Here in This Moment

Often, when I write these posts, I have a million things on my mind. Right now, I also have a never-ending list of tasks, such as going through mail, reading a mountain of books, and putting away the dishes. Most of the time, I get started…and then get interrupted.

For example, I might process half the mail, read half a book, and/or unload half the dishwasher…and then I’ll remember I still have the other half of the laundry to finish!

But don’t worry! I will get back to these tasks soon enough…

For now, however, I am enjoying this moment.


Currently, it’s so quiet I can hear a clock ticking in the bathroom down the hall. In my home and in my heart, I can feel God’s presence. I’m grateful for His peace.

While I have many things I could do, I am simply sitting still…taking it all in. Everything else can wait. I’m grateful for God’s grace.

As I look all around, I see many blessings. There are blessings in the form of mail from friends and family, and books inviting me to go on a journey. There are dishes from a delicious meal. I see boxes that held Lydia’s birthday gifts. I see bills reminding me of warm water, clean clothes, and electricity. I’m grateful for God’s provision.

Like most people, I have several ongoing decisions to make. Most are routine responsibilities, like monthly budgets, meal planning, and managing our schedule. Sometimes there are bigger decisions, too, that require more prayer. But I won’t worry. Here in this moment, Jesus leads me to Victory! I am grateful for His wisdom and direction.


As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.’”

“But the Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:38-42, NLT).

Yes, instead of thinking of all that needs to be done, I’m going to stay in THIS moment.

I am not procrastinating. Before long, the ‘busy-ness’ will begin again. Something or someone (Lydia) will beckon me. But, for now, this moment is the best place to be!


As I rest, I relinquish any unreasonable expectations for the day. God knows just what I need to accomplish and He is more than able to help me!

As I relax, I release heavy burdens and place them at Jesus’ feet. I realize I don’t have to do ‘everything’ on my own. There is freedom in His love and mercy!

As I relish the calm, I am restored. Jesus renews my energy. He refreshes me with His everlasting strength. His grace is sufficient!

As I refocus my attention and readjust my thoughts, I reconnect with my Heavenly Father who loves me dearly. His Truth is what I need!

Sometimes we all need a quiet moment (or two) to catch our breath. Even when chaos and noise surrounds us, God is always with us morning, noon, or night. So wherever you find yourself today, you can breathe in God’s grace in each moment!


Father God, in this moment, I turn to You. Draw me close, Lord, and let me feel Your warm embrace. Give me strength as I go about my day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How long has it been since you were still in the presence of God?

Tasks: Take a short break and reconnect with God! Enjoy solitude if possible…or pray, journal, listen to soft music, or take a walk if you need. If you have difficulty being still, review and reflect on God’s names and attributes.

The Art of Waiting Well

On most Sundays after church, Lydia and I eat lunch and discuss what we learned or did that morning. This week was no different, except, Lydia couldn’t quite recall what Bible story she learned in her class that day.

“Hmmm…let me think…” she said. “Well, there were two girls and a boy.”

That really didn’t ring a bell for me! So I asked Lydia to explain more.

She said, “Um, one girl lived really far away. And, she decided to go home. Then, the other girl told her, ‘Well, I won’t leave you here.”

Lydia continued, “And she told the first girl, ‘So how about I just go with you?!’”


I laughed with realization, and half-guessed, “Oh, are you talking about Ruth and Naomi?!”

“Yeah… I think so…” Lydia went on, “And then there was a boy too…” She couldn’t remember anymore details about him!

I loved Lydia’s little paraphrase and the details she focused on. I gave her a quick overview of Naomi, Ruth, Boaz, and Baby Obed. Then, with motherly emphasis, I told her,

Think about how much Ruth would have missed if she had given up!”

Instantly, I also sensed a lesson for me too.

My circumstances are vastly different, but I understand how difficult it might have been for these two ladies to consistently make good decisions, move forward, and trust God. I’m sure it felt like the odds were stacked against them.

Generally speaking, Lydia and I do well most days. But there are days and seasons when we struggle. The pressure to quit tends to go through cycles, and my determination can wane.

Mostly, these are normal challenges we all face…one way or another.


Of course, it’s often easier to procrastinate or abandon a time-consuming project, than stick with it and see it through. It’s hard to hold onto dreams or goals that take a lot of effort…when it takes forever to see results.

I have found most ‘God-projects’ take awhile, though…and are worth it.

It’s also easier as a parent to give in to your child’s demands, rather than stick with the appropriate discipline. It’s another long-term commitment!

But the constant pressure of these challenges can quickly wear me down.

We may have unique struggles, but all of us can feel discouraged and defeated at times.

Some days I go ‘on my merry way’ and everything just works out just fine. But on tough days, it can be tempting to run away (ignore the problems altogether) or run ahead of God (try to fix the problems on my own).

Still, there is a hidden blessing when challenges come.

Yes, that’s when I most remember I need God’s help. In fact, I can be thankful for those times, too, because they help me draw near to Him! When I want to run and hide, let me run to Jesus!

As we come to Him in our weakness, He infuses us with His strength.

The Lord might move in my situation…or He might move me. But I need to let Him make the decision…not me! As I stand firm and wait for Him to act, He prepares me for greater things:


As I cling to Jesus, He refines my character and makes me more like Him. The Lord is faithful. Whatever happens, He will work it out for my good and His glory!


There’s waiting, and then there’s waiting well. While I wait, I can:

Pray for wisdom, grace, and perseverance.

Seek God’s input first. Then ask for outside help, if needed.

Focus…and refocus…on Jesus. He’s the ultimate goal!

Commit my steps to Him. Trust Him for perfect timing.

Remember: I can do difficult things!

Have a good attitude, and make lemonade!


Jesus, thanks for Your grace and strength. Instead of running away or running ahead, help me to run directly to You, Lord. Help me not miss all the good things You have planned for me! Help me persevere. In Your Name, Amen.

Questions: What difficult circumstance(s) are you facing now, that make you want to give up? How can you wait well, with patience and perseverance?

Tasks: Write down your dream or goal. Then, consider what is at stake if you give up. Memorize Philippians 4:13, or another favorite Bible verse.

Because He Is Faithful

The last few weeks have been quite full around here … I’m sure you can relate!

I’ve had some awe-inspiring “I-can’t-believe-I-get-do-this” moments and some “not-so-fast-try-again” moments. I’ve had some late nights and a couple early ‘zombie’ mornings, as well. You too?!

These days, I am trying to focus on sleeping more each night and resting more often. But at times, I can still feel overwhelmed! In those moments, it can be difficult to figure out which task needs to be done first. They ALL seem urgent and important!


My to-do list often grows faster than I can check tasks off! “To-do or not to-do” quickly becomes the question. I’m sure you’ve been there too!

However, recently, God reminded me He knows the limitations of my day and time. He knows I can’t possibly finish everything at once. He is not the one pressuring me to complete each task…therefore, maybe I am creating my own stress!

As a result, I’ve started to look at things differently…like maybe each task on my should-do list is simply a heavenly heads-up. God already knows I can’t do it all—a lesson I am continually relearning—but He wants me to be in the loop about what is coming.

He is an awesome planner after all!  I keep focusing on working with Jesus, rather than having to accomplish everything on my own. What grace!

So I will continue to pray and prepare wisely throughout the week, but will not worry when things don’t get done. I will work hard, yet stop to take breaks and enjoy life.

I feel better already!


Of course, none of us know what each day will hold—no matter how much we try to schedule it. But I am glad to leave it all in the hands of Jesus.

Because He is faithful, I don’t have to depend on my own understanding. I know He will show me the right path to follow (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Because He is a faithful Provider, I don’t have to worry about making ends meet. I can go to bed at night and rest well, knowing He is watching over me and working on all that concerns me (Psalm 127:2).

When I feel weak, wanting to give up or give in, He gives me the strength to persevere. And because He is faithful, I can do all things He has called me to do, though not necessarily everything I think I should do (Philippians 4:13)!


Yes, because He is faithful, I can be content despite my circumstances (Philippians 4:11). In the midst of trials, I know He will come through for me.

When I don’t measure up, even then, He won’t let me down. When I stumble, I know He is faithful to forgive. His mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9)!

Because He is faithful, I know Jesus will keep His promises (Psalm 145:13). Life is tough, but He will not leave me to fend for myself. So I will let Him lead me and sustain me. He knows exactly what I need!


Jesus, thanks for the daily reminders of Your love and grace. I put my hope and trust in You, for You are faithful. Lord, help me keep the right perspective that I get to do life with You, and don’t have to do it alone. In Your Name, Amen.

Questions: Is there anything you are trying to handle on your own? Can you take it to Jesus and leave it with Him?

Task: Write down a list of all the ways God has been faithful to you.


5 Benefits of Taking a Break

I don’t know about you, but I cannot believe how fast the summer is going! It’s probably been the best summer yet, since Dave went to heaven three years ago. Lydia and I are doing well, praise God!


With August just around the corner, our month is already filling up. Lydia has a little camp to attend with a friend; we have a visitor coming for a few days; and we have a host of other fun activities.

However, I’ve been somewhat relaxed most of July, having spent 2+ weeks traveling. So, I purposely postponed a few tasks and projects in favor of keeping things simple. I’m not really procrastinating, just focusing on different things for a change. It feels good!

Clearly, God has done a good work in me! In years past, I would have stressed about it. Now, instead of worrying, I’ve just decided to go with it! That’s grace! (And a lot more fun!)

I’ll get back to my normal routine in the coming days.

Meanwhile, here are five benefits of taking a break (or road trip, whatever). 😉

Psalm 29_11

More Rest: This may seem obvious, but we all need rest physically. On my last trip, I slept for 8 hours five days in a row. That’s the longest 8-hour streak I have had in…years! Also, my exercise routine is usually different when I travel. But even if I stay home on a rest day, my activity patterns are still laid-back.

More Relaxation: For me, this is mental. My best thinking and problem-solving comes when I am relaxed. Enjoying a different mental pace frees me up to think about other important things. My body may be hiking, canoeing or swimming, but my mind is on its own adventure! I love when my imagination kicks in and I can explore creative solutions. In fact, it’s a necessity to have a little time (traveling or not) each week to just chill and think clearly.

Less Stress: Cue the release of emotional burdens! We don’t need to carry the weight of our emotional stress. Yet, sometimes we fail to recognize the load on our shoulders. By taking time away, we can leave behind overwhelm, fear, worry, anger, etc. Sometimes, a little distance is all we need to realize we need to make different choices or move on. Stepping away for a little break may bring temporary relief or permanent changes.

Clear Perspective: When we take a break, we can also gain spiritual clarity. We can see the bigger picture, instead of focusing on our present circumstances. During a vacation from our problems, we can see what is really important. Perhaps God wants to provide direction or show us something new. He longs to answer our prayers, but we risk missing Him altogether when we don’t take time to listen. When we slow down, we can hear His Voice in the peace and quiet.

Increased Growth: In addition to new ideas and perspectives, taking time to explore can lead to growth in skills, knowledge, and even relationships. Find what inspires you to live a full life. Make memories with those you love, and meet new friends. Seek new challenges and put away your should-do list.

fishing and rest

I made a confession last week. Here’s another: Often, I don’t realize how much I need a break until I am actually taking one! It is becoming clear to me that I cannot afford to neglect breaks. When I regularly schedule rest, my overall outlook improves.

Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.” Yes, it may be challenging to take time away. But it is so important! Life is short…let God have your worries and take a break! 

Or, as I wrote earlier this year, take the trip you have been putting off.

If you are feeling tired and worn out…relax! Consider options for a daily break, a weekly escape, a monthly getaway, and/or a yearly retreat. Even if you stay home, explore your local surroundings. Try new foods, new parks, new entertainment. Be creative!


Father God, thank You for blessing us with rest. Thank You for restoring us in the peace and quiet. Help us seek Your grace and Your pace each day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you taken any trips lately? How can you build more rest and relaxation into your life?

The 12-Hour Turnaround

It is amazing what rejuvenation can come from a get-away. Lydia and I spent almost a week in Illinois, while we visited family and a few friends. It was just the ‘reset’ I needed.

Usually, we drive there and back in two days, stopping overnight each time. This adds a couple extra days to our trip—which is fun, but not always feasible. So, this time, we drove for twelve hours all in one day to Illinois and then the same road trip back to Fargo.

Now we have taken this route numerous times in nearly six years. And we have done the long all-day trek several times too. But this time was different.

sunrise from car

On this road trip, I needed a major turnaround. Yes, an attitude readjustment!

It could’ve been related to not sleeping well the night before. Perhaps it was the sense of leaving family and comfort behind. Maybe there were other factors too—like postponing breakfast—but I was in a funky mood at the beginning of the trip!

It was still dark as we started out. After a little while, Lydia fell back asleep. As I listened to her soft snoring, I started to reflect upon all we were driving back toward (in Fargo). There’s nothing like a little distance to give you some perspective!

Before, on the way to Illinois, we were driving toward family. But, as we drove back to Fargo, there was a void. I also realized as the third-year mark of Dave’s death approaches, we have been making these trips without him longer than with him.

I continued thinking about lessons learned, how many things have changed. Lydia has grown so much! Also, at least eight families—much of our support system—have moved away for various reasons. Though, God has been faithful to provide new friends and a wonderful drop-in daycare!

Other aspects of our lives are fairly steady. I’ve taken huge leaps forward, yet I feel there is still so much to do. Sometimes it is overwhelming. Though we love calling Fargo home—and have no plans to move—it has not been without challenges.

As we made our way North, I turned on the radio. I have a SiriusXM subscription which is awesome for traveling. I don’t use it often in Fargo, but on Monday, I was thankful for the encouraging words on The Message (Channel 63).

With God-focused songs, like Trust in You by Lauren Daigle, I knew I needed to give all my fears and frustrations to God. When I fear, I forget God’s faithfulness. But, the truth is, the Lord has been so, so good to me. He is kind, generous, and trustworthy. I don’t have to worry, because the He is in charge of all the details.

two arrows

As the hours rolled by, Lydia and I sang and talked. As I feasted on God’s grace and truth, a weight lifted. The closer we got to Fargo, the more light-hearted I became. Soon I was confident, hopeful, and trusting God again. What a relief knowing I don’t walk this path alone!

God continually gives me opportunities to trust Him at a deeper level. Oddly enough, I found new motivation to make some changes I previously resisted. My resistance is not on purpose, but I can be stubborn!

Being stuck in my car, I was open-minded to make changes regarding my daily routine. It’s funny how sitting in the car all day makes me want to switch up my exercise plan! 😉 Now, I have a renewed vision for Fargo and am excited to see all the Lord has in store!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

Following God is not always comfortable or easy. But, it is so worth it. God is for me not against me. He gently redirects me when I get off track. I can trust Him because He loves me so much!


Father God, thanks for Your unrelenting grace and love. Thanks for never giving up on me. Lord, I need You—I cannot make it on my own. Help me trust You more and more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your favorite music tunes for the car? Has God ever changed your heart during a road trip?

For When You’re Exhausted

Did you know over seventy countries participate in Daylight Savings Time? Still, that’s less than forty percent of the countries in the world. And, each country has their own ways of using this time change—some do it before or after we do in the United States.

With a few exceptions, most Americans will be changing their clocks this weekend. So consider this your friendly reminder to ‘spring forward’ one hour! Otherwise you will show up to work or church an hour late. (You’re welcome!) 🙂


While it is wonderful to have more daylight, the time change messes with our sleeping patterns. While we really only lose one hour on one day, it takes a little while to adjust. Kids get up an hour earlier, which can upset morning and evening routines. Also, there are increased health risks associated with the time change and the lack of sleep overall.

It’s no surprise that several studies have shown we need more sleep than we are getting. Like many other people, I often stay up late and get up early, still trying to run the entire solar system. Remember, S.T.R.E.S.S.?? It’s a hard habit to break!

After a little nudge from the Lord, my primary goal for the year is to… get more sleep. Like a minimum of seven hours on most nights. I know, I’m living on the edge! That’s still not enough; however, I am working on daily progress. And now that I am getting more shuteye, I certainly notice when I average closer to five or six hours.

Getting more sleep means…less wakeful hours…and thus, less time to accomplish tasks. So, I am trusting God to help me use my time wisely and accomplish all He has for me to do.

Yes, this means turning off the lights when I still feel the need to do something! It’s a struggle because I like to check things of my to-do list. For example, I often have to postpone household chores… 😉 But who really cares about dusting, anyway?!

Mainly, I aim for a more consistent bedtime routine, and swapping stimulating activities (ie. electronics) with more quiet tasks like reading books (another personal goal). But I am still learning what works best.

Often, it comes down to realizing I am wasting time or am no longer productive. Just last night, I almost got sucked into an online article about ‘secrets’ to help you sleep better. Awesome! But then I thought, “Um, I could actually just go to sleep!”


Going to bed earlier has its perks—like actually waking up rested and unhurried. But maybe the time change doesn’t affect you this weekend. Even if you just have trouble waking up or going to bed at a certain time, here are some helpful Bible verses to consider:

“In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3).

“Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in you” (Psalm 25:4-5).

“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble” (Psalm 59:16).

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life” (Psalm 143:8).


“It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late,
and work your worried fingers to the bone.
Don’t you know He enjoys
giving rest to those He loves?” (Psalm 127:2).

Dear reader, God does not want us to be exhausted. Let’s rest and trust Him to help us make wise and healthy choices all throughout the day.

Father God, thanks for Your steadfast love. Your mercies are new every morning. Teach me to number my days. Help me use my time wisely and trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you struggle with getting adequate sleep? What is one change you could make in your routine? Do you have any other helpful key Scriptures to share?

After the Leap

Did you do anything special to celebrate Leap Day this week?

For me, it was mostly like a regular day. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Lydia in her gymnastics class. There were moments when I laughed wholeheartedly at the kids’ antics. They were trying so hard!

Their attempts at cartwheels, crab walks, and the balance beam had me rolling. These cute tumblers practiced somersaults and log rolls. They jumped on a trampoline, chased each other, and crawled through tunnels. The kids had such joy!

There was plenty of leaping, jumping and even some marching. When the kids fell, they got back up. When they failed, they started over. Occasionally, they asked the teacher for help. Other times, they skipped over a station if they didn’t know what to do. Interestingly, none of the kiddos were concerned if they landed correctly or not.

They were carefree and having fun!


As you know, February 29th only comes every four years. That’s 1461 days. Yet, it goes by quickly. When I consider that four years ago, I had an infant and today, I have a preschooler…WOW!!

I also think about all that has happened in those four years, including a baby, parenthood, cancer, widowhood, grief, hard work, writing, serving, and lifelong friends.

Perhaps the last four years have turned out differently than you expected. Likely, you faced some disappointments too. Yet, most things turned out way better than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful and forever amazed to see God’s hand in it all.

It’s curious that there are a few days between Leap Day and March 4th (Forth)… What happens between leaping and marching forward? To me, that middle ground represents that transition time spent adjusting… changing… waiting… and overcoming doubt. It’s like the struggle before the victory. After the leap, it’s necessary to steady your feet before you can take any ground.


Maybe you leaped into a new venture recently and aren’t sure what to do next. It probably looked exciting at first, but are you facing uncertainty now? Maybe you didn’t land where you anticipated or you’ve lost your footing.

Remember: It’s okay to pause and ask the Teacher for direction or clarity. God is eager to help us when we ask! Take some time and regroup, sure. Refocus and get some perspective.

Find your balance, yes. But don’t wait too long and don’t let fear stop you. “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (1 Timothy 1:7).

Taking things day by day can make time seem slow—and it can be difficult to see progress. But don’t be discouraged or lose hope. By faith, trust that God’s plan for you is good. Get excited about what He is doing and have fun! There’s great joy in His presence!

jumping off table

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him” (Psalm 28:7).

Whatever happens in the next 1461 days, don’t worry about the outcome or end results! Let the Lord set your pace. Soon you’ll look back with amazement at how far you’ve come. And yes, God will work it for good if you trust Him (see Romans 8:28).

So keep your head up and keep marching!

God, You know all of our days before any of them ever occur. Thank You for being with us on each step of our journey. Helps us keep moving forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What would you like to see happen during these next four years? What steps are you taking to move forward?

To the Girls in the Bookstore

Last week marked my 8th wedding anniversary. Dave and I were married 5+ years, and I am so thankful for the time we had together. We were married aboard a cruise ship, Majesty of the Seas, in the Port of Miami. Approximately forty of our closest friends and family joined us for a trip to the Bahamas and Key West. It was a trip to remember!

Like a good husband, God is always so gracious to me—it just so happened last week (on my anniversary) that a neighbor gave me a belated Christmas gift and another friend brought us dinner. I love that God had it in the works to bless me!


Around that time, I was writing at the bookstore and overheard a conversation. I know one of the girls through mutual friends. Actually, I have only met her once but know she got married over the summer. She and her friend were talking about newlywed things.

Plans, hopes, dreams and goals.

While I wasn’t intentionally listening, our tables were in close proximity. So I loosely caught details while trying to work. These girls were discussing future travel plans, when something my acquaintance said struck me.

She said, “For our ten year anniversary, we are going to…”

Now, I didn’t know them well enough to interrupt their conversation. And I didn’t want my emotions to squash their excitement. But here’s what I’d say to the girls in the bookstore:

“Take the trip. If it’s possible, do it sooner rather than later. Don’t wait. Life often turns out differently than planned. There have been many good, unexpected twists and turns over the years. But we don’t have any guarantees of even tomorrow.

So take the trip.

We have a tendency to put things off, important things in lieu of the urgent. But don’t delay. Married or not, perfect home or not, dream job or not, ideal body weight or not—live to the fullest today because Life is so short.

I am not saying to ‘break the bank’ in order to do fun things or to simply ‘live for today.’ I am not recommending irresponsibility or neglect. Make good plans for the future, yes, but trust God to direct your path.”

Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.


Most of Life’s greatest joys require no money at all. Spend time with those you love. Celebrate and cherish the fun moments. Forgive and let go of grudges. Enjoy good food and don’t chase a number on a scale. Serve others and extend grace to those who need it. Be kind and generous. Use your words to build up people. Don’t let today pass without doing the most important things. (The dishes and laundry can wait.)

Dave and I made plans. But ultimately, God directed our steps. We had a beautiful cruise ship wedding and enjoyed our marriage. We worked hard and served our community. We traveled and played well. We jumped into Life as an adventure with God. Of course, I would have loved to have more time. But our time was well spent.


My life looks different now. It is important to me to relish these preschool days with Lydia…because all too soon, that will change. Today, this meant morning snuggles and painting little finger nails. Occasionally, we eat oatmeal with sprinkles on top or chocolate-dipped strawberries—just because. Some days, we stay home to enjoy a quiet day instead of running errands. (Those are good days to catch up with the dishes and laundry!)

So, to the girls in the bookstore: Take the trip. Don’t delay. Make plans, but remember Life is short. Seek God’s plan on purpose…and live well today.


God, thank You for filling our lives with Your goodness. Help us make the most of each day as we live for You. We trust You to lead us on right paths. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What changes are you considering to make the most of your time? Is there someone you can encourage along the way?

Got Stress? Get Grace!

As I looked for a good tie-in to today’s post, I immediately loved this acronym:

S.T.R.E.S.S. = Still Trying to Run the Entire Solar System

Now, I could tell you all the reasons why my week was stressful. This would include a conference, a deadline, tech difficulties, and a cranky child. I’m sure you understand.

Yet, they might just be good excuses. We all know Life happens. It’s easy to complain.

I could also offer advice on how I met these challenges. I’d share how I took a nap, took a walk…and took some chocolate. I’d recommend arranging for childcare, using a crockpot for easy meals, and rescheduling certain activities for another time. All good things!

(I’ll leave out the perfectionism and procrastination part…I’m sure that wasn’t related.) 😉

But you see, in my tiny little solar system, it can’t be all about me, what I want or know. I can’t even decide what to have for breakfast…so I am totally inadequate to run the show.

So I’ll keep trusting in God, the Creator of the Universe. He is excellent at dealing with stressful events. And, He is an ever-present Help in time of need!

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—
He who watches over you will not slumber.”

–Psalm 121:1-3


Let’s take a moment to clarify and renew our minds with God’s word. We can overlook important details or connections when we feel overwhelmed.

Isaiah 26:3 says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.” If you don’t have peace, try realigning your focus.

Often we get stressed because we feel responsible for end-results—as if success depends on us. It is useless to depend on our own fleeting energy instead of God’s everlasting strength.

If God started something good in you, He will be faithful to complete it (see Philippians 1:6).

Both perfectionism and procrastination can yield stress. But the root is fear. In the chaos of our emotions, we can lose sight of the vision and purpose God has given us.

So, remind yourself of God’s constant love. We don’t have to be afraid!

Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

God blesses obedience, and He has equipped us to do what He has called us to do (see Ephesians 2:10). If we’re trying to do more than that, it’s no wonder we are stressed.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Lord God, I praise you! You spoke out Your Word, and created the heavens and the earth. Nothing is too difficult for you! You do all things well. When I am overwhelmed, help me seek You first. I want to do it Your way. Give me wisdom to know what to do, and the courage to do it. Thank You for Your abundant grace. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your best techniques for handling stress? Do you have a favorite Bible verse that you find helpful?



Put on Your Pants!

Over the last year or so, Lydia has been doing more things for herself. You’d think I would have more time. Though in reality, I spend about as much time coaching her and suggesting ideas. Here is an example of a typical morning:

Lydia, procrastinating and playing: “I don’t know what to wear!”

Me, checking the clock: “Well, you could start with your pants.”

Lydia, starting to whine: “But, but, I want to wear a dress….and I don’t know which shoes to wear!”

Me, quickly building up steam: “I said, put on your PANTS!”

(Can you relate?!)

Lydia plays, jumps on the bed and wastes time, preferring her own agenda. I know it is par for the course—no one said parenting would be easy. But, it drives me nuts!

“I don’t know what pajamas I want to wear…”

This also happens at bedtime, so I’ve had many “opportunities” to ponder the situation.


And truthfully, there are times when I act the same way. (Gasp!) Yep. I can delay in obeying God in the most simple things—like adjusting my schedule, or calling to encourage a friend, or offering to help someone. I wrongly think whatever I happen to be doing is more important.

Often, God will ask me to do something that doesn’t quite make sense. Sometimes it feels uncomfortable or inconvenient. Occasionally, it even seems inconsequential—a tiny task that won’t make a difference. “It won’t matter if I don’t…

Yes, it does matter! Delayed obedience is still disobedience.

Like an exasperated parent, I bet sometimes we drive God a little crazy, too. Thank the Lord for His abundant mercy and grace!

I want all the answers, the whole picture. I want to know the purpose, plan, and the procedures. I want a guarantee, don’t you?!

Well, like my child (ahem), I just have to take the first step. I pray for wisdom and courage. I seek wise counsel. Yes.

But I can’t delay if it still seems unclear. God will provide the next step when needed. If I make a mistake, I don’t have to worry. His grace gives me a do-over.

(No. Grace is not a free license to do whatever we want. Sorry!)

Lots of Pants Hanging

By faith, do the uncomfortable, inconvenient thing. Even if it doesn’t seem important.
Soon, there’s momentum—moving in the right direction and seeing results. Praise God!

Is there a next step you need to take? Please stop resisting, and do it cheerfully!

Not sure what that is? Try one of these from Colossians 3, my emphasis added.

v. 12: “…clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

v.13: “Bear with each other and forgive one another… Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

v.14: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

v.15: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

**And whatever you do, PLEASE, don’t forget to put on your pants!!**