Protect, Provide, and Prepare

Once again, I have been thinking of all the ways God protects us. Sometimes we are aware of His mercy and grace but often we have no clue.

For instance, a while back, I was backing out of my parking space after work and was thinking about the upcoming errands for my evening. I braked and then saw the car parked directly behind me… in my rearview mirror. I did not get out to see just how close I was, but I could have easily hit the car if I had kept going in reverse.

I had no idea it was that close… obviously, I wasn’t paying attention because my mind was elsewhere. I do have a good backup camera, but since I park in a less busy lot, I didn’t put it all together that there would be a car “so close.” (All the other vehicles were nowhere near me.)

But I immediately thanked God and praised Him for watching out for me. He protected me and the other person’s car, too!

Free photos of Flower

Of course, God’s protection doesn’t always mean no trouble or lack of challenges. As you may recall, in May, I had someone my driver’s side mirror. But even then, God protected me and my car.

Thankfully, the damage was contained to only a small area. It could have been so much worse. Like if you’re going to have your car hit by someone, that’s the best possible scenario!

And, the other person paid for the damage that very day. It took about ten days to get it fixed, but I was able to drive it in the meantime. I could see God’s hand at work, even though I was unaware of how it all would play out. He is a good Provider!

That made me consider how many times God prepares us in advance for certain challenges. Only He could then uses those victories to build us up for the next challenge!

Free photos of Lavenders

How does God protect, provide for, and/or prepare you? Three things come to my mind, but there are so many more! I’d love to know your thoughts, too!

1) God protects us from and prepares us for unknown circumstances. This might include getting a medical test for one reason and catching another illness early while it is still treatable. Note: It may not work that way for someone you know, but God is no less good. He is still in control and has a plan and purpose for the pain!

2) Sometimes, God steps in and stops or promotes a decision outside of your control. (Case in point: A few months ago, I faced a tough decision that was already made in my favor by the time I showed up.)

3) God protects us and prepares us by using the people in our lives, too. Some people rotate in and out, while some stick around. And some circle back at a different time! But, ultimately, He works these relationships out for our good, which often means growth and refining.

One final example: Last weekend, I needed to change a light bulb in the garage. It was a 48″ fluorescent one, and my arms don’t extend that far! I was three rungs up on a ladder and kept getting down to try another angle. Not my favorite thing! I had a hunch that Lydia would come find me and scare me by accident. Sure enough, I soon heard her on the other side of the door getting her shoes. Thank You, God, for the heads up!

So, I paused and called to her. She came outside and I reminded her to stay back. We then prayed that I could get the light in both sockets without falling. Praise God, I did it!

At the end of the day, there are countless ways God protects, provides for, and/or prepares us. Regardless of what happens in our lives, if we are on God’s side, we can trust He will work everything out for our good and His glory. That’s a promise in Romans 8:28!


God, thanks for all Your goodness to us! Lord, we only see a small part of what You do every day. Lord, help us become aware as we learn to trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is one example of how God worked things out for you recently? Did He protect you outright or prepare you to walk through the challenge?

Tasks: Make a list of how God is working in your life lately! Listen to “For the Good,” by Riley Clemmons.

Easter Thoughts

Happy Holy Week! As I reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for me, I am struck by Romans 5:8, which says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

It is humbling to think of how much Jesus loves me. Thousands of years before I was born, He saw me and died for me so I could know Him and live for Him. What mercy and grace!

Cross, Christ, Redeemer, Faith, God, Jesus, Clouds

Here are some Easter thoughts that are challenging me lately, in a good way:

You don’t have to like someone in order treat them well.

You don’t have to agree with someone in order to protect them.

You don’t have to understand other people’s choices in order to be kind.

You don’t have to see eye to eye with someone in order to want what’s best for them.

You don’t have to trust someone in order to be friendly (although that certainly helps!).

Jesus, Christ, God, Holy, Spirit, Bible, Gospel, Church

We don’t have to make it complicated; we are simply called to love others and let Jesus take care of the rest. It is tough at times, but it doesn’t need to be. Just remember, you have never looked into the eyes of someone Jesus doesn’t love.

Each person you see is someone Jesus died for. He offers them new life–the same as He offers you and me. Jesus looks upon them with such love and compassion. So must we.

We don’t have to try to figure out all the details or make them think as we do, but we do need to be open-minded. Extending someone grace doesn’t necessarily mean you approve of their choices. It also doesn’t mean they deserve it because grace is unmerited favor. But, you are choosing to see the best in them anyway.

I am so glad Jesus saw us with eyes of compassion and stepped in to save us. He did for us what we could never do on our own. He used His body to bridge the gap between us and God. He died for us well before we even knew His name.

What’s more, Jesus invites us to lay aside all our differences and join Him in a greater plan and story. He offers us gifts, such as peace, joy, and new life! Pursuing Jesus is a much better use of our energy than always keeping tabs on other people!


Heavenly Father, thanks for the gift of Jesus! How magnanimous! You are so good. May we show others the mercy, grace, and love You have shown us. Give us Your eyes to see them the way You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How can you extend Jesus’ mercy, grace, and love to other people?

Tasks: Write out or print the statements in the second section above. Tape them onto your bathroom mirror and memorize them. See how they change your heart toward those who are difficult to love! The change in your attitude may be the very thing God uses to draw them near!

Christmas with The Chosen

This past Sunday afternoon, Lydia and I went to the local movie theater to see “Christmas with The Chosen.”  I told her we were voting with our dollars in support. But, I received so much more. It was so good, and I am still thinking about how much I loved it.

The first hour (of two) was primarily a mix of classic Christmas songs with a few new ones. There was a variety of contemporary singers from several backgrounds. I didn’t expect that much singing, but I enjoyed seeing people worshiping God on the big screen! That was a first!

Nativity Scene, Crib, Barn, Joseph, Maria, Silhouettes

Here are just a few of the highlights for me:

Phil Wickham was the opening singer. I love several of his songs and even had one of them as my morning alarm sound (before I put my old phone in the microwave!). On-screen, he somehow reminded me of my neighbor boys (in the future grown-up), both in appearance and style. When I think of him now, I will remember to pray God’s blessings in their young lives.

Brandon Lake’s song, “Gratitude,” is a new favorite. He sang about praising God when we have nothing else to give. Such a timely message. As he sang, I thought: “There are probably a number of people in my life who have never seen a man worship like that.” It was a powerful song, done in a way that is uncommon.

I loved seeing Matt Maher in the lineup. He is so funny and full of joy, yet his lyrics bring a certain gravity, unlike many other artists. For instance, the lyrics to his song, “Lord I Need You” are hanging up next to the mirror in my bathroom. After Dave died, I didn’t always have the words to convey what I felt, but that song was a reflection of my heart. I loved seeing Matt dance and have fun while singing and playing his guitar. To me, it was a portrayal of Jesus (both man and God) being full of life and love.

It was fun to see For King and Country, Jordan Feliz, the Bonner family, Maverick City Music, Caine, We Are Messengers, and more. In all, I loved seeing many different ages, cultures, and skin colors represented. Young and old, that’s how Heaven is going to be. The Kingdom of God is for everyone.

Christian, Picture, Historical, Bible, Christianity

There were four amazing monologues by actors in the show. I don’t know which I loved more. Each was so well done.

One of the monologues was about Israel’s history and the darkness, oppression, and isolation they felt under Roman rule. God had been silent for four hundred years, so there was little hope left. Then, Jesus came.

Another actor discussed Shalom, God’s peace, which is transcendent of our circumstances. It is a wholeness and a rightness, that only He can bring. Only Jesus makes the Shalom of God available.

The actual portrayal of Mary and Joseph in the nativity story is one I will be thinking about for some time. The show highlighted their love for each other but also was very real. (Example: Joseph had to clear animal poop out of the way so Mary could lie down.) It was scary and awkward at times for these mere humans, but they were willing to let God work His plan in them and through them.

Some of the movie was related to the birth of Christ, and other scenes were set in the future (after Jesus ascended back to Heaven). The cinematography and storyline were just right. It was fun to see some of the regular characters again and meet some new ones!

The show was overwhelming in the best way possible. I enjoyed showing Lydia a new way to experience God and worship Him! In all, I highly recommend “Christmas with The Chosen” in the theater if you can squeeze it in before Friday (December 10th). Otherwise, it will soon be available the free app!


God, thanks for a fresh Christmas perspective; it’s all about Jesus! May we honor all He is to us and for us. In His Name, Amen

Questions: Have you watched The Chosen? (There are two seasons so far, with more to come!) Have you been to the movies lately?

Task: If you haven’t already checked out The Chosen show, download the app today! (Android or iPhone) I hope seeing Jesus in a new way will bring you comfort and peace this season.

Ice Cream and Insights

Last night, Lydia and I were just discussing what to write for today’s post when we heard the ice cream truck. We don’t always get ice cream when it comes, but she had been talking about it earlier… so it seemed like perfect timing.

I quickly found some money and handed it to Lydia. One dollar bill and eight quarters. I reminded her how to order, and then I waited by the garage and watched her walk next door to where the truck sat.

Lydia spent the $3 and bought herself a fancy ice cream treat. She ran back to me and proudly told me the experience went better than she expected. It was a fun way to ease her into money management!

The ice cream sandwich went into the freezer for later. Lydia wanted it really cold! Then, we had this timely conversation:

N: Lydia, can you please unload the dishwasher?

L:  Um, do I have to?

N: Well, I did just buy you ice cream. (Coming at it from a gratitude perspective!)

L: Actually, that was the money I gave you!

N: Yes, but that’s because you owed me $3 for something else you wanted. So, the money was actually mine.

L: Oh… Well, thank you! (Said as she slowly got up to start on the dishes.)

Ironically, Lydia and I have had similar conversations in the past. I often tell her, “Come get your stuff off my table.” and “Don’t leave my lights on.” and “This is my car, and you are riding in it.” and “This is actually my house. I just let you sleep here.”

So, last night, we had a good laugh and figured this would make a good blog post! 😉

Most of Lydia’s belongings were received as gifts, with a few exceptions. Some of the things she has earned or bought for herself. Of course, I always meet Lydia’s material needs as she grows, but sometimes, I just bless her because I like to surprise her!  Thankfully, Lydia doesn’t ask for much, but we do have generous friends and family, too!

As an only child, it would be easy for Lydia to think the world revolves around her. I work really hard to make sure that doesn’t happen! And, while I don’t lord it over her, sometimes, as a mom, I have to remind her of my authority and ownership. Girl’s gotta learn responsibility!

Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure this is a good reminder for me, too! Life gets crazy, but my house and car and job and daughter… These, and more, are all a gift from God. I’m grateful He trusts me to steward them well.

Similarly, when He asks me to do something, I should be quick to obey. I don’t need to drag my feet or whine because all I have and all I am are His. I can trust He knows what is best. Even when I can’t see the end result, I can move forward trusting His plan for me.


Lord, thanks for taking such good care of me. You fill my life with goodness and give me everything I need. Help me never take it all for granted! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Tasks: Take stock of all the gifts God has given you. These may be tangible or intangible. Praise Him, and thank Him for His goodness and provision!

Finding Grace #275

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week filled with God’s grace! We had fun with my mother-in-law, who visited last weekend. It is fun to try new restaurants and other places when she comes.

My mother-in-law surprised us with an old camera for Lydia. It even had a couple of pictures of Dave on it with Lydia as a baby. I had wanted to buy her one, but didn’t know where to start. I also didn’t want to spend much money, in case Lydia breaks it. But now, she can have fun and experiment with less pressure!

Lydia had fun at the Y and passed the summer swim test! This lets her go in the deeper water and on the slides versus just staying in the more shallow end. She had fun and was proud of herself, too!

The weather was hot, but not too humid, most of the week. So still very comfortable. One night, there was a thunderstorm, and then it cooled down a bit. It’s been perfect the last few days. I’ve enjoyed bird watching, reading outside with a cup of coffee, and even mowing. I didn’t mow all of the crispy parts, but just the really high areas!

I have been receiving several books, of good quality and variety, in my little free library lately. I’m grateful for the community support to encourage everyone to read. Thank you!

Today, Lydia and I made banana-chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, and then we ran some fun errands in the afternoon. She bought herself a cute little backpack at the mall. I also talked with my sister on the phone. It’s always good to catch up!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

In Good Company

In about ten days, Lydia and I will celebrate Dave being in Heaven for eight years. I say “celebrate” but that does not mean we don’t miss him every day. I’m simply trying to keep an eternal perspective because that’s the only way to keep moving forward.

I mentioned this previously, but I continue to see God working all around me, especially in terms of grief and loss. I am alright with that.

For instance, at work, I once talked with a Veteran who lost her twin sister. She thanked me for acknowledging her grief, and we had a wonderful conversation. I’ve learned sometimes I have to reach someone’s heart before I can address the “work” that needs attention in their head (i.e. their mindset or habits).

Then, recently, I talked with a Veteran who has been in my care for about a year and a half. He has been through all sorts of health issues including cancer and multiple falls.

I called this man to check in with him, nutritionally, but I also wanted to offer my condolences. His wife of fifty years had suddenly died. She had been such a support for him, and now she is gone. I knew it would be a tough conversation, but he reminded me about the book, A Grief Observed, by CS Lewis. Suffice it to say we had a God connection.

It was a good conversation, and I briefly explained that I was a widow. Professionally, I don’t share my story often, but it made sense in the moment. I was simply following my heart, grateful that he knows the Lord, too. That made all the difference.

My very next patient was a Veteran whose sister recently died after a brief illness. I thought that was ironic, dealing with grief twice in the same day. For this man, I did not share my story because it wasn’t necessary. I was able to encourage him just by listening.

After that, I met with still yet another Veteran. I was supposed to educate him about one illness, but then he mentioned he is receiving treatment for colon cancer. (He actually was wearing his chemo pouch, just like Dave had to do.) He mentioned one of Dave’s doctors, and his chemo regimen was the same, too. I almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

To my surprise, this Veteran has been dealing with his cancer for a few years and has almost zero side effects. He does not feel overly weak and still has good appetite. He is still able to be active remodeling old buildings! That made me so happy. I did not explain my background, but inwardly, I was celebrating and thanking God for giving this man good quality time with his family.

I don’t know why God has me talk with all these people (besides for work reasons), but I am grateful He can use my pain to relate to and serve others. No matter who we talk with each day, we can look for similarities and ways to connect.

Perhaps we discuss something funny, or perhaps it’s something sad. Either way, chances are God can use it to bring comfort. Each of us has pain that only He can heal. Once we understand that, we will see that we’re in good company.


God, thanks for Your redemption and for using me to bless others. Thanks that my story can bring comfort and healing to others. You don’t waste my pain or my tears. All glory and honor to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you see God at work in you story? Will you let Him use you to bless others and bring healing?

Tasks: Next time you sense an opportunity where God can work, don’t resist. Just pray and trust that it’s His timing. Your job is simply to be obedient, not worry about the outcome. Let Jesus bring the SUPER to your natural abilities!

Finding Grace #251

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was frontloaded with work and other activities, in order to prepare for Christmas later in the week. Monday through Wednesday were full at work, but I was able to talk with many interesting Veterans. I love what I do!

On Monday, we watched the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. It was very cool!

Lydia made some little bracelets for our neighbors this week. We took them over and enjoyed catching up. With coronavirus, we haven’t gotten to hang out as much. It was great to see them all, and hopefully, we will get to hang out again soon!

On Wednesday, there was a blizzard! Lydia and I still went to daycare and work. By God’s grace, we made it everywhere safely. When we got home that night, my car nearly got stuck in the driveway. Even though we had very little true snow fall, much of it landed in my driveway. I had to clear out the drifts before I could drive in. I was able to use a couple of new shovels and then my snow removal company did the rest.

This week, I reviewed a few more final details for my book. I ordered a proof copy and will see if I need to make any other changes. Then, it will be good to go!

For Christmas Eve, I was off from work. Lydia and I went to our church’s holiday service around 4 p.m. Then, we drove to a nearby town to celebrate with another family. We also took another friend with us. We each brought a dish to share and had fun playing games!

Christmas was spent talking with family, opening gifts, relaxing, and making cookies. It was fun celebrating Jesus!

Today, we did a little more relaxing and catching up with family. Then, we decorated some cookies and watched some movies! It has been a great Christmas break so far!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #250

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a busy, but good week. We had a fun family Zoom meeting on Sunday!

Then, on Monday, I took the day off from the VA because I was holding a final exam for Concordia. That went well, and I was able to grade most of the finals on the same day.

Then, I went to my yearly eye doctor appointment. It has been two years since my Lasik eye surgery, and my vision is very good! In fact, my left eye has no prescription at all, and my right eye is nearly perfect, too! I never thought I would hear those words!

Also on Monday, a lady I used to work with dropped off some books for Lydia and some Christmas treats. We were so thankful she thought of us!

This week, I finished up some of the last details on my book. There were a lot of small decisions to make throughout the week, but I am excited to see it all come together!

On Friday, I posted final grades and ended the semester strong. Next, I have to put together my syllabus for next semester. January is just around the corner!

Today, Lydia and I finished a puzzle about landmarks around the world (see pic). We also joined an online Zoom call to celebrate a couple’s 50th wedding anniversary. We enjoyed catching up with these friends!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #249

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a fun week, and I was reminded many times of God’s grace, presence and provision. On Sunday, we sang Happy Birthday to my sister over Zoom. We couldn’t all be together, but we did make a list of all the things we love about her!

Work went well all around, at the VA and Concordia. I realized an old coworker also is now at the VA, so I hope to run into her soon! I also held my last class of the semester, which happened to be over Zoom. I also finished grading some papers and made a final exam for next week!

This week, I nearly wrapped up final details on my forthcoming book! It is really an exciting feeling to be…. sooo close. It has turned out so well. I will keep you posted with the details, but I hope to make it official very soon! 😉

Today, Lydia and I went with a friend to look for an apartment. We enjoyed seeing various options, though I am thankful I am not the one moving! It made me appreciate my house all the more!

Today, we also stopped by our church for a drive thru Christmas gift of hot cocoa and ingredients to make sugar cookies. It will be fun to bake the cookies, hopefully tomorrow. I’m grateful for my church family!

Tonight, I am making a vegetable soup, helping Lydia with some math homework, and planning for the next semester of teaching! It’s been a wonderful week!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Paper Chains and Peace

You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change.” Just about everything cycles back around, including emotions, birthdays, and holidays. There are seasons of much and seasons of little.

There are days we can’t get enough of something, and there are days we get tired of the very same thing! Excitement gets balanced by apathy, as the newness wears and off, and becomes, well, old. But, like most things, soon we start the cycle again.

As we start December, I am grateful. I’m praising God that when everything else changes, He remains the same. Jesus is our one constant in amid chaos and change.

Whether I am having an awesome day or a less-than-stellar day, He is there. When I feel on top of my to-do list, or when I can’t even find my to-do list, Jesus is my guide.

As we head into the Christmas season, remember you don’t have to have it all together. Grief can be particularly difficult during the holidays. It’s okay not to be okay. Especially this year!

But, when darkness presses in, cling to Jesus, the Light of the World. 

Also, don’t be afraid to switch it up. Certain traditions can take a break if needed. If that happens, perhaps even some new memories will be made!

Maybe, like me, you are keeping the decorations simple. Going through a pile of memories and ornaments isn’t always helpful, so this year, we opted for a red, white, and green paper chain while watching Home Alone. We may still add a few ornaments, when we get the time, but I am giving myself the grace to just see what happens. No pressure.

For anyone struggling this season, it’s okay to feel how you feel. Just remember to take it to Jesus. He loves you more than you can understand, and He knows exactly what you need. That’s why He came… to save us and help us. He is our Living Hope!

I’m grateful that Christmas is not about the decorations, gifts, or even the wonderful Christmas music. It’s about God seeing our pain and suffering and sadness, and then doing what only He could do to bring peace, healing, comfort and joy… for good.

Christmas is all about Jesus; some people will understand that this year more than ever. There are many beautiful aspects of the season, but let’s keep it simple and focus on Jesus. Just like the song, O Holy Night, says, “fall on your knees” and worship Him!

Only He can make all things right in due time.


God, thank you for Jesus and all He is to us! Thank you that He came to save us, something we could never do on our own. Lord, You are so good. Help us glorify you in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you already started decorating for Christmas? Are you planning to keep all your special traditions this year… or switch it up?

Tasks: I challenge you to rethink your traditions and why you do them. Do they honor God and family, or are they really just a distraction? Pick your best options and consider letting go of the rest (at least for this year).