In God I Trust

I stayed up late into the early morning hours, watching the US election results! Whoa.

I’m not quite sure what to say. Regardless of the outcome, the nation remains divided.

I voted early last week, and felt comfortable with my decisions.

Yet, I am still trying to wrap my mind about What. Just. Happened.


I have mixed feelings. I’m glad the election itself is over, because it was a long time coming. At the minimum, it is a big turning point for America.

As a parent, I want to put on a brave face. Lydia was very interested in learning about the election and who I might vote for. I didn’t want to alert her to the craziness, but did explain a few key issues in kid-friendly terms. Of course, I want to protect her innocence.

I’m still not sure how to explain democracy to my preschooler.

As with any election, the economy, environment, judicial system, and many key social issues are at stake, for better or worse. We’ll see what happens, domestically and internationally. This election took a toll on personal relationships, too… I am sad for my friends, family, and so many others who were depending on a different outcome.

But I think we can all agree on this:

Either way, our new leader needs our prayers. Now more than ever. I can’t even imagine the mind-boggling stress, temptations, flack and chaos that comes with being President of the United States.


I wonder what the next few months and years will hold. But I don’t have to worry.

In God I trust.

We will always be disappointed if we place our hope and expectations on people, no matter how ‘qualified’ they might be. Our leaders will rise and fall, but Jesus is still in control. He is trustworthy, faithful and just. He will make all things right, in the end.

Thankfully, no matter who is in the White House, Jesus remains on the eternal throne. He is the soon-returning King, and the only One Who Saves! God, we need you!

My eyes are on Jesus. He loves us, and His plans for us are good.

We can have peace right now, because He’s not surprised or put-off by our current events. Despite all odds, we can stand firm. He will not leave or forsake us. He’s got this!


No matter what happens next, here are some things that will not change…

I will not tolerate hatred, blame, or ill will. Never have, never will. But I will always be gracious to those who look, think, or act differently than me.

I will not give up hope. But I will continue to pray about the future of America.

I will not get weighed down or caught up in the drama. But I will be cheerful, kind, and respectful to everyone I meet.

I will not gripe, groan, or gloat. But I will live at peace with others, as much as it depends on me (Romans 12:18).


And I will be grateful for the opportunities given to me.

Thanks to those who have gone before me, I can vote and use my voice wisely.

I can pray… and use the freedoms I have to make a real difference.

So I will not give in to fear. I will focus on unity, not division. And, I will be loving, encouraging and supporting to those who need it most.

Ultimately, my citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20). In God I trust. He’s got this!


God, You reign over all. Thank You for your continued grace and mercy on our nation. Please help our leaders seek Your wisdom. Bring Your Peace, and help us live peaceably with one another. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you vote in the election? Was it an easy decision or challenge for you?

Tasks: Pray about how you can promote peace and good-will in your relationships.


4 thoughts on “In God I Trust

  1. Natalie, thank you so much for your very thoughtful words reminding us WHO is our ruler and who we can depend on. It’s an upsetting morning, but I believe your words of wisdom are going to get me through it. I am glad I am going to my Bible Study for strength and to pray with steadfast women who love their country and their God.

    God bless you, Lydia and all your family and friends as America sorts itself out and remains a nation of peace and conscience.

    Love, Aunt Maggie

  2. I voted early, and it was great! I would not have had the time to vote on Tuesday due to my schedule, so it allowed me to still cast my vote, and it gave me peace to get it done ahead of time. Even though I was not excited about some of the possibilities, it felt good to move on and truly let it rest in God’s hands.

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