Mood Meter

Hello! How are you feeling today? Today, I want to tell you about a tool called an emotion wheel that can help you understand how you feel so you can decide what to do about it!

I first encountered it while writing my book, though it has existed for many years. It helped me describe my feelings about Dave’s sickness and death, not to mention my struggle with fear, faith, and moving forward.

The act of writing was rewarding but challenging, so I appreciated being able to point to an adjective and analyze my feelings, process my grief, and stick with my project. In short, this tool takes abstract concepts and makes them more concrete.

I recently came across the emotion wheel again, and it felt like God’s perfect timing, as next Monday is the tenth anniversary of Dave’s death.

Most emotion wheels will highlight the basic feelings of happiness/joy, sadness/grief, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. As Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” So, we can use them for insight, but they don’t run the show and should not predict how we act.

We must identify emotions to validate and resolve them before they spill over on others. Unchecked emotions can lead to assumptions and wreak havoc. If not now, later. Unresolved anger can lead to passive aggressiveness, jealousy, and revenge. Fear can yield playing it safe and missed opportunities. Grief, without an outlet, can stop someone from living fully.

There are several ways to use the emotion wheel. You can start in the middle and work your way out, or vice versa. Find words that resonate with you and see how they are related. Then, you can come up with the next steps to address them.

Not surprisingly, it is common to feel several emotions at any moment. We may be confused or conflicted, like we are literally all over the place internally. Many of us feel physical sensations, like headaches, gut issues, pain, etc. We also tend to misunderstand others’ emotions, taking things personally when we shouldn’t.

Here are a couple of examples that have stood out to me when I’ve used the wheel:

“Oh, I am feeling isolated, which is similar to being lonely and related to sadness. Hmmm… could it be another layer of grief?” I could take a walk, but maybe I need to call someone for support.


“I am feeling overwhelmed, which is next to anxiety, which is rooted in fear. Why am I feeling afraid?” I should read some Bible verses about fear and turn my worries over to God.

Another example is this: I had a fun day recently, laughing and receiving good news. As you can imagine, I was mostly feeling happy emotions. In some ways, reading the adjectives later helped me relish the joy all the more.

Interestingly, I rarely feel angry – I deal more with fear… while Lydia more easily identifies with anger – yet it comes and goes quickly! We both relate to happiness and sadness, but less often, disgust. It has been fun to see and hear her perspective, and I hope it is a way for us to continue communicating as she moves into middle school.

Another tool is a chart I found on Etsy. It came as a download or in the form of a pillowcase! It ranks feelings according to a spectrum of energy and positivity. Anger is an adverse reaction, and it uses a lot of emotional energy. The sad emotions are typically less positive and drain energy. Joy is positive and high energy, while calmness is positive and low energy.

This was insightful because I tend to feel lower energy levels, but now I wonder if it’s just my personality. As an introvert, I get excited sometimes, but overall, I enjoy calmness and a slower pace. In fact, this is a great strength, but the world moves more quickly. Thankfully, I am learning to interpret what’s going on a little better so I can plan ahead. If I have a big event ahead, I can pare down my schedule to conserve energy and implement some strategies for coping and recovery.

Of course, there is no right way or wrong way to feel. These are simply tools. Nonetheless, you can combine them with Scripture to tap into all God has for you!

While Satan wants us to stay stuck in our emotions, distracted and offended, Jesus wants us to live fully! (See John 10:10.) Instead of being ruled by our feelings, let’s use them to turn to God! Instead of running away from our emotions, let’s use them to run to God.

God, thanks for giving us emotions to help us feel and understand Your goodness. Help us to honor You and manage them well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you notice how your emotions change throughout the day? How does that affect your energy? What is your natural response to your feelings?
Tasks: For a fun challenge, use an emotion wheel to track how you feel during the day. Note any themes, pray about resolving any negativity, and keep moving forward!

Finding Grace #373

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Bird Female photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week stood out to me, and I saw God’s grace every day. It was a week of old friends, good conversations, and throwback music. I even saw a cardinal at work, which I rarely see because I still have young trees at home. Just what I needed!

My friend, Krystal, now lives in Colorado with her husband, Owen, their three boys, and a new baby girl. Krystal was in town for a family event and brought two of her kids, including the baby. She and our friend, Sara, who also has a new baby, came over to visit with a third friend. We caught up over a few hours, and it was just like old times. (You may remember them from my book.) It was fun to see how much our lives have changed over the years.

Work was a little more relaxed this week, and it has been a nice change of pace. I appreciate our managers have listened and helped set up some better boundaries as far as our patient load. As it was, I still had several other calls to make, such as patient issues that popped up, as well as some projects to work on. I still needed to cover a few areas, but I’m glad I had a little margin.

On Thursday night, Lydia and I went to see a living legend, Steven Curtis Chapman, in concert at the Fargo Theater! Lydia wasn’t really sure who he was at first, but soon felt an emotional connection to his music. It could be that they have the same birthday, but she related our missing Dave to his own losses and grief. Hearing him discuss faith and perseverance was the best! It encouraged us to keep moving forward!

Last night, Lydia and I played a game and watched the birds outside in the yard. Today, we worked on some projects and organized around the house. Lydia also went on a little bike ride in our neighborhood with a friend. It feels great that Spring is here!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Last-Minute Blessing

Recently, I met with a new widow for coffee at church. She is an older woman, and I just happened to reach out to see how she was coping. As expected, she confirmed the first several weeks are like a train wreck. 

I only met her husband briefly, but they were married for over twenty years. He was a Veteran and will be buried with full honors at the Fargo National Cemetary. I hope to attend with Lydia if we are available that day.

We talked for about two hours as Lydia sat nearby and read a book. I asked questions and answered them. I looked up a phone number for her and really just listened. I hope she was as encouraged as I was!

I brought my friend a little artificial orchid, knowing it would be a blessing – and perhaps a bright spot when she is feeling down. I didn’t want her to have to remember to water it – like I did with my tomato plant all those years ago!

She mentioned two things that impacted me. She said God spoke to her heart at church that day in a powerful way; she said if I hadn’t invited her, she would still be at home. Whoa. I am so glad I listened!

Indeed, it was good to see my friend’s face light up with joy at the cute plant. I noticed her touching it from time to time during our conversation. She thanked me and said she knew the perfect spot for it at home!

I’m not sharing this to show you how amazing I am. Honestly, I almost left the orchid at home and brought a different plant. That’s because I wanted to keep the orchid for myself! 

It’s a little humbling to admit my selfishness, but I needed the reminder to be generous. I am so glad I listened to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. On my way out the door, I ran back inside to grab the orchid and put it in my purse. I decided I didn’t want to look at the orchid with regret, wishing I had given it away. It was a last-minute blessing, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity!

In some ways, I wanted to be an example for Lydia to do the right thing. On our drive to church, we discussed how a fake little plant almost prevented me from showing Jesus’ love to someone who really needed it. Yes, I could probably find it again and buy it online, but it was a good lesson for us both!

We talked about how we are God’s ambassadors and represent Him. His love for others flows through us as we serve and give. God can take my little sacrifice and do something big with it. So, we shouldn’t hold back a blessing meant for someone else.

Sometimes, people ask God, “Why aren’t you using me?” But, I wonder how often we limit His work in our lives simply because we ignore His still, small voice. How can we expect Him to do something big or exciting if we aren’t obedient in the little things?

We don’t need to wrestle with being kind. We don’t need to question if God wants us to give. It is not a question of IF, but how or how much. We can certainly pray for wisdom but don’t doubt or procrastinate. We can afford to be generous and give what we have.

Indeed, God never gives us His second best or second rate. Jesus was the only option, and He was all in. Jesus gave His life for us, so we could live for Him.


God, thanks for being so generous! Thanks for the opportunity to join You at work. Please help me be kind, generous, and gracious toward others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you trust that God can take your offering and multiply it?

Task: Don’t allow yourself to settle for second best. Always give your best to God!

Finding Rest Among Busyness

Well, it’s another full week and I can already see God’s grace at play. It happens to be Spring Break (Wed-Fri). That said, I took the time off to spend with Lydia, but also scheduled five, maybe six, routine appointments for the week!

I could have spread out the appointments over the next several weeks, but I thought it was best to take advantage of the timing. For example, I am getting my taxes done and getting my oil changed (plus some car maintenance). Also, Lydia has a quick appointment where I won’t have to take her out of school. I will try to work on some organizing projects around the house, too.

I worked Monday and Tuesday, though I left early yesterday because Lydia wasn’t feeling well at school. We did meet the very helpful school nurse, so that was a bonus! Lydia is fine overall, but her POTS got the best of her. It was good for her to rest.

Free Time Work photo and picture

I left her at home for a few minutes while I went to her parent-teacher conference alone. It hit me as I walked through the book fair: it was our last conference and book fair in that school. Next fall will be completely different!

As I waited for my turn, I talked with my neighbor boys in the hallway (waiting for their parents). It was so good to catch up with them, as I heard all they are interested in. I offered condolences on the recent death of their cat, and one of them offered to help clear my snow sometime. It was refreshing as I have known them for all these years, and they are still as friendly as ever!

Lydia’s conference went well, as I expected. I can’t help but get a little emotional, though, and yesterday was no different. I tend to become rather reflective.

It’s good to hear how well Lydia is doing, but I also see how much she has grown and learned. Time is going so fast! I am grateful God has entrusted me with her, and I think of how Dave would be so proud. I also think about how much he is missing, though I am confident God will make it up to all of us in Heaven.

Lydia has been missing Dave a lot lately, even wearing some of his clothes around the house. She is so much like him, and we talk about him often. In fact, two months from today, we will be celebrating his life and us making it ten years without him.

That’s hard to believe, but God has carried us all this time. I appreciate the friends who have reached out to offer support, most often unaware of how we have been feeling. Isn’t God good like that?!

Free Lists To Do illustration and picture

In addition to the appointments coming up this week, I told a friend how I had four specific things to accomplish last night after the school conference, including my tax prep work and blog. The most time-consuming was probably the tax prep because I wanted to review an entire year’s worth of data (which I had to find and download first!).

While I wasn’t happy Lydia was sick, God graciously gave me a few extra hours to work on my taxes yesterday before the appointment this morning. I didn’t want to show up completely unprepared, but I hadn’t been able to get to it until then. Whew!

And, that made it so I had a little more flexibility with the other items on my to-do list. Lydia and I even enjoyed watching the movie, “Annie,” which was the perfect way to start off our break together! It was fun hearing a lot of the famous songs and one-liners. The song, “Tomorrow,” is always encouraging on its own!

While all of this may just seem like a lot of busyness (even with important appointments), I have spaced them out, so we are not rushing. Instead, I will stay focused on God and let Him redeem our time. He helps me prioritize.

May we all stay close to the Lord and rest in Him, even when life gets a little hectic.


Gracious Father, thanks for all Your love and care. You are so good to us! Thanks for taking such good care of us and guiding our steps. Help us to rest in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How do you see God at work in your life this week?

Task: Despite your busyness, stay close to God. He’s our Shepherd and Guide! He will make sure you get the most important things done in due time.

Finding Grace #357

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun, full week! We rang in the new year with friends and had off Monday

Work was a little slower but good. We celebrated a coworker’s birthday, which is always fun. I had a few people not come, but I did still have some good conversations with Veterans. I love seeing them learn how to take better care of themselves with their food choices!

I took a couple of cool tree pictures at home and work. The snow and frost on the trees were so pretty! I park in a local church lot and then walk across the street (and through the healing gardens Spring through Fall). It is one of the best parts of my day, enjoying the beauty around me.

This week, Lydia and I started a 1,000 piece Peanuts puzzle I bought her for Christmas. I don’t know how long it will take, but we will be working on it here and there. I don’t recall if we have done as big of a puzzle or not. We set it up on an extra table in the living room, so hopefully, it is done soon! It was really fun to hear Lydia chat away – she talked my ear off for about an hour about all sorts of things! She really opened up when her hands and mind were busy!

Lydia and I went out to eat for dinner last night to celebrate my 15th wedding anniversary. Dave and I would have done something similar, so she was happy to be my date. We had some good food and good conversation. It was fun to tell her more about Dave and hear what was on her mind.

Today, we have been busy with lots of little chores. I have been cooking some meals for the next week and doing our Saturday things. It’s all fun when I have time to do these tasks in an unhurried manner! It’s also been good to reflect on my time with Dave. Thanks for all your love, prayers, and encouragement!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!


On this last Wednesday of 2022, I am reflecting on all that has happened over the previous year. This was a reasonably calm year regarding emotions and drama (grief is always behind the scenes, but not as big day-to-day). We traveled to see family and friends in Arizona, Michigan, and Montana. We also had a few visitors, which is always fun!

Otherwise, we had more of our usual… work, school, serving, and hanging out! Sometimes keeping the status quo is a good thing! Flash forward to the holidays, which are good but sometimes challenging.

I worked on Christmas Morning – it was my turn, after all – but I was thinking of what to do about it all year! I didn’t want to leave Lydia alone, especially since I wasn’t sure how long I would be gone. Any other day would have been fine, but Christmas packs a more powerful punch.

It was a conundrum for me as a single parent. I didn’t want to invite Lydia to someone’s house on Christmas. And if the weather was bad, or if she was sick… well, there were many factors to consider! I prayed a lot over the last year!

Free photos of Snowman

A few local people offered solutions, but none were quite right. Then, a few months ago, my sister and brother-in-law decided they could come for Christmas. Earlier this month, one of our friends invited Lydia as a backup, which was appreciated.

As it got closer, my sister and I discussed all the fun activities we wanted to do. But, I still wasn’t sure they would make it because the weather tends to be a wild card! Ironically, despite all my planning for work, it still came down to a last-minute decision to come a day early. My family rolled in at 2:30 a.m. on Thursday and just beat the bad weather!

We made some great memories and celebrated some old ones. It was so fun to have them here for Christmas! We enjoyed shopping, baking, toddler-chasing, playing in the snow, Christmas movie-watching, and much more!

Well, working on Christmas went better than I imagined. I prayed for God’s grace and mercy, and He gave me an ‘easy’ day. Lydia was sick, and it did snow a bit. But, God took care of the biggest hurdles, and Aunt Livi and Uncle Paul were here to stay with Lydia. So, she didn’t have to be alone.

Recently, I heard the song “Always” by Chris Tomlin. It has been running through my mind ever since! I’m grateful God comes through for us… always and in all ways.

I like the chorus below:

“Your mercy is mighty age after age, and all generations will bow down and praise
The Lord is faithful, yesterday, now and always”

What a timely reminder that we can plan, but God directs our steps (Proverbs 16:9). I had been worried about all the what-ifs, but even so, God was with us. He smoothed out the issues and covered them with His grace and provision.

I know God will continue to carry us in the coming year. I see a few hurdles ahead, but know He has a good plan. God has never let me down – He is always faithful, and I put my trust in Him.


Thanks, Lord, for always guiding my path and walking with me! Thanks for providing help and fun during this holiday season. May we continue to trust You in the new year ahead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What was your most significant highlight of the year? What was something difficult you faced? How did God come through for you?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Always,” by Chris Tomlin. Write down how God has been faithful to you this year.

Light of the World

Today is the winter solstice, or the shortest, darkest day of the year (so to speak). I don’t see a lot of daylight at work, but I like to take short walks to the nearest windows when I can!

We are getting more snow today, but this week has otherwise been below zero, beautiful and sunny! I love watching the snow fall, but I always pray before driving!

With all the snow and darkness lately, it’s easy to come home and stay cozy, not to go out and do anything or see anyone! (Or, maybe that’s just me as an introvert!)

Lydia and I have had several deep and heavy conversations in the last month or so. Perhaps that’s because of all the memories we celebrate in this season. From her birthday in November to my wedding anniversary in early January, we have a lot on our hearts and minds.

Free photos of Candle

One thing I love is our ongoing discussion about being empty or full. It has given Lydia words to describe her feelings, and then we have been applying God’s word to her situation. This book is a helpful tool to get to the heart of the matter.

Well, I hope you are eager with anticipation for Christmas! We have hope in Jesus, and He is truly the best gift. However, if you are feeling a little sad with grief, or a bit nervous about Christmas celebrations (for any number of reasons!), or… If you aren’t sure how you are feeling, that’s okay!

This week, it has taken me longer to get home after work. Monday night, I was on the road for an hour, at least 15 minutes at one stop light! There was a minor accident and snowy weather. The streetlights were helpful, but so was the Christmas music! I made the best of it, knowing the Lord was keeping me safe. It seemed like a God-given opportunity to stage a worship session in my car! God was glorified in my wait.

Sometimes, the dark nights seem to last forever. But you know what?! Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)!

When we face darkness (real or metaphorical), we can always call out to Jesus, the Light of the World. He steps down in our darkness and brightens up our world. He shows us the path to take and also walks with us on it. He is my go-to when making decisions!

Sometimes, Jesus sits with us until things feel better. Sometimes, He shares the Truth with us or shows us an area where we need to grow. Both are illuminated with His love and grace. I’m grateful He understands.


Lord Jesus, we praise You for being the Light of the World! Thanks for clarifying what is on our hearts and minds, bringing peace. Thanks for brightening our world and walking with us every day. Help us spread Your light and love to others. In Your name, Amen

Questions: Are you ready for Christmas? What are you looking forward to? What are you a little nervous about?

Tasks: Turn your car into a worship booth! Crank up the Christmas music… you can start with this song by Lauren Daigle!


Finding Grace #354

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was a little unpredictable but good! Mostly it was all related to the weather. We had snow from Tuesday night through today!

The schools were closed and had virtual learning Wednesday and Thursday, and then started two hours late on Friday, so people had time to clear the snow. Of course, this altered my work schedule. I decided to go in for a few hours but also needed to balance everything with Lydia. Thankfully, my boss is understanding – and everyone else was in the same situation! It all turned out well enough!

The snow itself was quite pretty and really was ideal considering how it could have been. I was grateful for a timely reminder from the Lord that I am not alone. My snow service took care of most of the driveway and sidewalks. I just cleared the parts closest to the house.

With the weather, my chiropractor moved up my appointment to Thursday morning instead of the evening. The timing was good since I hadn’t left for work. She mentioned her four-year-old daughter is into Belle from “Beauty & the Beast”. Well, Lydia voluntarily offered her a gently used blanket she hasn’t used in a few years. It has both Belle and the Beast on it, so the little girl will surely enjoy it! We washed it, so it was ready to go. It feels good knowing it is going to a good home!!

On Friday, Lydia and I each had eye doctor appointments. It has been four years since my Lasik surgery and everything looks well! Lydia’s vision has gotten a little worse, so she will need to get new lenses for a new prescription. But, overall things look good!

Today, we celebrated Dave’s 44th birthday, his tenth in Heaven. We love and miss him still. But, we are grateful for how good and faithful God has been to us! We made brownies, played a rousing game of Monopoly, and are now watching Home Alone. It’s been a sweet day remembering Dave.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

You Are Not Alone

This morning, it looks like a winter wonderland in North Dakota! It is quite pretty and peaceful. The wind has not picked up yet, so it looks like we are in a snow globe. A truly glorious gift!

I wonder just how much snow will accumulate, though it appears several inches have already fallen. Schools are closed, but there is online/virtual school. Many parents will be navigating that with their work schedules. I am grateful for an understanding boss!

I will clear some of my snow, but my snow service is doing the bulk of it!

Yesterday morning, I was on my way to work, and it had already started to snow. The roads were already a little slick, but I was thankful it wasn’t worse.

I am a good driver but don’t always like driving in the snow. Nonetheless, I know God has me covered with his grace. As soon as I got in the car, I heard the song “I Am Not Alone” by Kari Jobe. It is a beautiful song and just what I needed.

The song also reminded me of all God has done for me and eased my anxiety in the moment. He has done such an excellent job of taking care of us, especially in the years I have been a widow and single mom. Thank You, Lord.

God reminded me that He was with me on my morning commute, and I remembered He was with me on the evening drive home (by that time, the roads were worse). I took it slow and focused on the roads and God’s presence. Praise God, Jesus is our Emmanuel.

Free illustrations of Snow globe

Last night, I noticed some kids were playing in the snow and building the biggest snowman I have ever seen! So fun! The snow was perfectly wet for packing together. Maybe Lydia and I can make our own snowman today!

You know, we don’t have to fabricate or conjure up a savior, and we don’t have to solve our problems on our own. We are not alone because Jesus is our Emmanuel…He’s no snowflake! He didn’t just float to Earth and look pretty; He dared to be born in a filthy stable and then die on our behalf.

Whatever problems you are facing today, remember: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. God is right there with you, so don’t isolate yourself. Acknowledge His presence and accept His help! Be open-minded so you don’t miss what God is doing. Sometimes that looks like Christmas cookies and a smile, but at other times, it looks like a stranger’s snow shovel!

Snow or not, I hope you stay warm and safe today. Maybe drink some hot cocoa!


God, thanks for Jesus, our Emmanuel! Thanks for being everything we need and reminding us of Your love and grace. Help us make wise decisions as we rely on You. Help us look out for others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When was the last time you built a snowman… or sand castle, for those of you down South? What is your favorite winter activity?

Tasks: Listen to this song and accept all the peace, joy, comfort, and help coming your way!

Empty and Filled

This life is full of contradictions and competing scenarios. We don’t think about them all too often, but lately, I have noticed more of them.

Here are a few to get us started: You can be invited somewhere yet feel both excited and nervous to go. It’s okay if you want to attend and stay home simultaneously. You can have low energy and feel wiped out due to a big event, yet feel fulfilled. We may feel one way when we are rested and another when we need to rest!

In the Bible, the Beatitudes also show some contradictions. Jesus turned things upside down! And, as Paul wrote in Philippians 1:21, “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” A win-win!

Sometimes, contradictions are a matter of perspective. What causes one person to feel “empty” may cause another to feel “full” and vice versa. We can be empty or full or anywhere in between.

Free photos of Cup

On Sunday night, Lydia told me she was “dreading” going to school. That was a strong statement, so I asked why and she said, “Because tomorrow is Monday.” After a little more digging, she was actually looking forward to seeing her friends. Whew!

A lot of it was just Lydia’s attitude, and she was sleepy… which tends to morph into other emotions. Before it went too far, I used it as a learning opportunity! I reminded her that there are about fifty-two Mondays in a year, so if she doesn’t get ahold of herself, she could face the same dilemma every week. And weeks become months, which become years.

I shared with her some ‘opposites’ I have been pondering lately about feeling empty or full. Some examples could include feeling hungry or satisfied; yearning for something or finally getting it; feeling tired or well-rested; disliking the weather, or being content with it. In each case, the point is that we can be grateful and invite Jesus to fill us and sustain us!

Lydia quickly understood what I meant and started to apply it. Her attitude improved almost immediately, and she soon drifted off to sleep. The next morning, she came into the bathroom to brush her teeth. “Mom, I woke up feeling a little empty, you know?”

I nodded and asked if Lydia was feeling better after eating breakfast. She agreed and said she had asked God to help her. I was so proud of her! She ended up having a good Monday after all, though I am sure we will continue to refine this point!

In this Advent season, I, too, have been feeling a little empty at times. I may be a little sad and missing Dave, but I am also thinking of friends who are suffering or missing loved ones. I am so grateful for the full hope we have in Jesus!

We need to be careful not to fill the void with anything else but Jesus. Though it is quite easy to… eat, watch a show, play on your phone, call a friend, etc. Only Jesus will do.

When I feel empty, I can ask Jesus to fill me. When I am full, I can praise God for His blessing. When I want or need something, I can ask the Lord to help; when I have no lack, I can praise Him for his provision.

When I am sick or in pain, He is my healer. When I am well, I can praise Him for making me whole. When I am weak, then I am strong. Jesus is my all in all.


God, thanks for Your love, grace, and provision! Thanks for filling me when I am empty and letting me perceive Your grace when I am full. Keep reminding me You are near. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever noticed feeling empty or full? In those cases, what is your go-to response? Do you try to fill the space yourself, or do you turn to Jesus?

Tasks: Regardless of your circumstances or feelings, invite Jesus in. He is our hope and healer, so watch Him move on your behalf. Also, read Ephesians 1, and notice the very last line!