Finding Grace #344

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Harvest

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a busy but relatively calm week!

Work was fairly quiet. I had plenty of patients and tasks to do, but I had a little more time in between each thing. I don’t know if I was more productive or not, but I certainly felt more productive because I actually got things done! It felt good to finish most of my work, as I was a bit behind the last few weeks!

On Tuesday night, my friend brought her month-old baby over! We were able to chat and give them a change of scenery. The baby had been crying all day and not sleeping well. Then, Lydia and I both enjoyed holding her, while my friend ran a quick errand. She’s still adjusting to taking the baby around town… there is so much to prepare for! Of course, the baby slept the entire time for us! 🙂

Speaking of babies, on Wednesday night, we volunteered at church. I have helped many times over the years, but Lydia is just easing into it. As a parent, I see that she’s at the point of needing to serve or risk being bored with church. We signed up to help in the 3 to 5-year-old room but ended up filling in for the 4 to 23-month-old room. It was not quite what Lydia expected, but she adjusted. One little girl attached herself to Lydia, who was the only one who could calm her down! In addition to playing with the toddlers, I changed three dirty diapers and wiped several snotty noses. It’s been a while since I did that!

Today, we did our normal Saturday chores, but mostly we just relaxed. I made some delicious vegetable beef soup. I used low-sodium V8, ground beef, frozen mixed veggies, and a few seasonings. I’m looking forward to having leftovers for a few days!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #225

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was an exciting week! Lydia and I had some great moments and conversations. We ate some fun meals, watched some movies, and put together a 500 piece puzzle. The puzzle is called “Artsy Cats” and showcases famous artists as cats. My favorite is “Clawed Monet.” We also talked about some deep topics about life and faith.

This week, I am grateful we were able to connect with our neighbors a little more. We have all been social distancing, but the kids have been missing each other. I suppose it is important to find some balance; they can’t stay apart forever! They played over a couple of days, and I handed out snacks, like usual. I have missed having them over!

This week, I had an exciting meeting at a local college, where I am going to teach a class this fall. It is a cool opportunity to teach undergrad dietetics students. I am grateful for the chance to ‘give back’ to my profession and help advance my field. I always enjoyed school and am a bit of a nerd, so academia feels like home! (I am looking forward to doing this in addition to my part-time position at the VA.) I feel so blessed! Now, I need to revise the syllabus and prepare assignments for the next semester. Prayers appreciated! 🙂

Today, Lydia and I enjoyed volunteering at our church again. A couple weeks ago, the church and another local ministry gave out 25,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Today, we gave out 50,000 pounds of produce!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Victory in Volunteering

Raise your hand if you like to volunteer! It has been said many hands make light work.

Recently, Lydia and I had a couple of opportunities to serve our local communities. While it is always my goal to set a good example for Lydia, I also hope she can feel more connected to Dave this way. He loved to serve others and was always so good at it!

Last week, I helped a friend deliver Meals on Wheels. Several of my patients over the years have received meals through this program, and I wanted to see more of it behind the scenes.

On Friday, we drove to our friends’ house in a nearby community. Leading up to this, Lydia had been excited to help. That is, until she realized we were “just” delivering the meals to everyone’s door. She mistakenly thought we were going to make the meals, and she was eager to cook and put them all together.

Sensing a teachable moment, we started talking about serving others and volunteering. I mentioned how I didn’t really know what to expect, since I hadn’t done it before, but that we would just show up and do whatever was needed. When we are volunteering, we really don’t get to call the shots!

Lydia thought about this and we role-played how it would feel for someone to “volunteer,” yet tell everyone exactly how they were going to “help.” We talked about how that could make some people feel, to be told what to do when they didn’t ask for any input.

In the end, there was not much room for the food and Lydia and her little friend, so they stayed to play while the other mom and I went into town.

As a side note, later, I did explain how sometimes partnerships occur when one party offers services or something specific to the other party, and together, they agree on how to best use the resources. That kind of helping is a little different than straight-up volunteering, though!

Then, on Saturday, Lydia and I volunteered with a program at our church. The goal was to distribute huge boxes of fruits and vegetables FREE to anyone who stopped by. No strings attached.

Once again, Lydia was so excited to help! She wondered if we would be working hands-on with the food. Of course, I worked to managed her expectations for this event, too.

We ended up inside, helping check people in and out. Even though we had a small part, I explained that each job is important. If we didn’t do our part, it might prevent someone else from doing theirs. She was so proud to help!

We had a lot of fun and even met some new faces. We look forward to the next opportunity to serve at church in a couple weeks!

This week, Lydia and I have continued to talk about what it means to serve. For example, I asked her what would make a good volunteer.

We brainstormed ideas and came up with these: Show up on time and be ready to work. Be willing to do whatever is asked of you. It’s okay to be out of your comfort zone. Have a good attitude and don’t complain. Always give your best to God. Don’t be showy or expect a reward for helping, but be grateful for the opportunity to make a difference.

Honestly, I used to second-guess my ability to help others. My skills didn’t always match up with what I thought was needed. But, I have realized (usually) just doing something is better than doing nothing. There is room to grow, but no time to waste.

For me, this is Victory: To stretch myself on behalf of someone else. To let God use me in new ways. To keep showing up without getting credit or always seeing the final outcome. Perhaps, by serving others, I can even help someone else find freedom, too!

There are many ways to love and serve others, even if it looks different than you expected. Really, you can be kind and generous any day of the week, even if it is not at an official event. Smile. Carry groceries. Bake a pie. Show up. Speak out. Hold the door. Create space for others, too. Either way, it is important for us to “do,” not just talk about what to do!


God, thanks for giving us the heart and capacity to serve. Help us have right motives and glorify You in all we do. Help us be difference makers and draw people to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you volunteer regularly? Where do you like to serve? Are there any challenges around you that could be remedied with a little help?

Tasks: Next time an opportunity to help someone presents itself, jump on it! Don’t be afraid or overthink it. Just do something! Be wise with your resources and pray how to best use them. Don’t be foolish or selfish; let God work through you to love others!

Finding Grace #223

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a full and busy week! Work flew by and was jam-packed with things to do. I saw a few patients face-to-face and also led a journal club for the other dietitians. It was a lot of fun, and I was happy to share about plant-based diets. Eat your veggies!

This week, I had a lot of random tasks to complete. I didn’t have as much energy and didn’t get much rest. I’m glad I could lean on the Lord for strength!

Yesterday, Lydia and I went to hang out with some friends. I helped deliver Meals on Wheels, too. Then, Lydia stayed to play, while I came home to get some task done. Later, I mowed the lawn before we went to visit our neighbors.

Today, Lydia and I volunteered at our church. The goal was to provide a truckload of fresh fruits and vegetables to people in our community. It was fun, and we had a good conversation about volunteering and serving others!

We had a new baby born in the family this morning. I won’t share too many details here, since I haven’t asked permission, but we are very happy! Also, Lydia and I were both so honored that the baby’s middle name is David. 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Niceness Is Not Enough

Last Friday night, Lydia and I volunteered with Feed My Starving Children, an organization which works to alleviate hunger and poverty around the world. FMSC operates entirely on donations and volunteers to purchase and pack the foods.

Then, they partner with a network of other organizations to distribute food to those in need. They don’t “just give handouts” but focus on sustainability too.

It’s been a while since I’ve worn a hair net… but that night was worth it! It was good for Lydia to realize how privileged she is… and a great reminder for me as well.

Lydia and I rotated through several positions. We opened, filled, weighed, and sealed packets of food. One packet, when rehydrated, will serve up to 6 people for one meal. One box has 36 meal packets (vitamin blend, dehydrated vegetables, texturized soy protein, and rice).

During our two-hour shift, 1,272 volunteers filled 1,367 boxes. (49,212 packets or 295,272 meals) That will feed 809 kids for a year!

As a dietitian, nutrition and hunger issues are near to my heart. Yet on any given day, thanks in part to social media, I am reminded of so many other areas of great concern. Abortion, racism, national security, rising healthcare costs, the economy, and environmental issues are some that come to mind.

Generally speaking, all of these issues are outside the scope of this blog. I don’t like the arguing that political drama often produces. But that does not mean I am doing nothing.

Prayer is the greatest thing we can do because that invites God’s presence and power into the situation. So we definitely need to start there. Seek God first!

But often, Christians are tempted to stop with prayer. We say, “I’ll pray for you!” and then we go on our merry way. But, Jesus didn’t just pray, He reached out. He healed, helped, comforted, challenged, defended, and forgave. He was practical.

In terms of prayer, we have access to Jesus at any time… but the world doesn’t. They are still separated from God’s love and mercy. So it seems, they need to see “proof” that Jesus cares for them before they trust Him.

As Christians, we are God’s ambassadors. People who don’t know Jesus are watching those of us who do. So, right or wrong, everything we do is subject to scrutiny.

Often, we want to be ‘nice’ to everyone… but niceness is not enough.

One day, each of us will have to give an account for how we used the gifts God has given us. I want to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Let’s offer our best!

At other times, we feel everyone needs to be put in their place. There are times when we do need to address truth and morality, yes. But we can handle it graciously. Jesus was filled with grace and truth (John 1:17).

Instead of complaining about issues or judging people, we should be willing to help. Loving others may look different for each of us, and that’s okay. Let’s be the Jesus the world needs to see.

Here are some practical ways we can reach out to others (in no particular order).

  • Donate money to a cause or organization you believe in. Do research it and make sure it is legitimate. You can also fundraise by running a race, selling homemade items, etc. Check out Save the Storks and Redemption Road Ministries.
  • Donate supplies and deliver them locally where needed. This could include clothes, school supplies, toiletries, or furniture. Call ahead and see what is needed most. Consider homeless shelters, recovery centers, or crisis pregnancy centers. Used items may be acceptable, but also consider purchasing new.
  • Your time is also a wonderful gift. Churches, animal shelters, nursing homes and hospitals all need help (in addition to the places in #2). If you have a special skill, be creative in how you use it! Another option is Habitat for Humanity.
  • Mentor someone. You don’t have to have it all figured out already. Just step up and lend a hand or encouraging word. Share your experiences… and be consistent.
  • Sponsor someone. It could be a child in an international program like Compassion International or World Vision. Locally, you may look into Big Brother/Sister program. Or, help out a public school teacher or a college student far from home.
  • Call or send a card to someone. An encouraging word is always welcome! Tell someone they are doing a good job. Even if it is a frazzled parent in the grocery aisle.
  • Offer practical hands-on support. This may include babysitting, raking leaves, mowing, painting, or house cleaning. Pick up garbage or recycling. Wash a car.
  • Consider opening your home to someone in need. I had a (trusted) friend stay with me for 6 months while she got her life back in order. Maybe God is calling you to foster or adopt a child? (No pressure… be wise and pray!)

  • Have a conversation with people who are different than you (race, beliefs, food habits, goals, etc). Better yet, share a meal with them. Really get to know them.
  • Write a letter to advocate for a cause. Instead of protesting, use your words to persuade. Raise awareness. Also, don’t forget to contact those in Congress… and vote!!
  • Learn more about the issues at hand. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see it from their perspective. Chances are, you will have a more rounded view.
  • Talk to your kids about important issues. As a parent, you are their first teacher. Have honest conversations about pros/cons. Role play and model the behavior you want them to learn. Get them involved serving with you!
  • Make generosity a daily habit. Be kind to the cashiers at the grocery store. Help your neighbors clear snow. Make or buy treats for your coworkers.
  • Help a single mom (or any mom!). She may need a ride, dinner, or a break. Offer to watch her kids during an appointment or help with home maintenance. Take her family out for a movie…or ice cream! Check out Jeremiah Program and consider making a donation to help a single mom get ahead.
  • Celebrate a friend’s successes. Doing this over coffee or lunch is a bonus! Listen to their ups and downs without offering advice (unless they ask for it).
  • Smile while you serve. A smile is understood in every language. It doesn’t cost anything but can mean so much. It can cross all kinds of barriers! Let Jesus’ love shine on your face with joy!

There are so many ways to be a servant. That will look different for each of us. I used to get stuck in my perfectionism, but I was recently reminded that no gift is too small or silly. Something is better than nothing in this case.

We don’t need to compare what we give or do for others… in fact most of us don’t want any recognition at all! It may be easy to give…or it may require sacrifice. It doesn’t have to be extreme, but if we serve with a good attitude, we honor Jesus.

As we pray AND serve others, God’s grace overflows in us and through us!


Jesus, You are the Servant King, full of grace and truth. Thanks for loving us and giving everything for us. Help us lay down our lives for Your glory. Open our eyes and hearts to the needs around us. Let us share Your love with those around us. In Your Name, Amen

Question: What are your favorite ways to serve? (I’d love to add to my list!!)

Tasks: Pray for wisdom and look for people and places to serve. Make a list and choose to do at least one act of kindness every day.

Finding Grace #152

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week an unusual week, due to the extreme cold! Most of the Midwest was affected by the Polar Vortex, which meant school closings, delays, and businesses shutting early. We made the best of having a break in the middle of the week. Read more here!

In some ways, the extreme weather has forced me to slow down and spend more time with the Lord. Indeed, Monday felt like a spiritual retreat day. I accomplished quite a lot while Lydia was at school, even though I didn’t have anything pressing in my schedule. I simply sat with God for a while (reading and praying) and kept Him close as I went about my day. I felt Him lead me as I did chores and prepared for the week. Somehow, He helped me be more productive than usual, even though I spent “extra” time with Him! 🙂

Because I was more in-tune with Jesus, I also was able to face some fears and took several steps of faith. I’ve been working on a project for quite awhile and am entering a new phase. It’s good but a little scary. All month, I stalled and made little progress—but on Monday, with God’s strength, I pushed forward. And, I had several encouraging conversations as a result!

On Thursday, my friends came over for Bible study. We enjoyed our conversation and discussed several pertinent mom issues. I’m grateful for godly friends!

Friday evening was spent volunteering with an organization called, Feed My Starving Children. We opened, filled, weighed, and sealed small bags of food. It was cool because Lydia was able to help and see the direct result of her effort. The event put our own eating habits into perspective, too.

I’m grateful for how God always directs our path and blesses us. He is so good!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Heroes Among Us

Monday marked the 16th year since 9/11 happened. I was in college and remember watching the television in a commons area while I was between classes. Initially, I was confused about what occurred because it was completely unexpected and I had no frame of reference for it. As more details became clear, I was glued to the media. As horrific as it was when the two towers fell, there were also amazing stories of heroism.

On Monday, I watched videos online about 9/11 events and found more stories of heroic men and women. These courageous and unselfish men and women lost their lives but saved many others.

In one short video, a man named Rick Rescorla, was on the 44th floor of the South tower when he saw the North tower on fire. He went against orders to stay put and told everyone to evacuate the South tower. After most of his coworkers left, he went back to help other areas. This heroic man was last seen racing up the 10th floor stairway to help more people. Minutes later the tower collapsed—but not before 2700 people escaped.

With tears, I thought to myself, “Wow, what would compel him to respond that way?” In that moment, I remembered reading Luke 16:10 just prior to watching the videos. This verse states that if you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones…

Instantly, I realized…that man was just being faithful. He simply took the next step, the next right choice. I didn’t know him, of course, but I would bet Mr. Rescorla’s decision was an extension of his character (and perhaps his position at work and military background).

He had probably been making similar choices all along—yet with smaller impact—for years. I’m speculating, but I imagine he had been faithful in the small things, and when “the big thing” came, it was a ‘no brainer’ for him to look out for others.

It had likely become second-nature.

I’ve noticed that many heroes have similar reactions when asked to explain their actions. While we are in awe of their bravery, most heroes humbly shrug off the attention, saying, “Oh, anyone would have done the same thing I did. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.” Most heroes don’t consider themselves extraordinary.

So it seems each small choice really does add up over time. I’m sure Mr. Rescorla didn’t think about how ‘qualified’ he was that day. There wasn’t time! He just stepped up to do what he could in that moment. He used his voice and his authority to make a difference.

Some people put their lives on the line nearly every day, such as the police and those in the military. I’m thankful for these heroic men and women.

But even without training, you can be a hero right where you are. Today.

Hopefully, you won’t be faced with life-or-death decisions! But, we can all reach out to help a friend, neighbor, coworker, or even a total stranger. Think of all the recent stories just from people affected by hurricanes or wildfires…

You may be a hero to someone and not even know it. Be a good example for those who are watching. Be faithful in the small things—the often mundane tasks—and sooner or later, you see the difference you are making!


God, thank You for giving us grace and wisdom! Help us be brave and bold as we walk through life with You. Guide us each day and give us eyes to see the needs around us. May we be quick to respond. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Where were you on 9/11? Who is your hero?

Tasks: Find a place to volunteer your time. Or, donate some money to a cause that is important to you. Be consistent and faithful in your commitment.