What I Learned from a Cup of Milk

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1).

God’s Fatherly love for us only becomes more apparent when you are a parent!

When Lydia was about 15 months old, she obviously had a limited vocabulary. She was unable to communicate effectively what she wanted. Of course, as a mother, I relied on understanding her habits, nonverbal grunts and actions. I also knew her basic schedule and exactly what she needed.

One day, Lydia went to the refrigerator for some milk. I poured her milk, but did not move quickly enough for her impatient little self. She screamed. She cried. Her face turned red with anger. Full-blown tantrum!

I had every intention to give Lydia the milk. In fact, I wanted her to have it. But, her hands were so clenched that she physically could not receive the cup of milk. Lydia begged for the milk, and was furious that I didn’t give it to her. Yet, I was simply unable to give her what she so desperately wanted.

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In that moment, I could see how unpleasant we appear when impatiently waiting on the Lord. Just like a loving parent gives good gifts to their children, every good and perfect gift comes from our Father God (see James 1:17). God has good plans for us. He longs to give us good things—such as gifts, wisdom and guidance, and answers to prayer.

If it doesn’t line up with our timeline, or match our expectations, we can completely miss what God is doing in our lives. We beg God. We demand He fulfill our wishes. We can get frustrated with God at times, but it is so clear from the other side.

Father God, help me to wait patiently on You. I don’t want to grumble or complain. Help me be cheerful, and yield to Your timing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.