Big Star or Bust

It amazes me how the Nativity story is something we have heard and read about year after year, but it always has something new for us!

Whether you think about it from the perspective of the Shepherds, Mary, Joseph, the Angels, Wisemen, or even the animals (surely they were surprised, too!), there are so many angles! In other parts of the Gospel of Luke, I’m sure Anna, Simeon, and Elizabeth had some important insights, too.

All of the people in the Nativity story had their lives interrupted by a little baby. And, not just any baby; Jesus was/is God!

It’s likely they were each struggling in one way or another. The Roman occupation would not have been easy. Mary, Joseph, and the Shepherds were not made of money. Even the Wisemen would have been worn out from a lengthy journey. Nonetheless, they all regrouped and went with it, apparently!

Lydia made a funny comment about the Wisemen recently, who would have traveled several months or possibly years. She said, “What if they had a sign on their caravan that said ‘Big Star or Bust?!'” We both laughed, but it made me think a bit more.

Free sirius star big dog illustration

Do I go all in as I seek Jesus? Well, I usually try to, but my cracked car windshield is getting replaced today. With the colder weather, I didn’t want to take any chances.

It was rather inconvenient, and I was at a loss for what to do. Then, two friends were willing to help me swap my car with a rental after work (yesterday and today). God knows what I need and how to solve it!

Oddly enough, the car I ended up with last night was not the one I rented; it was one that was available! I could choose between a big truck, a little truck, a minivan, and a Chevy Spark. I was thinking of just getting back and forth to work and didn’t want to have to figure out the size and spacing on the fly. So, I chose the compact Chevy and laughed all the way home.

See the picture – it looks like the back half of the car is missing! At least I saved a little money with the smaller car! 😉

Sometimes, “Big Star or Bust” has to be a group effort. We are not meant to live in isolation. Even Jesus had a family and friends, as he ran a public ministry. He had to rely on others to some degree. Although He was often on the go, He always had time for what mattered.

This season can be tough in many ways. Hustling and bustling often lead to stress, while high expectations can lead to disappointment when things don’t go as planned. If you are dealing with grief or loss, well, that can take sorrow to a whole new level.

I know full well the grief cycle mixed with holidays. Feel free to look back on just about any post from each December I have blogged (starting in 2015). Each year has gotten a little better, thankfully! And, I am grateful for all the continued prayers and support.

Perhaps your “Big Star or Bust” journey is different than mine. Your strengths and challenges are unique, but so are your resources. God’s grace is sufficient whether you have a lot or a little. Just keep bringing Him your best, and be willing to accept a little help along the way!

Keep moving forward, and you will find the Prize you seek (Jesus!) if you don’t give up. #bigstarorbust


God, thanks for the gift of laughter amid a potentially difficult season. Thanks for taking good care of us. Help us chase after you with all our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have a “Big Star or Bust” experience?! How are you pursuing Jesus this week? What does that look like for you?

Task: Whatever challenges you face today, turn your face to Jesus. Seek Him with all you’ve got. He completely understands and will never let you down!

Finding Grace #404

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

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Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a pretty good week!

Work was hopping, that is… good but busy! I had some interesting patients and some fun conversations. I heard that one of my patients died, which is always sad. I also tackled several patient issues that popped up while covering for other people. It was one of those weeks where I felt I was making a difference!

The weather has been amazing this week. We had a tiny bit of snow on Monday but it melted the next day or so. It was in the 40s and felt like spring! Winter is on the way, but this reprieve has been so welcome!

On Thursday, I saw the sunrise on my way to work and the sun set on my drive home! We also attempted to see the predicted aurora borealis by waking up in the middle of the night to check a live stream in Grand Forks, but it wasn’t as exciting as we had hoped, so instead of driving out of town a few miles, we went back to bed.

Lydia is dealing with a POTS flare-up today with several of her usual symptoms. She had hoped to spend time with a friend or two, but instead, we are just taking it easy so she can rest. I am catching up on quiet activities, like paying bills, comparing new health/dental/vision plans, and planning ahead for the new year, which is less than a month away!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Purpose in Provision

This week, I received a glowing performance appraisal at work, per usual. It was just what I expected because I do my best and the requirements are clear.  While I love what I do, and do it well, I sometimes compare my success or reward with others (even though I don’t have all the details to judge accurately!).

Instead of going into a downward spiral, I started thinking about all the ways God has provided for me, all the ways He recognizes or acknowledges me when others don’t. Sometimes, we feel we have everything we need, and sometimes, we feel lack. That doesn’t mean God is doing a poor job; perhaps we just lose our perspective occasionally. 

We may feel overlooked, forgotten, or unappreciated. It’s easy to focus on what someone else has or is doing and wish we had that, too. We want that friendship or relationship. We want the same chance or deal. We covet the opportunity, promotion, or the level of responsibility.

Often, there are hidden downsides to success. Just because someone looks successful doesn’t mean they appreciate it or have no other problems.

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I wonder how much time, effort, and skill it must’ve taken to get where that person is. In most cases, there are no overnight successes but just years of grueling labor.

Am I willing to do whatever it took for them to get there? These days, I’d say the chance is low, lol. I like my time and freedom! But if I do want to challenge myself, then I should start taking steps and learning now.

Flipping it around, I am reminded of what it took to get me here. It was quite the journey, and yet I am so grateful for all the ways God has shown up just for me…. with personalized provision for whatever I am going through each time. He is faithful!

In the off-chance that someone cheated or something truly was not fair, they will get what they have coming to them. It may take a little time, but God is just!

But, when life doesn’t seem fair, I remember that I am no longer of this world. I am a citizen of Heaven, and my Father knows exactly what I need. If there is any lack, King Jesus will soon make it right, so I don’t need to worry. His purpose for me is unique, so His provision is unique to my circumstances and environment. 

God’s purpose and provision are linked! I don’t need to compare ourselves or feel less than. If I stay close to Jesus, I will be right on track and have everything I need.

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I have a beautiful house, great neighbors, and an awesome family. I also have a job I feel was crafted just for me. I have favor with God, my manager, and my coworkers. Each of us has different qualifications and responsibilities that match. Each of us brings positive energy and a host of skills to our strong team. I just happen to work part-time with a nearly full-time schedule. I mentor others at work, and I am still available when Lydia needs me.

If my particular skills aren’t always recognized or rewarded, maybe that’s a good reminder that they are not the most important thing. I am called to serve, not gain attention. If there is something I need, God will make sure I get it in due time. (Psalm 84:11).

In fact, read John 21, paying attention to verse 22. Jesus wants us to focus on our own relationship with Him because our mission flows out of that. The best thing we can do is stay close to Him.

There are several things each of us can do while we wait. We can show up with a smile, do our best, and be honest. We can practice self-care (making sure we are eating well, moving a little, and sleeping enough). We can honor those around us and love them like Jesus. We can cultivate peace, joy, and contentment, along with gratitude and patience. Character counts!

Fear, self-centeredness, and lack seem to run together, don’t they? Instead, Jesus showed us how to live with an outward-focused, faith-filled, abundant life. Whatever purpose He has for us, we can be confident it includes His peace, preparation, and provision. He always comes through for us and knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for Your peace and provision! You take such good care of Your children. Help us remember You prepare us and provide for us according to Your unique purposes for us. Help us use all our strengths for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are you doing to invest in your future? Are you complaining or planting seeds?

Tasks: Next time you feel slighted or overlooked, remember all the ways God takes care of you. Make a list if you have to! Remain close to Jesus. He is so good!

By Grace, Through Faith

The ultimate privilege and responsibility I have as a parent is to influence Lydia for God, encourage her faith in Him, and show her how to walk with Jesus. I am proud of her spiritual growth as I disciple her relationship with the Almighty.

Lydia has been reading her Bible just about every day for several months. She has worked through the Gospel of John; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John; Galatians; Revelation, and others. I loved her commentary on Revelation (talking about scary dragons and Hell): “Well, that’s a great way to start off my day!” She had insightful questions about the imagery and end-time events, too.

This week, Lydia started Ephesians. She aims to read about a chapter per day. Mostly, she reads the material, thinks about it, and then we talk about it.

I love Ephesians, and it has been fun to hear Lydia’s thoughts, too. Sometimes, she understands the material right away, and sometimes, she understandably needs a little help.

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Now, parts of Ephesians 1 are a little wordy. It has lots of adjectives and run-on sentences. But it’s also jam-packed with all the spiritual blessings we have as followers of Jesus. Mind-blowing, really!

On Sunday, we discussed Ephesians 2, and I unexpectedly got a little emotional as I read some of my favorite verses with Lydia. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

I asked Lydia for her take on those verses. She gave me her best shot, that we don’t have to earn salvation, we just have it through faith. It is a gift of God’s grace. Not bad for an eleven-year-old!

Then, I asked her, “Why do you think God only requires us to have faith? Why wouldn’t He make us do something for salvation?” Of course, one answer is that we could never be perfect enough.

But then, I heard myself explaining, “You know how sometimes an online company might hold a contest? Often, if you want to enter, you have to like and share their post on social media. So, I could enter if I wanted. But, what if you didn’t have a phone then, and Tappa didn’t have social media. And Lily (my toddler niece) wouldn’t even know a contest was happening. Thus, if I was one of the only ones to enter, I could brag about my good fortune. Everyone else would be disqualified; they would have no chance.

I have read those verses so many times, but they took on a different meaning on Sunday. I thought of any family, friends, coworkers, etc. whom that fake contest would have disqualified (no social media). And, in the context of salvation, it made me want to share the gospel even more!

Immediately, I understood a whole new level of God’s perfect grace. Teary-eyed, I thought of how kind and wise He is to make coming to Him a level playing field. It doesn’t matter where you live, what you’ve done, or your background. No favoritism exists for a certain race, skin color, or language. ALL are welcome and invited.

 We can never be good enough to earn salvation; because of Jesus, we don’t need to. He did His part; now believing and accepting His sacrifice is our part.

Yes, God took all of the requirements of salvation and put them on Jesus. The weight of the world’s sin was a heavy burden! And, all we have to do is believe and receive the free gift.

Now, as I reminded Lydia, FREE simply means ‘no cost to you.’ Indeed, salvation was very costly to Jesus, who paid with His life and blood. May we never take it for granted!


God, thanks for the gift of salvation through Jesus. Thanks that we don’t have to earn it but can accept it by grace through faith. Help us live out Your gift of grace every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you accepted this most generous gift of salvation? Are you living according to God’s grace, or are you still trying to do it all on your own?

Tasks: Read through Ephesians 2 and meditate on it. Note any verses that jump out at you and pray about the application in your life.

Rush Hour

Rush hour in Fargo is, well, nothing compared to say Chicago or Minneapolis! In the big cities, you could be in traffic for over an hour and barely move. I don’t think I could handle that on a regular basis!

In contrast, you may drive for fifteen to twenty minutes in Fargom yet typically keep moving along. But you still need patience, especially when people try to rush ahead or cut in traffic on the highway.

Yesterday, I spent some time running errands after work. I decided to skip the busier route and went through town. I still hit some traffic, though not as many vehicles switching from one lane to the other. Funny how the other lane always seems to move faster!

I am just as guilty as others trying to get home after a long day or move on to the next activity. But yesterday, I just took it easy and enjoyed the ride. Even so, I was home within eleven minutes after finishing my errands.

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I thought about how a spiritual “rush hour” might go. Now, often, God’s timing is much slower than ours. He is never early, never late, and always right on time!

Second Peter 3:8 says, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” God’s timing is unique, but so are His purposes for us.

So as I sat in traffic and watched other people, I wondered how often I rush to move closer to God or hurry up my routine to spend time with Him. I don’t usually have a lot of wiggle room, so I have to set aside time diligently and even invite Jesus to come with me.

Do I speed up and ‘switch lanes’ to get to Him?

Do I readjust my schedule and rush to Him, or do I rush through my time with Him to move on to the rest of my day?

Every day is a little different, with a morning and evening rush (traffic, and often at home). But ideally, we should be excited to spend as much time with the Lord as possible. I am challenged to rethink my daily routine, and I hope you are, too!


Heavenly Father, thanks for these little insights into the spiritual world. Help us throw off everything that entangles us so we can run toward You.  Help us keep You as our main priority. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How can you focus on God in your travel time? Do you like to sing and worship God; pray for your day or others; or listen to a podcast or audiobook about spiritual matters?

Tasks: Listen to God’s word through the YouVersion Bible app. Or, tune your car radio to KLOVE or your local Christian radio station (in Fargo, that’s Life 97.9 FM). If you have SiriusXM, check out The Message. Several of these have phone apps, as well!


The End of An Era

This week, Lydia and I are contemplating and celebrating her last days at the YMCA. 

For the last four years, the Y has been a staple in our lives. And now, Lydia has aged out. The transition was necessary, as she is going to middle school in a couple of weeks!

The Y has been a big blessing to us, though Lydia had to make many adjustments. We have seen it at God’s provision and as a proving ground.

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We could have skipped the Y this summer, but I wanted to ensure we had a transition point. I didn’t want her staying home alone ALL summer, so I pushed Lydia to make the best of it during the school year so we had the option for summer. Of course, that meant she was the oldest kid there all year!

I encouraged Lydia to mentor the little kids, perhaps like a big sister. I coached her through social issues and asked her to put up with a lot of yelling and heckling. She loves little kids, but it was a stretch for an only child who appreciates peace and quiet! Her POTS and tinnitus was an extra challenge, but she was able to manage.

Sometimes, I spoke to the Y leaders about ways to cope, but they didn’t have much space to discipline the kids. Thus, Lydia and I had lots of character-building talks!

Over the years, Lydia enjoyed many things at the Y that would have been difficult to do otherwise. She learned about different cultures and music, developed her artistic talent, played games and sports, went on field trips, went swimming, and so much more. She ate lots of good meals and snacks, too!

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Lydia’s last day was supposed to be Tuesday, but due to me missing an email, it ended up being Monday. Mainly, she came unprepared for a field trip, and instead of making her go and sit out from the activities, I took her home for the day. 

Understandably, Lydia was a little sad and teary-eyed. While it has been a struggle at times, it has also been a source of stability and familiarity for her. She had some great leaders and made some good friends. It was a growing experience, and she has excelled.

We live nearby to the Y location at her elementary school, but I didn’t have time to run her gear back and forth, or I would have been late to work. So, we made a quick decision to call it good! (I knew I’d pay either way.)

Thankfully, Lydia has learned the ins and outs of staying home alone. While I don’t always like this option and keep it to a minimum, it is necessary at times. My mom has been good to text her during the day sometimes (and Lydia texts her friends). In fact, Lydia feels a special connection and responsibility to check in with those she loves. That’s a bonus!

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As we reflect on all this, I cannot help but be so grateful for God leading us to the Y. Lydia has been there every day after school and on most school-out days or holidays. Having her at the Y has ensured that I can work more hours. I love my job at the VA but would not have been able to meet the demands as it has evolved.

And during the two peak COVID years, the Y was vital. I never missed one day of work because the Y stayed open! Without this consistent childcare option, I would have had to quit working (as many people did). Most other daycare options closed, but the Y prioritized children of ‘essential workers.’ Not having the Y could have been disastrous for me financially, but God protected us from getting sick and made a way for us. All glory to Him!

So, while this feels like the end of an era, it’s really a new beginning. We had challenges along the way, but God was faithful. I know He also will be with us as we keep moving forward. He always is!


God, thanks so much for all your grace, provision, and protection! Thanks for carrying us all this time. As we take our next steps, help us keep leaning on and listening to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Can you see God’s hand at work as you reflect on the last 3-5 years? How has He carried you? How can you keep moving forward?

Tasks: Reflect on your journey with the Lord thus far. Make a list of all you have to be thankful for. Reconnect with Him when your path looks dim. He will come through for you!


Movie Review: Sound of Freedom

Last night, I watched the ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie with a good friend. We were unsure of what we were getting into since the topic is child trafficking. I wasn’t sure if it was all hype, but it is based on a true story, and I felt it necessary to bear witness. It is important to learn more and call out the darkness. It is listed as PG-13, but I’d say it’s more appropriate for 16+ given the heavy, gripping material.
Honestly, this is probably one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. While some may argue, it is not a political movie nor a religious movie. It’s not about coercion or emotions. It is about saving children and raising awareness. ‘Sound of Freedom’ is about heroism in the face of evil. It’s an incredible story of courage and hope! My heart was pounding from the get-go, but it showcased many brave people stepping up and risking their lives to do what was right.
I learned that more people are enslaved today than at any other time in history (even in the ~300 years when it was ‘legal’); over two million are children. Snatched from their families, often under false pretenses. In terms of money, it has surpassed illegal drugs. Horrifying.
Free Boy Alone photo and picture
This movie is just one small part, but it was outstanding. In terms of acting and storytelling, it was all done very well! As I reflect on it, I understand that the reality is far worse. It shows just enough to make the point. Given the topic, some parts are a little emotional, but it was very much worth seeing. Apparently, it was #1 during it’s opening weekend, even beating Indiana Jones! Wow!
My reaction? This movie makes me want to do two things at once. I could easily hide away in my safety zone, protecting all my loved ones! But I am also compelled to go out and use my voice to make a difference. While God is not calling me to go directly into dangerous territory, I can pray for those in the daily struggle. I can press for better laws and better processes. I encourage you to see the movie and vote with your entertainment dollars.
Similar to how The Chosen tv show was originally funded, you can pay it forward by buying a ticket for someone. (Or, if needed, you can benefit by getting free tickets.)
There is work to be done. Read the statistics. Learn the signs. Donate to an organization. Volunteer. Speak up. Let’s send the message that “God’s children are not for sale!”
God, thank You for being our Rescuer. Thanks for opening our eyes to the evils around us. Help us move forward in faith, wisdom, and boldness. May we be sensitive to the needs right in front of us. Fill us with compassion and courage. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Questions: How can you be a difference-maker today? Where can you stand in the gap for someone?
Task: Check out the Sound of Freedom movie in theaters now! Also, don’t be overwhelmed with what to do… just do the very next right thing and trust God to lead you.

On Summer Bucket Lists

Summer is always an exciting time of year. Typically, there are a lot of fun activities, people to see, and places to go. Summer weather sure makes it easier to get around. Small errands are quick and don’t take extra effort! Indeed, it is great not to have to bundle up in layers just to go outside! 

Sometimes, it’s difficult to figure out what to do and what to skip. We are more likely to try new things in summer because it feel more free. The daytime hours last longer, but if I am not careful, I could sign up for too much and miss all the wonderful surprises of the season.

It is wise to pray and ask for wisdom before we make our plans.

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For my summer bucket list, I would like to take at least one little hike with Lydia and at least one early morning bike ride with her (before traffic gets crazy). I want to keep working on my yard and sit around a campfire with friends. I want to read some books and listen to my windchimes while sitting on the deck. Add a cup of coffee for the perfect Saturday morning… It’s good to find time to be still!

Lydia’s list is fairly short. She would like to go swimming and hang out with her friends.  She’s also excited to play volleyball and go to camp. Pretty simple.

Last night, I was reminded of a memory from ten years ago when I questioned God’s faithfulness. I angrily accused God of not doing His part to bring the spring. Yes, it had been a really long winter watching Dave decline… But then, in His own way and time, the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart, “I always bring the spring, and I bring the summer, too.”

Immediately, I understood that He had a good plan for me regardless of what happened. (And things certainly got worse!) But, over the years, I have found myself thinking about the summer metaphor, and just as I was writing this post, it hit me.

Maybe this is it.

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Lydia and I are not just having a great summer, we are in a place where we are thriving. We have found a good rhythm and are growing every day. We aren’t letting little setbacks become major. We are seeking God’s grace and finding it along the way. We are grateful.

That doesn’t mean everything is perfect. But, it is good. Summer is about a third over, but we don’t know how long the metaphorical summer will last. So, I better make the best of every season and trust God.

You might be going through something rough right now, and it’s hard to see the way forward, let alone think of a bucket list. I understand.

Draw near to God; lay your burdens at the feet of His throne. Rest in Him.

If you let Him, He will carry you to a good spot where you will thrive. He is faithful.


God, thanks for the gift of summer. You have good plans for us, always. Help us make the most of our time in this beautiful season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have a summer bucket list? What are your top three items on the list?

Task: Make a list of all the things you would like to do. Road trips, concerts, camping, fishing, etc. Map out your summer because it will go fast!


Keep Moving Toward

On Sunday morning, Lydia and I were at church. The message was about healing and trusting God. Instead of physical healing, I was writing notes about some habits I am working to change. I know I need God’s help to make real progress and swap in better choices.

At the end of the sermon, our pastor asked people who needed healing to head to the aisle for prayer. Healing can be physical, mental, emotional, etc. I felt content that God met my need, so I didn’t move, but several other people did.

Soon, our pastor asked those people to raise their hands if they needed someone to pray with them. I hadn’t planned on praying for anyone, as many other people had volunteered.

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Well, then I noticed a woman in front of us raising her hand. She and her husband appeared to be supporting their daughter. I told Lydia to scoot over so I could go pray with this family. At the moment, I just wanted to meet the need in front of me. I have personally felt the impact of people praying for me at just the right time.

So, I don’t think Lydia quite understood what I meant. She just stood there while I was trying to pass by on my way to the aisle. After a little back and forth, I put my hands on her shoulders, somewhat forcefully set her aside, and said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way.”

I don’t usually need to use that tone with Lydia, and I did apologize later for hurting her feelings. She was a little upset at first, but I explained that I wanted to be obedient. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity for God to use me. So I needed to move toward the need and His calling.

Perhaps I was a little fired up because I felt like I had my own mini breakthrough with the Lord during the sermon. I had been kind of ho-hum about my habits, but since I was able to write a basic plan with the Lord’s help, I felt free. So when I said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way,” I was also speaking in spiritual terms. Whether it’s Satan’s craftiness or just my own reserve, I cannot afford to delay God’s plans in my life.

As a Christ follower, I am essentially on mission every day. Jesus is the King, and I serve Him. I should not be self-centered or self-seeking. I can’t let fear stop me. I am called to love others and be available at a moment’s notice to GO.

God constantly calls me to move toward the messy parts of life. Jesus certainly did, and He is my example! If I don’t sense Him at work, then I am likely in a comfort zone, which needs to dealt with ASAP. It’s only then that I can actually fix the problem, change, and grow.

In short, I can’t settle for less than God’s best. That includes healing and eternity, but it also means joining Him in His work now. I don’t want to miss out because I am hung up on worthless habit. Lord, help me!

I did not get a chance to talk with the family after the service, but the mother smiled at me in gratitude. I’m so glad I was able to lay aside my own feelings and plans to serve the Lord. Plus, it became a good teaching moment for Lydia.

Remember, as the Church, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. No habit, project, or personal goal compares with following Jesus and impacting others for Him. When life gets difficult, it’s tempting to run away or drag our feet, letting fear or procrastination become the default. But, dare I say: MOVE!! Get out of your own way!

But, RUN to Jesus, FIGHT to stay close to Him. Face the battle in front of you. Give it all you’ve got, knowing it’s really His strength and power working through you. If God is for you, who can be against you?!

We have to keep moving TOWARD to keep moving FORWARD.


God, thanks for calling us to spread Your love and serve others. Renew my mind and transform me, Lord. Fill me with grace and compassion to see the needs around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you running away from or running toward your challenges today? What habit or goal do you need to adjust in order to serve the Lord?

Task: MOVE!! Get out of the way!! Keep moving TOWARD so you can keep moving FORWARD! Read and ponder Romans 12:1-2 and Hebrews 12:1-2.

Hearing God’s Heart

In my Bible time yesterday, I was in Isaiah 43-45. I was listening in the car via the YouVersion Bible App. It’s part of a Bible Project reading plan I am doing with friends.

I enjoy listening to the Bible because I often hear things I may have missed while reading. I can always go back and re-read a passage, but I can better understand the bigger picture when I listen. Reading is still important, though, because going slower helps you digest it in other ways!

Yesterday, these two chapters reminded me of when it’s God’s turn to speak in the Book of Job. Isaiah is recording God’s defense. He lays it all out, how Israel and other nations worship worthless idols, their unfaithfulness. He also explains that He loves them and is merciful to them, despite the coming calamity of exile, and how He alone is God and Savior.

God’s heart and passion for His people really stood out to me yesterday. He warned them over and over and literally did everything to save Israel (and us) but even then, we all turned our backs on Him.

How heartbreaking!

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When I think of God’s anger in the Bible, I often think, “Oh sure, He’s justified to punish them. They deserve it!” But, when I think of how sad it must’ve been for God, well, it just makes me love Him more and want to do what is right and pleasing to Him.

Even so, He helps me! Try as I might, I can never be perfect or do everything right one hundred percent of the time! I am so relieved Jesus did for me what I could never do.

God created us and the world we live in, then He saved us when we messed it all up. He made it right at His own costs (His own Son!) and wants to reward us with blessings. For example, we can join Him in His work on Earth and then join Him in Heaven for eternal life. Thank You, Jesus!

There are many ways we can connect with God and hear His heart. Reading His word and talking with Him in prayer are great ways to start!

Another angle to consider is disconnecting from the noise of social media, television, podcasts, and other distractions so we can hear God’s still, small voice, perceive His heart, and make sense of His kindness to us.

In John 10:27, Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” We know it is God when we hear Truth (or a gentle challenge), grace, love, mercy, forgiveness, peace, joy, comfort…  these are the Heartbeat of Heaven!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Jesus! Thanks for all Your love and grace. Help us to quiet ourselves so we can hear You and sense how You are moving in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What will you change today so you can hear God’s heart?

Tasks: Set some time aside today (and/or perhaps a block of time later this week) to talk with God and listen. Read Scripture, sing a worship song, and write down what you sense Him saying. Soak up His love and be refreshed with His grace.