.

Yes, Jesus is the PERFECT gift!! He was born a King, yet He did not ‘lord’ that fact over anyone. He taught us how to lead through humility and serving others. He understood human nature and showed us how to ‘live our best lives’… long before the hashtag ever existed. 😉

Mary and Joseph could have easily given in to doubts and fears like we often do. Surely they questioned the meaning behind their various struggles from time to time. But ultimately, they trusted God Most High to follow through on what He said He would do.

Maybe Christmas looks different for you this year.  As families grow and live far away, it is difficult to celebrate together. Or, maybe you are dealing with grief or loss. Bring it all to Jesus. Let that be your gift to Him this year.

Similarly, perhaps you’re also considering the challenges in your own life. At times, it can be difficult to stay on top of everything. It’s tiring to keep the momentum going!

Remember, Jesus came to Earth not just to rescue us, but to live with us. He faced all the same issues and temptations and heartaches we do. He understands.

He sees behind the scenes and from the top, from the beginning, and from the end.

We can trust Jesus’ perspective and His heart. He always comes through for us!


Heavenly Father, thanks for sending us a Rescuer, Your Son, Jesus! We praise You for ordaining all the details in Your perfect timing. You are SO good! Help us love others how You love us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your favorite part of the Christmas story? What are your favorite Christmas traditions?

Tasks: In all the hubbub of today, make sure to spend time worshipping Jesus!