Welcome to Progress!

Happy New Year! I love new beginnings and a fresh start. Does it feel any different to you?

For Christmas, we drove twelve hours to my hometown in Illinois. We enjoyed seeing a few good friends and some family. It was refreshing to celebrate Christmas with family for the first time in years. Lydia had a blast during her first Christmas with my immediate family!

On our road trip, there are a few key areas when two highways merge or separate. I’ve driven that route several times, but I use my car’s navigation system to track progress and ensure I don’t miss important interchanges along the way. If I take a detour, the lady’s voice gets a little exasperated… 🙂

I always carry a small road atlas, too. It has been helpful on our trip through Lake City, MN and our trip to Wyoming. I like to see what is coming up next!

Back in Fargo, my GPS has also proved helpful. With population growth comes building and development. Yet sometimes, I hardly recognize certain streets even in my own neighborhood! There are new roads, new houses, apartments, stores, and traffic signals.

As I drive around, sometimes I get confused. I wonder where that road leads…Was this stop sign there before? I am amazed by how fast things change. When did that house go up? Without GPS, I am left guessing. How on Earth am I supposed to get over there? Where is the turn? Welcome to Progress, right?!

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Using my car’s navigation system is similar to seeking God’s wisdom and input for my life:
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).

For me, each day is a fresh start—a chance to try again by God’s grace. Thankfully, I don’t have to wait another 365 days to begin again. His mercies are new every day!

It is vital to seek God first in all we do. I find my day (and life) goes better when I do. In fact, it has saved me much heartache and time over the years by first running ideas, feelings, and plans by the Lord. Spending time with the Lord in the morning prepares me for bumps along the way. That time is well spent…praying and reading the Bible is like mapping out the journey. I can’t afford to guess at life!

Others might prefer a different time of day. The important thing is to check in regularly with God. When detours come—and they always do—know where to turn for guidance or redirection. God hears every prayer!

Often “progress” doesn’t come easily. It is frustrating when things feel out of control and the way seems unclear. When facing roadblocks or setbacks, turn to Jesus for help. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He knows the plans…and they are good (Jeremiah 29:11).

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I like to start the year with a new devotional, like Jesus Calling, which helped me focus on the Lord during our cancer journey. This year, I am reading an updated version that has an evening portion too.

 Some people like to read the entire Bible in a year. You can find a plan that fits your needs online or on your phone. Try out Bible Gateway and YouVersion.

It honors God when we seek Him before anything else. And, He blesses us in return. “You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:11).


God, thank You for sharing Your wisdom with us. Your word is a lamp to guide our feet
and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). As we seek You, show us the path to take. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What insight do you need from the Lord? Will you commit to spending quality time with God and seeking Him first this year? What resources have you found helpful?